Alien Isolation: 31 Images That Show Us The Terror in This Survival Horror Game of The Year

best horror game of the year
22 Aug 2024

Can You Survive a space station infested with aliens?

Alien Isolation is a terrifying horror survival experience through the eyes of Amanda Ripley, daughter of Ellen Ripley. Amanda goes out to Sevastopol Space Station to search for clues regarding her mother's disappearance,but finds out that the space station is in a state of panic due to the Xenomorph alien.

Will she be able to survive in the space station? What happens when the alien confronts her?

You'll find the answers below.

1. An Isolated Space Station

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An isolated space station, best place to hang out with friends even if they are from different species or even androids.

Alien Isolation takes place in “Sevastopol space Station”. Sevastopol served as a freeport and commercial outpost in the Zeta Reticuli sector and maintained a colony capable of housing over 5000 people. A large portion of the population have either vacated the space station or are dead. So you can keep the whole space station for you and your best pal, the Xenomorph.

2. The Xenomorph

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But first let me take a selfie!

The Xenomorph or the alien is your only best friend on the Sevastopol Station which always follows you around and is always there for you. He is always in the mood for some fun and rushes towards you at the slightest glimpse. Although the alien’s presence caused panic in the Sevastopol Station and let to the reduction of Sevastopol’s population, he only wanted to play and have some fun.

3. The Working Joe

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“Working Joes: Brilliantly simple and simply brilliant.”

The Working Joe’s are your android friends, but its better to stay away from them as they can creep the hell out of you, also they will do almost anything to force you to follow protocols, like hitting and even killing you. Joes have synthetic rubber skin, glowing eyes and a robotic voice, they were manufactured by Seegson Corporation to assist the colonists living in Sevastopol.

4. The facehuggers

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Don’t mind him he is just having a facial.

A facehugger is the second stage of the Xenomorph’s life cycle. It has bony fingers which allows rapid movement and long spine-like tail which enables it to jump on your face. Although a facehugger can kill a normal human in under 7 seconds when hugged, it just wants to show its affection.

5. Your only reliable gadget
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The only reliable gadget you have in your inventory.

The motion tracker is your true best friend, it will track the movements of the Xenomorph and the working joes effectively, also it won’t run out of batteries, but its range is relatively small and it also makes beeping sounds which can alert the alien when you are hiding.

6. Deadly environments

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It is a good place to roast marshmallows.

Hiding from the Xenomorph is important but the environments can be deadly too and you can be easily trapped in a corridor with the Xenomorph lurking just behind you. It just never gives up.

7. Fireproof Joes

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Heya, looks like someone’s hot.

As much as they creep and annoy you Working Joes are a resilient bunch. They put up a lot of fight and won’t go down easily, some of them are even fireproof so they aren’t even afraid of your flamethrower unlike your other friend.

8. Hostile Working Joes

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When the eyes turn red, just run or hide.

Angry joes can be very troublesome when they are normal i.e. they have blue eyes, but once the eyes turn red they become more persistant and hostile. The only option you have is to run and hide cause you aren’t fool enough to shoot him and risk letting the Xenomorph know your location, or are you?

9. Xenomorph Slaughtering

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Would you like to have a dance with me?

The Xenomorph is the most deadly and vicious character in the isolated space station, equipped with long claws, pointy teeth and pointy tongue the Xenomorph is most certainly a killing machine. And did I tell you it’s also bulletproof?

10. Trying to hide under the desk

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All you can do is hide.

The Xenomorph is the greatest friend ever. He won’t leave you and let go of you, with his upgraded senses he will always follow you around, so the safest bet is that you remain outside his field of vision, and what better way than to hide under a desk.

11. Dismembered Synthetic

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Shall we talk about safety now? huh.

Although the Xenomorph and Working Joes rarely interact, the android will not under any circumstances try to attack the Xenomorph, but the Xenomorph will not hesitate to splice and dismember the Working Joes.

12. Your real best friends

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Its worse than your highschool days. Sorry.

Running from the alien is never a good option as you aren’t The Flash and the Xenomorph will eventually catch up to you, so the best option available for you is to hide in the lockers, vents, etc., also remember to hold your breath.

13. So many eggs

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These all contain a dormant Facehugger. Scary, isn’t it?

These eggs are the main reason for the intrusion of Xenomorph in the Sevastopol Space Station.

14. Dead Humans

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I got 99 problems but the holes ain’t one

Looking at the horrified killings and disfigurements done by the Xenomorph makes you feel a lot more nervous and tense, you begin to wonder what will happen to you if you get caught by the Xenomorph.

15. Death of Ripley, the player

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You were kinda expecting this, weren’t you?

The Xenomorph has seen you, you tried to run, but your feeble legs can’t outrun him, he catches upto you and impales his spiked tail inside your stomach, there was nothing more you could have done.

16. Checkpoints or Save stations

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You either die and quit or you try again one more time

So the Xenomorph impaled you, a working joe choked you, or you simply died due to environmental hazards, fear not, the checkpoints will save you. There are checkpoints in the game but they are not automatic checkpoints, you have to manually access the save station to save the game, though it takes 3 whole seconds to save the game, sufficient time for the Xenomorph to kill you.

17. The bloody vents and ducts

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You shouldn’t go anywhere near that vent.

One of the main hideouts for the Xenomorph in game. He lurks in the ventillation ducts and air vents and waits to slaughter its victims.

18. The Creepy Crawling Xenomorph

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The feeling when you shoplift, in front of a cop

You know its over. The Xenomorph is gonna have its way with you and be done with it. Only if you were more careful, this wouldn’t happen.

19. The Xenomorph finds your hiding place

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You did your best, you were hidden from its field of vision, but how did it find you? Was it the radar, or was it your breathing or was the Xenomorph just lucky? You can’t hide forever and the alien will eventually find you and kill you.

20. The dual mouth of the Xenomorph

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You know he’s happy to see you.

The Xenomorph is a badass when even his mouth has another mouth, technically its the tongue but still badass. You can see this mouth when he is about to kill you. Totally worth it.

21. Hiding behind the desk

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Just go about minding your business, there is no one behind the desk

One of the many places that you can hide yourself is behind desks, it removes you from the Xenomorph’s field of vision while allowing you the freedom of movement.

22. Crawling under the table

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It can’t see you but it can surely sense you

You hear the sound of the alien crawling in the vents, he has sensed you, but still hasn’t seen you. The best place to hide in this situation will be a locker, but if a locker is not in your vicinity crawling under a table is your best bet.

23. Xenomorphs(a lot of them)

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 I bought my friends to the party, hope you don’t mind.

You find out that there are more of them. Even in outer space the Xenomorphs seem to have no problems, still in the party mood, just look at their faces, they are so happy to see you.

24. Enter the Xenomorph

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He likes to make an entrance, which looks totally cool by the way.

The Xenomorph always likes to make an entrance by dropping down the vents in the most stylish way possible. It lurks in almost every vent and may drop in with the slightest noise.

25. The poisonous corridors

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Hope you got a gas mask.

In the later levels you may encounter corridors filled with poisonous gas, it will kill you in seconds while it does nothing to the Xenomorph. Turns out that he’s immune to poison. One more perk added.

26. The stalking Xenomorph

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Don’t even try to shoot him.

The Xenomporph may drop down from the vent even at the slightest noise.If you choose to act violent and tried to shoot your way out, which I do not highly recommend , the alien will come running towards the source of the gunshot, and you know the rest of the story.

27. Dropping of the alien

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That’s what I said

As I said earlier the Xenomorph will come rushing towards you at the slightest sound and you can do nothing but utter the two words best describing the moment.

28. The Xenomorph’s lair

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He now has his own room in the space station.

In the later levels in the game you will find the place in the station where the Xenomorph has abducted most of the crew members and made his lair. You may find dead crew members hanging from the walls.

29. The eggs

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The eggs are everywhere.

In the later levels after you have discovered the lair you will find these eggs almost everywhere, each containing facehuggers, which will hug your face so tightly that you will die.

30. More of the facehuggers

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They are worse than spiders.

You will encounter the facehuggers more frequently in the later levels, and they will not waste any time attaching themselves to your face.

31. Trapped in with the Xenomorph

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There is nothing worse than this

Everything is over. You can finally escape in an escape pod, but the Xenomorph rushes in before the door is closed. So now you are trapped with him in an escape pod. I told you he is your best pal and he just never quits.

What are your thoughts about the game? Does the game send shivers down your spine or is it just another casual game for you? Tell us about it in the comments section


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