Ever wonder what the most violent video games are?
The video game industry is a vast and open market. They can range from the most docile games for kids like, World of Zoo, to games that are rated Adults Only, like Hatred. Violence is easily portrayed in many different games. How much violence is too much? The video games on this list have definitely pushed the envelope.
1) GTA 5
GTA V Trailer
Pull off the perfect heists to steal money to pay back your debts. Take your time to plan it out perfectly. Go in guns blazing or as stealthy as possible. It’s all up to you. Maybe you want to take the day off. You can dabble in real estate ventures or shop online.
“Trust me, this is going to work.”
From first person to third person viewing, GTA 5 follows three different main characters in their own personal style of killing. Allowing you, the player, to change between each one at anytime. The large open world style of game that GTA 5 follows immerses you in the engaging heists as well as a tame game of tennis. To get across town you can ride your bike or fly a fighter jet. (That you killed people for and stole, of course.) You can customize each of your vehicles as well.
No Evidence, No Problem.
You will have a larger arsenal of weapons to choose from. Allowing you to get creative in how you decide to eliminate anyone in your way. From a hammer to smash a knee or two, to a minigun and everything in between, you can deal insane brutality. At one point in the game, you use a large pipe wrench to crush, uh, some genitalia.
That is one of the methods used to get information out of a potential source. You can even burn people alive, just for the fun of it. You plan out each heist in great detail, deciding how you want to approach each one. Perhaps you decide to come up from behind someone and kill them with a hatchet. Whichever way you choose there is always a possibility of violent deaths.
GTA 5 broke records for the fastest selling entertainment product in history. It sold $800 million the first day and $1 billion within the first three days. It has also won many awards, including Game of the Year from several gaming publications.
Ivanowski's Brutal Kills Compilation
2) Hatred
Hatred Gameplay Trailer
You are deemed, “The Antagonist”. Mass murder is your plan. You definitely follow through with your plan. You rampage throughout New York City, killing civilians and police officers alike. The human race is terrible and you are determined to take out as many as you can.
No Mercy
Armed with an AK-47, three grenades, and a combat knife you take to the streets. This game is about as violent as you can get. Hatred is a straight forward shoot ‘em up style of game. The game literally consists of nothing but murder. Even the way you restore your health is violent. You execute people that are in agony.
Cutting throats, shooting in an execution style, or stomping on someone’s skull are some of the ways violence is used in this game. Any type of kill will elicit satisfaction from The Antagonist. He seems to like stabbing, crushing, or shooting people in the head. There is no lack of blood in this game either.
Returning Your Health In the Most Brutal Way
Hatred was released on Steam, but not before it had some trouble. It was briefly removed by Valve due to how violent the game was. But it was restored soon after with an apology from one of the co-founders of Valve. The video game media has definitely not had positive things to say about Hatred. Most reviews compare it to the game Postal.
calloftreyarch's Brutal Kills Compilation
3) Mortal Kombat X
Official Anouncement Trailer
Choose your fighter. Annihilate your enemy’s health bar in the most brutal ways possible. Prove you are the best fighter to defend Earth Realm.
He Looks Better Without It
In every move in Mortal Kombat X there is violence. Anyway you could imagine injuring another human, Mortal Kombat X has it. The fatalities are always the highlight of winning a match. Gore filled and brutal, each fatality is different. You can expect to see someone’s entrails and a lot of blood.
Dismembered bodies are not uncommon in the Mortal Kombat X world. Using the limbs of your opponent to beat them with is also very common. X-Ray moves can be just as rough to watch as a fatality. Spine crushing and even the use of drones to execute your enemies is the name of the game. The Mortal Kombat franchise has always been known for its violence, but Mortal Kombat X has really stepped up the game.
I Think She is Well Done
Mortal Kombat X was the fastest selling game in the entire franchise. It has also won “Best Fighting Game” award.The bone crushing sounds that you hear during each x-ray move and fatality were actually made by crushing fruits, vegetables, and nuts with a large hammer.
deathmule's All Fatalities Compilation
4) The Evil Within
The Evil Within TGS 2014 Trailer
You play as, Sebastian Castellanos, a police detective investigating gruesome murders in a mental hospital. You must fight nightmarish enemies. Survive and progress in this psychological horror game.
Blood. Blood everywhere.
To beat The Evil Within, you must be smart. You will be able to use bombs, traps, and sometimes your gun to defeat the gruesome creatures. Sometimes, those creatures, will have traps for you to fall prey to. In one scene you will have to escape from hundreds of spinning swords. The horrifyingly violent deaths are abundant in The Evil Within.
People get hacked in half by terrifying humanoids. There are trip wires all over; you don’t want to set one off. Well, unless you want to be severed in half. There are switches on some of the walls. If you decide to pull the switch, there could be knives that rain down from the ceiling. Or perhaps, having a plague that appears as pus filled boils is more your style. There is no lack of horror and gore when playing either. The Evil Within is not for the faint of heart by any means.
Splash. Or Sploosh. Either way, it’s gross.
To promote the game there was a maze full of real versions of the monsters you face. The game was directed by Shinji Mikami, the creator of the Resident Evil series, which definitely meant there were high expectations. Many critics received the game well upon release.
deathmule's Most Violent Kills
5) Warhammer 40K : Space Marine
Warhammer 40K: Space Marine Game Play Trailer
Whether it’s stabbing or shooting, you, Ultramarine, must defend against the Orks and Forces of Chaos. Defeat them any way that you can.
Chainsword Doing Its Job So Well
Even with innovative names like, Melta Gun and Kraken Bolter the Ultramarines have the same outcome as any violent video game character. There will be a lot of blood and smashed limbs. Warhammer 40K: Space Marine mixes a shooter style of game with a hack and slash style.
A staple for the Ultramarines is their Chainsword. It’s exactly what you think it is. It’s a fancier version of a chainsaw. It combine the swing of a sword with the horrifying cutting of a chainsaw. While playing the game you have devastating melee weapons to smash your foes into bloody pulps. Also, the many types of ranged weapons are pretty helpful too. Even if you don’t get a kill with a weapon, never fear! You can stomp an enemy’s skull into oblivion with your boot.
Mowing Down the Enemy
In Warhammer 40K: Space Marine, you can customize your armor and color of your armor. Sadly, this is only in PvP (online play).There is a new version, Warhammer 40K The Eternal Crusade on Steam. So you can keep your enemy crushing dreams alive! Though it is not technically a sequel as the developer, THQ, were forced to shut down. The video games rights of the Warhammer 40K series were sold to Sega.
James Fuston's Final Boss Battle
6) Lucius
Lucius Launch Trailer
You are 6 year old Lucius, the son of Lucifer. To fulfill your destiny you must kill everyone in your house.
Hello Father
Not many things are more unnerving than a young child murdering people. Lucius has supernatural powers that he can use to make one of his household members jump, happily, to her deaths. When playing Lucius you don’t always kill people the “easy” ways. Lock a maid in the freezer. That one is mess free. When it comes to your butcher, what is best way to kill him? Turn on the meat slicer of course! The butcher falls face first into the spinning saw blade. It is gruesome and violent.
The handyman, how should you take care of him? Break the legs off of the piano so it crushes his head. You get to watch as he panics, watching the inevitability of his death. Lucius must really dislike his school teacher. He possesses him and makes the teacher shoot himself in the head. All of Lucius’ kills never lead to him getting caught of course, being supernatural and all. Best way to get away with murder is convince the detective your father did them all.
He Still Has No Idea
Lucius was followed by Lucius II: The Prophecy. It has had mostly negative reviews from critics, but players received the game a bit better. There have even been whispers of a third installment to the series.
Carnage's All Death Scenes Compilation
7) God of War: Ascension
God of War Acension Launch Trailer
Kratos is done with Ares. But he broke a blood oath, the Furies imprison him. To finally be truly free from Ares, Kratos must defeat the Furies.
Choking Her Is A Less Messy Way To Kill
As with all of the previous God of War titles, there is no lack of hack and slash combat. You tear through your enemies using the Blades of Chaos as well so magical items that help all the way. You can grapple your opponents with one blade and furiously attack them with the other. This combination is highly effective at ripping them to shreds.
Caught in a crowd of enemies? There is a combo that will allow you to swing the blades in a large circle damaging all around you. Many fights have a quick time style to execute the enemy in the most brutal way. Often, you sever at least one part of them in half. Stomping skulls is not above Kratos either. Each weapon offers different killing blows, all of which are violent and beautiful.
The Final Blow
God of War: Ascension was the first to offer multiplayer. The multiplayer aspect got mixed reviews, while the one player gameplay had many praises. This game was a prequel to the game series. It was the first in the series to not win any awards.
deathmule's Kill Compilation
8) Ryse: Son of Rome
Ryse: Son of Rome Game Play Trailer
In Ryse: Son of Rome, climb the ranks in the Roman Legion. Fight off your enemies with your sword and shield.
He Won’t Need That Anymore
You follow the story of Marius Vitus, a young Roman soldier. Using your shield and sword you avenge your family’s deaths. Using your Gladius to slash the life out of the Barbarians. Your Scutum will be your greatest defense against the axes wielded by the Barbarians. There are different types of executions. The degree of violence varies with each type.
Centurion Executions are generally the most brutal. One includes a knockback with your Scutum, followed by a swift stab from the back through the body to the front. In one sequence you can lob off an enemy’s arm and stab downward into their neck. The game is based around you being able to execute your enemies efficiently and precise. All executions display your Roman Legion soldier prowess on the battlefield.
He Only Needs One Leg, Right?
When it was debuted the game was originally titled, Codename: Kingdom. There was an investigation into the advertisement around the game. Though the investigation happened, it didn't seem to diminish the praise for the imagery and story in the one player version. There is a multiplayer mode, but not many think it lived up to the potential of what it could have been.
DannyEddy357's All Executions Compilation
9) The Culling
The Culling Launch Trailer
Fight to the death against other players, in a Hunger Games style arena.
Using a Pipe Wrench to Defeat Your Foes
The Culling is battle royale style of game that pits players against one another. From the use of pepper spray to a chainsaw, The Culling has endless ways to kill your opponents. There are also "perks" to be gained as well. Leg day, increases your sprinting speed to really catch up with your opponents. Even the arena can be used against your enemies.
As the game timer ticks down, the arena will grow smaller and smaller. Using poisonous gases, the arena will corral all players in one area. In the beginning, you will run around the arena attempting to scavenge the best weapons you can. In some cases, the best you can do is to make crude axes and arrows. As long as you can murder your opponent it really doesn't matter what you use. If you want to win, you must kill them all.
One Down, 14 More To Go
When this game was in development, the idea was to have a game that was both fun to play and stream for viewers as well. There are many combinations in the game, and as the game continues to grow in popularity the combinations are getting more and more creative.
PartiallyRoyal's High Kill Gameplay
10) Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th Official Game Play Premier
In this horror survival style game, players will get to be the murderer or be one of his victims.
Screaming Won't Save You
When playing as Jason, you have abilities that will help you stalk your prey. What really makes this game violent is how he chooses to kill them. Perhaps they are close to a doorway? Jason likes to hold their head right by the door frame and shut the door repeatedly.
He does this until there is nothing left, leaving the decapitated body lying on the front porch. There is always Jason’s signature style of killing his victims with his machete. As a camper, you can attempt to hide from Jason, run from him all evening, or even try to attack him.
Jason Caught Two Friendly Counselors
The game is set to be released sometime in October of 2016. At the end of each match, the highlights will be cut together as they were a movie trailer. There is a Kickstarter for the game as well. If the developers hit the intended goal and surpass it, they will expand on the game. That being said, there is a possibility of a single player mode.
the RadBrad's Play Through Game Play
11) Mafia 3
Mafia 3 E3 Trailer
After the Italian mob strikes at the Black Mob, Lincoln Clay survives and decides to make his own crime family to strike back with revenge.
There Is No Escape From Revenge
Mafia 3 depicts what a real mob hit might be like. Mowing enemies down with an assault rifle or blowing them to bits with a shotgun is commonplace in this game. You can blow up known drug hot spots. You can decide to stab someone swiftly in the neck to make it more personal, or you can blow them up from afar. Mafia 3 is an open world game. It allows you to decide when to strike and how. Each area is full of creative kills and plenty of blood.
The Italian Mob Was Not Prepared
New Boudreaux, the city you play in, is actually based on New Orleans. The game is set to release on October 7, 2016. The first rumors about this game started all the way back in August of 2012. Mafia 3 is the third installment of the series, but is the first from the studio, Hangar 13.
GameplayOnly's Every Kill Game Play Compilation
12) Dead Space
Dead Space Launch Trailer
Isaac Clarke is just an engineer trying to fix a ship. The only problem is, the crew is attacking him. Except they are dead, and not really humans anymore.
Maybe The Gun Isn't So Effective
To properly play Dead Space, you have to learn how to kill each Necromorph. Like dismembering them in a specific order to make them more vulnerable to being killed. Because Isaac is not a soldier in the typical sense, most of his weapons are mining tools that he engineers into deadly weapons.
He also has access to an assault rifle, though shooting the enemies in the head doesn’t do much. For the enemies that get close enough, he can simply stomp them to death with his boots. The most violent deaths in the game are definitely the multiple ways that Isaac can die to the Necromorphs. They use their odd appendages to grab him and stab furiously into his back. There is another that slowly drags him to a dark hole where he is slowly eaten.
Which Limb First?
Dead space had two more sequels that followed. The game won critics over with it’s grim scenery and amazing plot line. Many still believe that, 8 years later, Dead Space still holds value even against the many horror games of late.
SwiftyLovesYou's Brutal Kills Compilation
13) Dead by Daylight
Dead By Daylight Launch Trailer
Up to four survivors must survive the night. One murderous player must find and kill all of the survivors.
The Entity Has Its First Victim
Dead by daylight has bear traps, large meat hooks and a chainsaw. Certain killers, there are 3, have certain abilities. One killer, Trapper, uses bear traps to trap is victims for easier hunting. Wraith, another killer, uses his keen sense of tracking to stalk his victims as silently as possible. The last killer, Hillbilly, wields a chainsaw. It takes time to use, but is very deadly.
Each killer must kill the survivors in and sacrifice them to The Entity. When a survivor is hung up on a meat hook, The Entity will attempt to stab them repeatedly.
I've Got You Now
Dead by Daylight has received mixed reviews from critics, but mostly positive from players. The killers cannot die, but will fail if a survivor escapes. There is also a “Kill Your Friends” mode. It differs slightly from the regular gameplay.
MadMorph's Ground Kills Compliation
14) The Darkness 2
The Darkness 2 Launch Trailer
Jackie Estacado is now the leader of the Francetti crime family. You must keep the Darkness under control while fending off those who wish to take it from you.
The Darkness has been in your family for generations. It has decided to manifest inside of Jackie.
He Won't Last Much Longer
Jackie is able to wield The Darkness as well as firearms to defeat enemies. The most violent executions are when you use The Darkness entity. The “Creeping Dark” will grab ahold of enemies allowing you to shoot them. Also, you can use it as the executions itself. Jackie can rip people in half by their legs. You can crush a man’s spine with just a push of a button.
It is all right in your face as you are using The Darkness. The Creeping Darkness creatures grace the sides of your screen. There are also Darklings that aid in your evil bidding. The Creeping Darkness entities often enjoy slashing across enemies’ bodies as well. This will effective rip them in half.
The Creeping Death In All Of Its Glory
The Darkness 2 was well received by critics upon release. Both games in the series are based on a comic book series. The Darkness 2 used cel-shading to really pay homage to its comic book roots.
KazPazFox's Brutal/Gore Montage
15) For Honor
For Honor World Premier Trailer
No matter which side you choose, Viking, Samurai, or Knight, you must fight until death for honor.
Burn Them All
For Honor is a hack and slash game that pits 3 factions of great historical warriors against one another. You are able to kill with axes or swords. There are “attackers” and “defenders”. By whatever means necessary, you must invade the fort of another faction. Large axes being stuck in the side of someone’s neck happen often.
Often, there will be huge catapults flinging flame covered balls to destroy your forces. Flaming arrows will also rain down, effectively lighting some people on fire. You will have to watch as your allies burn alive or are crushed. The entire game is built around how well you can kill your opponents.
Those Spikes Are Going To Hurt
There is a multiplayer mode that 8 players are against one another on two teams. There is still AI to aid you in defeating your foes. The first press release of For Honor was in 2015. It is set to release in February of 2017.
For Honor Gameplay
16) Prototype
Prototype Opening Cinematic Trailer
Alex Mercer wakes up with no memories, only the ability to shapeshift. Fighting against the Marine Corps, a SWAT team and the monstrous beings consumed by a virus, will he find out his true memories?
Can't Have A Helicopter Tracking Him Too
As Alex, you must fight to protect yourself. Using Alex’s ability to “absorb” people, you will progress through the game. Alex also has other abilities that can shoot spikes from the ground effectively exploding the target into tiny pieces. You will also have a sword that is part of your arm. You can slice through enemies killing them immediately. There are also claws that can tear people into ribbons.
He Won't Be Bothering Alex Anymore
When Prototype released, a comic series that was a prequel to the game was released as well. There have been two successful sequels in the series. It has been received as an amazing game with fantastic reviews.
Gamilef's Killing Spree Montage
17) Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Chivalry: Modern Warfare Launch Trailer
Using long swords, axes, or any other medieval weapon to defeat your foes in a multiplayer hack and slash game is how you win in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.
Which Team Will Be Victorious?
Depending on which class you choose to play, your weapons will vary. No matter the weapon the kills can be brutal. In the Free for All game mode, all players must kill one another with no teams. You can decapitate your enemies in a killing blow. If you attack the same area on a player you can cut limbs off. Arms, legs and heads will be flying in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.
Take Aim, Fire!
The entire game is based off of a mod for Half-Life 2. It was originally announced under the name, Chivalry: Battle for Agatha. In October of 2014 the game had sold over 2 million copies. It was intended to only be released for PC, but decided to include PS3 and Xbox 360 versions.
everynightxRIOT's Multikills Montage
18) Splatterhouse
Splatterhouse Trailer
To rescue his beloved girlfriend Jennifer, Rick must don a mask to gain strength and kill his enemies.
He Is Coming For You
Using his fists and superior strength, Rick can just beat his enemies to death. He is not limited to his fists though. Limbs, basebats, or even a chainsaw can be used to destroy creatures. If he decapitates an enemy he can then use the head as a weapon to beat or throw at other enemies to kill them. Rick also has a move that is called, Splatter Siphon. Spikes protrude out of Rick, siphoning blood. The blood is used to appease the Terror Mask, which in turn, gives Rick more power.
The Machete Makes Quick Work
Splatterhouse is a reboot of a 1988 game under the same title. When you purchase the game, you will also receive the original Splatterhouse, Splatterhouse 2 and Splatterhouse 3 that you can unlock. Splatterhouse (2010) was the first video game to ever grace the cover of Fangoria.
Splatterhouse Gameplay
19) Sleeping Dogs
Sleeping Dogs Announcement Trailer
Wei Shen must earn the trust of the most infamous criminal organization in China, the Sun On Yee Triad. Shen is an undercover police officer tasked with taking down the organization from the inside out.
Right In The Face
Using his insane parkour abilities, Wei can fight hand to hand combat. Some of the finishing moves are brutal. You can break enemy's’ legs with one hard kick to keep them down. Breaking spines is also very easy for Wei. There are instances that the environment you are in can be used to kill. Wei uses an engine to crush his enemies. You can even choose to fry someone's head. Even in the bathroom enemies are not safe. Wei can repeatedly bash someone’s head against a toilet and then drown them in it.
2 For 1!
When released, Sleeping Dogs, had decent reviews. After a year of the game being out on the market, it sold 1.5 million copies. There are multiple DLC packs. In 2014 there was a remastered version of the game released.
GT Reviews' Brutal Kills Montage
20) Postal 2
Postal 2 Official Trailer
The Postal Dude must complete his mundane, everyday tasks. How you, the player, decides to complete them is up to you.
There Isn't Much Left Of Her
Postal 2 really lets you decide how crazy you want to get. You can shoot people point blank just for fun. You can create your own chaos as early as Monday. Whichever weapon you choose, the people you kill will suddenly be in many pieces. You can use a chainsaw to eliminate the annoyances. To silence your guns, The Postal Dude will attach a cat to the end of his barrel. You have 9 shots until the cat flies off of the end of your gun. You could even use animals heads as weapons by throwing them at people.
Cat Suppressor
Postal 2 was banned by New Zealand, Australia, and Malaysia because of how violent the game was. Despite being banned in certain countries, the game is still consistently updated with new expansion packs.
Sentient Fart Cloud of Doom's Kill Compilation
21) Until Dawn
Until Dawn Valentine's Day Trailer
You must make the right decisions, or everyone will die. Until Dawn forces you to get comfortable with guilt.
He Made His Choice
In Until Dawn, the many deaths that can happen are always brutal. At one point in the game, the player must decide to shoot himself, or his friend. One character falls to her death and you watch as her body lands making the most disgusting crunching sound. In another live or die choice scenario, the player must choose who gets sawed in half by a giant blade.
There are two forces working against the 8 teens in the game. The psychopath that causes the serious decisions, but never actually uses a weapon. Then there is the Wendigo. They try to eat you. They will drag you off and chew on your body.
And You Made Yours, Now He's Dead
Until Dawn has received great reviews. Within the first few weeks of sales, many stores were completely running out of stock. The characters you see in the game look very similar to their voice actors. The game was designed to be played multiple times, so that players can gain the full experience
Shirrako's All Deaths Montage
22) Manhunt 2
Manhunt 2 Official Trailer
Play as Daniel Lamb, a patient at Dixmor Asylum, who has amnesia. Escaping with Leo Kasper, Daniel must learn about his past and why he was in the asylum.
Have To Hide The Bodies
When first escaping from the the asylum, you can see many other patients murdering the orderlies. You also take part in murdering the orderlies. You are able to bash their skulls into nothing with a sledgehammer. Once you do escape, the brutality doesn’t end. Daniel uses a shovel to rip a man’s genitals off and then decapitates him.
Speaking Of genitals, Daniel really favors removing them. You can use a garrote to cut genitals off in certain executions. Civilians and police officers are not safe from Daniel. You aren’t confined to melee weapons either. You can use shotguns to disintegrate people as well.
A Syringe To The Chest
There was a huge controversy that surrounded Manhunt 2 just days after its announcement. Ultimately the case was settled out of the courts. Many Senators in the United States attempted to change the rating from, Mature to Adults Only, due to the violence. To combat this, Rockstar Games added censors over parts of the game. When released for the PC, there were no censors.
Megahoff's Executions Montage
23) Sniper Elite 3
Sniper Elite 3 Launch Trailer
You play as Karl Fairbourne. A sniper during World War 2. You come across plans for a secret weapon that could change the world.
He Never Saw Me Coming
Though you are a sniper, you are not limited to a sniper rifle. You can set trip wires that are attached to mines. You will blow up unsuspecting Nazi soldiers to pieces. To take care of some of the guards, you are able to sneak up behind them and stab them in the neck, killing them instantly. If you shoot into explosives, you will blow up an entire area. Body parts can be seen flying through the smoke and fire. The x-ray kill cam make kills more intense. You can do tricks shots as well, killing multiple people at once.
Perfect X-Ray Shot
There is a sequel titled Sniper Elite 4 set to be released in 2017. When Sniper Elite 3 was released, it received mixed reviews. There is a multiplayer mode as well. There is also a DLC that adds more missions to the storyline.
deathmule's Most Violent Kills Montage
24) Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain Launch Trailer
You will play as Venom Snake in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Venom Snake wants revenge on those who killed his force and almost killed him.
RPG Incoming
There are many ways that you can eliminate enemies. You can sneak up on unsuspecting soldiers, and bash their skulls into the surrounding walls. There is also a chance, when you get a headshot, to decapitate their head completely. Using your insane strength, you can kill enemies by simply throwing them onto the ground. There is an audible crunching sound. You can also have your dog, named D-Dog, attack and kill enemies by biting their throats.
Receiving Their Orders
There are many “followers” that you can gain while playing. It cost $80 million to develop Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. The game is said to be 200 times larger than the previous game in the series. There is an artbook set to be released on November 2, 2016.
HowToGains' Violent Kills Compilation
25) Shadow Warrior 2
Shadow Warrior 2 Announcement Trailer
You play as Lo Wang, a ninja warrior. You must defeat the demons from another dimension that have been sent by Zilla command.
Blasted Right Through Him
You will use swords and firearms to complete the game. While dual wielding kitanas, you can create serious carnage. Ktanas can slice your enemies into many pieces. You can also dual wield automatic guns that can just shoot the demon in half. Almost every combination that you use to kill a demon results in them being at least cut in half, if not into smaller pieces. There are countless combos you can use.
Sliced In Half
There are over 70 different weapons in Shadow Warrior 2. You can play in single player mode, or you can use the new 4 player co-op mode. Killing enemies will allow you to upgrade all of your weapons.
DKGames' Kill/Free Roam Gameplay
26) Wolfenstein: The New Order
Wolfentstein: The New Order Announcement Trailer
The Nazis have won WWII. You, William “B.J.” Blazkowicz must find a way to stop them from ruling the planet.
They Don't Deserve Mercy
You will need to eliminate many Nazi officers. Some of the brutal kills will allow you to stab someone repeatedly in the chest. In one moment you can watch a switch being pulled that blows up a room and all enemies within it. In a cutscene, Nazi officers are executing innocent, unarmed patients. They shoot them in the head. In the same scene you stab one of the officers in the throat to kill them. You can even use a pipe to impale your enemies.
Mowing Them Down
Wolfenstein: The New Order received nominations for Game of the Year and Best Shooter the year it was released. For copies sold in Germany, there were no Nazi symbols. It is a criminal offense to display such image on toys in the country.
deathmule's All Kills Montage
These games are some of the most violent video games ever released. From swords to supernatural powers, a player has countless ways to brutally eliminate their enemies. Do you enjoy them? Countless players do, and always hope for more bloodbath filled games.
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