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Mbartley's Profile

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Available GD Points: 4
About - Matthew Bartley: If the old saying holds true, the one about 10,000 hours making you expert; then Matthew Bartley would rank among the most experienced in all of gaming. Matthew grew up in the nerd culture of the 90's when wearing a t-shirt with your favorite video game character would have gotten you more swirly's then high-fives. He is a life-long fan of Star Wars, an avid competitive Warhammer 40,000 player, and devourer of Stephen King Novels. Video games have always been Matthew's go to escape from the hum drum day to day. His first console was a Sega genesis and he's been hooked ever since. Matthew has always appreciated the emotional value of video games and recognizes them as an art just as important as Movies or music, as such he enjoys flexing his analytical muscle when discussing the value of video games in society. A self-taught writer, Matthew didn't so much burst onto the freelancing scene as combat crawl through the no-mans land between amatuer autore to self-made professional mercenary writer with contracts for everything from gaming new sites to working with best-selling authors on their next big thing. Matthew most enjoys strategy games and story-driven First Person Shooters (So no, Call of Duty would not rank in his top five) and has a penchant for all things sci-fi. A veteran of the US army, Matthew brings that determination and dedication to his writing regardless of the project.

Level 5 Newbie

1452 xp

until level 6

  • Country:United States
  • Favorite Genre:FPS
  • Gamer Since:1994
  • Currently Playing:Starcraft 2, Brutal Doom, Doom
  • Favorite Games:
  • Bioshock Infinite
  • Games rated:0
  • Comments posted:0
  • Forum posts:0
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