10 Best Sniper Games to Play in 2017

sniper games 2017
02 Sep 2018


Steady breathing, discipline, the right weapon: these are the components of a good Sniper. To be a sniper is to be one with the world around you, blending in and waiting for the most opportune moment to squeeze the trigger. The following games let you become a sharpshooter better than any other game around. Whether it’s hunting big game or your fellow man, these are the best Sniper games to play in 2017.

10. Sniper Elite 4

Sniper Elite 4 Gameplay

Sniper Elite 4 is the next installment in the wildly popular series from Rebellion Developments. The game drops the protagonist, an OSS operative named Karl Fairburne, into fascist controlled Italy.

Players will need to utilize old tricks with new (like climbing) to defeat the Axis war machine in beautiful Mediterranean locations. Of course, the staples of the series will be returning such as X-ray slow-mo kills and a Hitler assassination mission.

Taking down a German officer using hand to hand combat

The iconic sniper elite killcam is back, bettter than ever. You need to watch this

9. Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Gameplay Trailer - The world looks realistic and beautiful

The Ghost Warrior series has always been more comparable to cult status then AAA production but CI games looks to change that with the third entry in the stealth-action FPS series. Boasting the series’ first free roaming game zone, Ghost Warrior 3 will bring all the staples of open world gameplay that players have come to expect.

The game will allow players to decide how to conduct missions, modify weapons and decide which side missions (called war crimes) to invest time and effort into. Gamers will also have to deal with dynamic weather and a day-night cycle when they take on the mission April 4th, 2017.

Get ready to venture in deep enemy territory to take out your targets

To spot another sniper in his camouflage is a skill only the best possess

8. Overwatch

39 Kill Widowmaker Sniper Gameplay - Sexy, Silent and Deadly

Blizzard’s Overwatch has proven the renowned gaming company can take any genre and make a masterpiece of a game. It would almost be fairer to say that the two snipers from Overwatch, Ana and Widowmaker, are what belong on this list. Even more so, they both provide distinctly different benefits to their team.

Widowmaker is a death dealing assassin who can grapple her way into elevated positions to get the best shot and can reveal the entire enemy team for her allies benefit. Ana is a support character who can heal and boost friendlies while weakening the enemy. She can also put enemies to sleep. Being snipers, they do require more than average skill to play well so when you see a play of the game for one of these two, you know that gamer has skill.

Hanzo wrecking it with his bow and arrow - 30 kill streak

Ana and Widowmaker, two of the female snipers in Overwatch

7. Ghost Recon: Wildlands

Long range sniping gameplay in Ghost Recon Wildlands

Ubisoft’s next addition in the Ghost Recon series is the new hotness for co-op 3rd person shooters. Following a team of operatives in their mission to take down a dangerous drug cartel; players will fill several roles in the team to complete the goals of the game as they see fit.

Snipers have always been a fundamental part of Ghost Recon games and Wildlands is looking to be no different. Acting as scouts and assassins the Wildlands Sharpshooters can stop the High Value Targets from getting away, shoot out tires on escaping drug runner’s vehicles or provide Overwatch for his team’s assault. 

Get ready to assassinate enemies from a distance

One of the sniper rifles available in game. Each sniper rifle has its advantages and disadvantages

6. World of Tanks

Sniping other tanks, from a tank 

 “Wait a minute, esteemed writer of this article” You’re probably asking, “how does a tank game make the list for best sniper games?” Tank Destroyers and Self-propelled artillery, that’s how. This F2P online tank shooter sports not one, but two wildly different sniper classes. The lie and wait tank destroyer and the sit back and relax SPG (self-propelled guns). The tank destroyers will move up with the normal tanks and sit in a bush ready to dish out high damage (or low damage shots very quickly) to any unsuspecting tank that comes into its firing arc.

While very powerful, they can be easily hidden from and tend to take less damage to destroy then other vehicles. You cannot hide from Artillery. SPG’s in World of Tanks will deploy far away from the main fighting and lob high explosive shots into the weak top armor of enemy tanks. They tend to be more inaccurate and have a slow reload but nothing beats zeroing in on a German heavy tank at full health, clicking the mouse, and watching three-quarters of its health fall away. Just don’t get into direct combat while driving an SPG where Stormtrooper accuracy takes on a whole new meaning.

Take out armored preys from afar

Aim for the enemy tank's weak point to destroy them in one blow

5. Zombie Army Trilogy

Sniping zombies is a pretty satisfying sport, as you'll soon come to realize

While perhaps not as popular as Call of Duties zombie maps, the Sniper Elite off-shoot Zombie Army Trilogy is just as polished and fun as its FPS predecessor. Zombie Army is actually a package of two DLC’s available for the second Sniper Elite game with a third new campaign, survival mode and new characters added.

The gameplay features all of the Sniper elite standards BUT WITH ZOMBIES!!! 1-4 players can shoot, stab and explode their way through three campaigns spanning an alternate end to WW2 where Hitler uses occult powers to unleash a Nazi zombie army on the Allies. It’s taking scorched earth to a whole new level. Gamers who own the trilogy on steam also have access to the Left 4 dead characters (because cross-overs are what make the world go round).

Take out Hitler's zombie soldiers before they get to you

Be wary as you journey across the land of the dead to take down Hitler himself

4. Battlefield One

Experience sniping in the chaotic battlefields of World War 1

It wouldn’t be a list of sniper games without including the latest and greatest Battlefield Game. Taking a step back from the woefully over played World War II or modern setting, Dice’s latest Battlefield game let’s players live out the grim combat of World War I.

With its “realistic” bullet physics, Battlefield One is near the top of the list for challenge rating when it comes to using sniper rifles. Accounting for distance and the enemy’s speed is essential for successful shots from across the map.

Get ready to snipe using some of world war 1's legendary sniper rifles

Steady your weapon and aim for the kill

3. CS GO

A montage of sniper action in CS GO

If you have ever played a scouts only match in Counter Strike you can understand why Counter Strike: Global Operations would make it into the list. Whether it’s no scoping or “flicking”, the sniper rifle has always had a special (if not controversial) spot in CS player’s hearts (and armories).

Get ready for some fast paced sniper action in CS GO

You have a clear shot. Time to pull the trigger

2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered

Sniping in Modern Warfare Remastered is thrilling and realistic

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare changed what it meant to be a FPS. Even the illustrious Medal of Honor couldn’t compete with Activision’s MONSTER of a series. Modern Warfare not only had some of the best multiplayer in the business but some of the best Sniper levels in gaming history.

‘All Ghillied up’ changed FPS storytelling in the same way Half-Life and Bioshock did. I’ve also been told that there is another Call of Duty game that comes with Modern Warfare Remastered but these rumors have yet to be substantiated.

Your enemies won't know what hit 'em

The .50 cal sniper rifle is capable of hitting enemies at 7,000 yards away

1. Cabela's Big Game Hunter: Pro Hunts

Steady your breath and snipe your prey from long distances. The bullet killcam will satisfy your thirst for the kill

Cabela’s Big Game Hunter is one of the older games on this list, but its character and unique gameplay make it stand out. In a world of headshots, zombies and weapon bobbing; Activision decided to go in a different direction, hunting. Honest, difficult, American flag in your face hunting.

Players will embark on a campaign to hunt through four different “open-world” locations in North America with the help of real world Hunting Experts. Once they’ve made enough progress “boss hunts” become available which include a very pissed off Grizzly bear and a deer that walks off buckshot like it’s nothing more than a blast from the leaf blower.

There are a lot of gamers out there in Video Game Land who claim to be the best snipers. The ten games of this list are the best of the best when it comes to providing the player with an opportunity to stake that claim. If you think you know a better game to test a shooters skill, throw on a Ghillie Suit and leave a comment below.

You have one chance. Don't ruin it. Miss and you'll scare it away

Kill or be killed. This bear clearly does not intend to end up as decor in a hunter's cabin

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