Jager is one of the original operators but is still receiving changes from time to time and the most recent change to his loadouts came this season with the changes on his generic gadgets. Jager is one of the defenders that now has access to the newest utility in the game, which is the observation blocker. This new gadget has a great synergy with his special gadget because it can prevent enemies from knowing where they are, and that would obviously make it harder for enemies to disable them.
That could also make the enemies waste more of their projectiles because they will try to use them more when they think there aren’t going to be Jager ADS that’s going to intercept them. But it’s not the only thing that’s new for Jager. The recent changes on weapon attachments also have a great effect on his overall gameplay, and that’s what we’re going to discuss in this guide.
5. M870 with Reflex B + P12 with Suppressor and Laser + Observation blocker
Jager is one of the operators that can use the M870 shotgun as their primary weapon, and it’s definitely one of the most powerful non-single slug firing shotguns in the game. Even without a laser or the player going into aim-down-sights stance, its effective range is better than most shotguns in the game due to its large barrel. It’s also one of those shotguns that can be fired as long as there’s a slug in its barrel which means that it can be fired while in the middle of being reloaded. This is extremely helpful when dealing with multiple enemies at the same time.
The reflex B 1.0x sight on it will allow the user to see their surroundings clearly because its main frame doesn’t take up a lot of screen space. This is great for a shotgun because with to its pellet spread, the player will be able to hit enemies at close range even without pinpoint accuracy. And, as mentioned above, the observation blocker is great for Jager because it can prevent enemy drones from finding out where Jager’s special gadgets have been deployed. That could lead to them wasting a lot of their utilities because they didn’t know that Jager’s ADS were in the vicinity before throwing them.
Excels in:
- Having close range superiority due to the M870 shotgun as Jager’s primary, especially since it packs heavy damage per pellet and has a longer effective range than most shotguns
- The reflex B 1.0x sight on the M870 shotgun allows Jager to see his surroundings better which is perfect for shotguns as they are effective even with hip firing
- Being able to shoot enemy gadgets with less chance of alerting them due to the suppressor on Jager’s P12 handgun greatly silencing its gunshots
- Having a tight hip fire spread on Jager’s P12 handgun due to the laser attachment which specializes in tightening the hip fire of weapons
- The observation blocker as Jager’s generic gadget will prevent enemies from knowing where his special gadgets are and it will also hide other useful defender utilities
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - M870 with Reflex B
- Secondary weapon - P12 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Observation blocker
Aim-down-sights pellet spread test on the M870 in this setup at 5m range:
Aim-down-sights pellet spread test on the M870 in this setup at 10m range:
4. 416-C Carbine with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip + P12 with Suppressor and Laser + Bulletproof Camera
This loadout setup is for players looking to deal as much damage as they can to their enemies, and that is because the extended barrel on Jager’s 416-C Carbine will maximize its damage. It does that by extending its effective range, basically lowering its range damage drop-off. So with the extended barrel, the 416-C Carbine will be inflicting high damage regardless of the distance. On top of that, because of a relatively recent buff, the extended barrel now also adds 12% damage to weapons, so it’s no wonder why the usage rate of the extended barrel has now become so high.
Since the added damage is by percentage, weapons like the 416-C Carbine that have high damage to begin with benefits the most. The only downside here is that it does make the weapon’s barrel much longer and when the player is peeking around corners, the enemy might see the 416-C Carbine’s barrel first. Players can eliminate that drawback from using the extended barrel by avoiding slow peeks and practicing quick ones more. As for the bulletproof camera as Jager’s generic gadget, it provides the whole defending team another gadget that can gather intel, and it can also shoot EMP blasts that disables enemy electronics.
Excels in:
- Extending the optimal range of Jager’s 416-C Carbine with the extended barrel greatly reducing its range damage drop-off, allowing it to inflict high damage regardless of range
- Maximizing the damage that Jager’s 416-C Carbine can inflict with the extended barrel now adding 12% to its base damage
- Helping Jager to maintain a good amount of vertical recoil control on his 416-C Carbine with the use of the vertical grip attachment
- Having a utility for Jager to shoot enemy gadgets like drones or claymores silently through the use of the suppressed P12 handgun
- Providing the whole attacking team a bulletproof gadget for gathering intel which can also shoot EMP blasts that disables enemy electronics
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - 416-C Carbine with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - P12 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Bulletproof Camera
Recoil test on the 416-C Carbine in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. 416-C Carbine with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + P12 with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Observation blocker
I usually prefer having the suppressor on my weapons, and that’s because suppressed weapons have no directional threat indicator and muzzle flash, so the enemies won’t immediately know where I’m shooting them from. Of course, the gunshots will be silent as well, and that will make it even harder for enemies to find where I’m shooting them from. And that’s why this loadout setup is a very solid one for Jager, that is, of course, if the player can manage its recoil well, because the 416-C Carbine’s recoil can be pretty rough to handle. So this loadout setup is better used for close to medium-range firing.
Unless used with one taps or short bursts, the 416-C Carbine in this loadout setup won’t be that accurate in long-range due to the weapon’s rough recoil. Don’t get me wrong though, this loadout setup is still highly recommended, and I’ve had high success rate with it, especially because the silent gunshots from the 416-C Carbine also allows me to hear the sound cues coming from enemies better, and that lessens the chances of me getting caught from behind. As for the P12 handgun, since the 416-C Carbine already has the suppressor on its barrel, it only makes sense to equip the P12 with a muzzle brake that will greatly reduce its recoil and a laser that will tighten its hip fire spread.
Excels in:
- Shooting enemies with Jager’s 416-C Carbine without providing them a directional threat indicator of where the shots are coming from
- Silencing the gunshots from Jager’s 416-C Carbine will make it harder for enemies to find where his shots are coming from and will also allow him to hear sound cues from enemies better
- Having a good amount of vertical recoil control on Jager’s 416-C Carbine with the vertical grip attached to it
- Having the best recoil control on the P12 handgun due to the muzzle brake, and the laser will greatly tighten its hip fire spread
- Denying intel to enemies with the use of the observation blocker which greatly helps in hiding Jager’s ADS’ positioning
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - 416-C Carbine with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - P12 with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Observation blocker
Recoil test on the 416-C Carbine in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. 416-C Carbine with Red Dot A, Compensator, and Vertical Grip + P12 with Suppressor and Laser + Observation Blocker
This loadout setup ranks so high in this list because it provides a very stable shooting experience for Jager players on their 416-C Carbine. That's because the compensator on its barrel will greatly reduce its recoil diamond size and what will happen from that is that its tendency for horizontal and random recoil from all directions will be much lower. So without much horizontal and random recoil from all directions, the player can focus on holding the 416-C Carbine’s vertical weapon kick, which is usually much easier. This loadout setup generally provides a more stable recoil, especially for long sprays.
This loadout setup, however, doesn’t only specialize in reducing the 416-C Carbine’s horizontal and random recoil from all directions. It also has a good amount of vertical recoil control on the weapon because of the vertical grip. And that’s really why this loadout setup provides a very stable shooting experience on the weapon, because it has a great balance between horizontal and vertical recoil control. As for the P12 handgun, it will provide Jager with the ability to shoot defender gadgets silently, which is very important when he’s performing the role of a roamer.
Excels in:
- Greatly reducing the 416-C Carbine’s tendency for horizontal and random recoil from all directions with the use of the compensator barrel attachment
- Having a good amount of vertical recoil control on Jager’s 416-C Carbine with the use of the vertical grip attachment which greatly helps players in holding down the weapon’s vertical kick
- Having pinpoint accuracy due to the simple center dot reticle on the red dot A 1.0x sight which doesn’t eat up a lot of screen space and doesn’t obstruct the player’s view of the enemy
- Providing Jager with the ability to silently shoot attacker gadgets like drones, claymores, and others, with the use of the suppressed P12 handgun
- Having an extra gadget for denying intel to enemies in the observation blocker which is always useful for hiding defender gadget positions as well as their identities
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - 416-C Carbine with Red Dot A, Compensator, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - P12 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Observation Blocker
Recoil test on the 416-C Carbine in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
1. 416-C Carbine with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip + P12 with Suppressor and Laser + Bulletproof Camera
Despite the big buffs on the compensator, muzzle brake, suppressor, and the extended barrel, the flash hider is still the most viable barrel attachment for many guns, and one of those guns is Jager’s 416-C Carbine. While it’s true that a player with great recoil control will be able to hold down its weapon kick well even without the aid of a recoil control providing barrel attachment, for most players, the combination of the flash hider and the vertical grip will allow them to shoot the 416-C Carbine with great control and accuracy at any distance.
And since the 416-C Carbine’s stock recoil is inherently rough, for most situations, it’s best to have this loadout setup for Jager. With this loadout setup, the player will have the best recoil on the 416-C Carbine especially for short to medium length bursts. As for the generic gadget, the bulletproof camera trumps the observation blocker because it can also deny intel to the attackers with its EMP blasts that can disable attacker drones, and that’s on top of its excellent ability to gather intel on enemy positions. The suppressed P12 handgun is an excellent tool for Jager especially when he’s roaming because he can use it to shoot attacker gadgets with much less chance of alerting the enemies to his presence.
Excels in:
- Having the best recoil on Jager’s 416-C Carbine when it comes to short and medium length bursts which is what the player will mostly be performing anyway
- Reducing the number of visual cues that enemies could see when Jager is shooting at them because the flash hider, as its name implies, will hide its muzzle flash
- Lowering the 416-C Carbine’s vertical recoil even further due to the presence of the vertical grip attachment which specializes in lowering weapons’ vertical kick
- Providing Jager with a utility that he can use to silently shoot attacker gadgets while he’s roaming in the suppressed P12 handgun which is also excellent for fragging enemies
- Having an extra camera that the whole defending team can use which is also bulletproof and can shoot EMP blasts that disables enemy electronic gadgets
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - 416-C Carbine with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - P12 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Bulletproof Camera
Recoil test on the 416-C Carbine in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: