
Never really stopped gaming since the time his parents bought him a family computer. Kristoffer witnessed the changing eras in gaming throughout the years. An experienced FPS player, he has clocked over 3,000 hours in Rainbow Six Siege and hundreds more in many other kinds of games like Red Dead Redemption 2, Cyberpunk 2077, the Tales series, and many others. What he loves most about gaming is the feeling of being transported into another world. Into another time. A complete escape from the realities of life. He treats gaming the same way he treats traveling, "When I'm playing a game, say for example, Ghost of Tsushima, I like taking my time to explore it's world and discovering non-mission related sites. I like to call it gaming tourism". But he doesn't just love gaming. He loves to write about it as well. A student of history. He's an expert in writing about the historical context of a game's element, if there's any. Apart from that, he loves writing about the interesting small details in games, or the small nuances that most people do not notice or may have overlooked.
astor.lefflinker's Rank: Total Noob
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Currently Playing
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
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