[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Mozzie Loadouts That Are Excellent

The top five best loadouts for Mozzie in R6 Siege
02 Oct 2024

Mozzie is an operator that a lot of Siege players avoid using, and that’s because his gameplay and role can be quite intimidating to do, especially for newer players. With his special gadget, his Pests, he can hack attacker drones and convert them to defender gadgets.

Of course, that means that a big part of his gameplay involves using the observation tool. Essentially switching a lot between operator mode and drone mode. And that’s what intimidates many. But in this article, we’re going into a deep dive on the best loadout setups for him, and how they can make his gameplay easier and more effective for the player.


5. Commando 9 with Holo A, Suppressor, Vertical Grip, and Laser + SDP 9mm with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Barbed Wire

The Commando 9 will not create a directional threat indicator and muzzle flash in this setup
A good balance of stealth benefits and recoil control

This used to be my best loadout setup for operator Mozzie, but because of the many changes in the attachments that came with the Year 9 update, it has been pushed back to number five. However, I do not want my readers to think that it’s not a viable setup anymore for the current meta. That's because among all the others in this list, this one remains the best when it comes to medium and long-range shooting, and that’s mainly due to the suppressor and the vertical grip attachments on Mozzie’s Commando 9.

With the suppressor, shots from the Commando 9 won’t create a directional threat indicator and muzzle flash. They’ll also be much more silent than normal, and from medium and long-range, that’ll make it hard for enemies to immediately know where Mozzie is shooting from. That can make it harder for them to defend themselves properly and counter attack. As for the vertical grip, it will help Mozzie maintain a great recoil control over the Commando 9, which again, is very important in maintaining good accuracy in those distances.

Excels in:

  • The suppressor on Mozzie’s Commando 9 assault rifle will remove its shots’ directional threat indicator and muzzle flash, making it difficult for enemies to know where Mozzie’s shooting from visually
  • The Commando 9 assault rifle having a suppressor will also have muffled gunshot sounds, which will make it even harder for enemies to determine where Mozzie is shooting from through the game’s audio
  • The laser on Mozzie’s Commando 9 assault rifle will provide him with a +10% aim-down-sight speed boost which is important for him especially when dealing with enemies right after switching to operator mode from his observation tool
  • The SDP 9mm handgun with a muzzle brake on its barrel will be a great secondary weapon for Mozzie for finishing off enemies with his primary needs to be reloaded as it will have great recoil control
  • The two barbed wires as Mozzie’s secondary gadget will be of great help when it comes to preventing enemies from catching the defender off guard from the flanks. It’ll also help in ruining their moment when they’re pushing.

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - Commando 9 with Holo A, Suppressor, Vertical Grip, and Laser
  • Secondary weapon - SDP 9mm with Muzzle Brake and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Barbed Wire

Recoil pattern test on the Commando 9 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Recoil test image o the Commando 9 with a suppressor and vertical grip
The Commando 9 will be great for medium to long range shooting in this setup


4. P10 Roni with Holo A, Extended Barrel, Horizontal Grip, and Laser + SDP 9mm with Suppressor and Laser + Nitro Cell

An offense focused loadout setup for operator Mozzie
For highly aggressive Mozzie players!

I personally don’t often use the P10 Roni as my primary weapon when playing Mozzie, but to many players, it’s what works best for them. That’s because as mentioned before, Mozzie will be spending a big part of the match using the observation tools to monitor and control the attacker drones that he’s hacked, and a lot of times, when he’s engaging enemies, it’ll be right after switching from the observation tools. That means that most of the time, when he’s firing his weapon, it’ll be in sudden short bursts.

The P10 Roni is great with short bursts, and that’s because of its very fast rate of fire which is at 980 RPM. That’s one of the fastest, if not the fastest rate of fire in a primary weapon. Of course, that’ll make its recoil quite challenging to control, especially without a recoil control providing attachment. But if you pace your shots well, and stick to short bursts, you can have good accuracy with it. And with an extended barrel, its damage will be higher, and with a horizontal grip, Mozzie will be able to move faster than normal, which is always good for responding to enemies.

Excels in:

  • The P10 Roni with an extended barrel will have a higher damage than normal, because the extended barrel attachment nowadays increases the base damage of weapons while retaining its previous benefit of reducing weapons’ range damage drop-off
  • The horizontal grip attachment on Mozie’s P10 Roni submachine gun will provide him with a +10% movement speed boost while holding the weapon, and will always be great for dealing with opponents or for escaping from them
  • The laser attachment on Mozie’s P10 Roni submachine gun will be a big up to his gameplay because it’ll allow him to go into aim-down-sight stance 10% faster than normal which is great after switching from his observation tool
  • The suppressed SDP 9mm handgun will allow Mozzie to shoot enemy gadgets such as drones, claymores, and others silently and with less chance of alerting attackers to his presence
  • The nitro cell is a great secondary gadget for Mozzie since he’s one of the operators in the match that’ll usually have the most intel on enemy positions, and when thrown in accordance with the intel he’s gathered, the nitro cell can take out multiple enemies.

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - P10 Roni with Holo A, Extended Barrel, Horizontal Grip, and Laser
  • Secondary weapon - SDP 9mm with Suppressor and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Nitro Cell

Recoil pattern test on the P10 Roni in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Recoil test image on the P10 Roni with an extended barrel and horizontal grip
A very manageable recoil despite having no recoil control providing attachments


3. Commando 9 with Holo A, Extended Barrel, Vertical Grip, and Laser + SDP 9mm with Suppressor and Laser + Nitro Cell

The extended barrel on the Commando 9 will enhance its damage
Mozzie inflicting high stopping power

Another thing that a lot of players love about the Commando 9 when playing Mozzie is that it has a higher magazine capacity than the P10 Roni. More attachments are also available to it, which makes it more customizable according to the benefits that the player wants to take advantage of. In this loadout setup, the player will be enjoying the benefits from the extended barrel, which will increase the Commando 9’s base damage, as well as decrease its range damage drop-off.

That means that with this loadout setup, Mozzie will be inflicting higher damage than normal, and his offensive capabilities at medium to long range will also be upped. The Commando 9 assault rifle in this setup will also have the vertical grip which will help Mozzie maintain great control over the weapon as it specializes in lowering the overall recoil control of guns. That’s a major factor especially when the enemy that Mozzie is trying to frag is at medium to long range, where accuracy is much more important.

Excels in:

  • The extended barrel on Mozzie’s Commando 9 assault rifle will increase its base damage as well as reduce its range damage drop-off. That'll increase the offensive capabilities of Mozie, regardless of range.
  • The vertical grip attached to Mozzie’s Commando 9 assault rifle will greatly reduce its vertical recoil, making it easier for Mozzie to handle its weapon kick, and that usually translates to better accuracy
  • The laser attachment on Mozzie’s Commando 9 assault rifle will add a +10% ADS speed boost for him when aiming at the weapon, and that’ll allow him to aim faster which will increase his chances of winning gunfights
  • The suppressed SDP 9mm handgun will allow Mozzie to silently shoot enemy gadgets like claymores, drones, and others, which will decrease the chances of them being alerted to his presence
  • The nitro cell will allow Mozzie to take out multiple opponents at once, or even kill just one enemy with ease, because the blast within its lethal radius has very high damage and will usually kill enemies regardless of their armor rating

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - Commando 9 with Holo A, Extended Barrel, Vertical Grip, and Laser
  • Secondary weapon - SDP 9mm with Suppressor and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Nitro Cell

Recoil pattern test on the Commando 9 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Recoil image test on the commando 9 with a vertical grip and extended barrel
This type of recoil will be great regardless of range


2. P10 Roni with Holo A, Flash Hider, Angled Grip, and Laser + SDP 9mm with Suppressor and Laser + Barbed Wire

The flash hider will provide the recoil control while the angled grip will provide faster reload speed
A very balanced setup on Mozzie's P10 Roni

This is the best loadout setup for Mozzie for players who prefer the P10 Roni over his Commando 9. Though personally, I prefer the latter, the P10 Roni without a doubt has its strengths, and those strengths will be bolstered by the attachments in this setup. With the angled grip, Mozzie will have a +20% reload speed on the weapon, which will be of great help, especially when dealing with multiple opponents. That perk is a great boost for the P10 Roni because it kind of negates the weapon’s biggest weakness which is its small magazine capacity.

With this setup, even though the P10 Roni will have to be reloaded frequently due to its small magazine capacity, it won’t punish the player that much since they’ll be do it quickly. For its barrel attachment on the other hand, the flash hider will greatly reduce the weapon’s overall vertical recoil, which will allow Mozzie to handle the weapon better, especially since its stock recoil can be quite a challenge to manage due to its very fast rate of fire. The laser attachment on the other hand will be perfect when Mozzie needs to engage an enemy right after switching from his observation tool, as the attachment will give him a +10% ADS speed boost.

Excels in:

  • The angled grip goes very well with the P10 Roni submachine gun because with its +20% reload speed boost, the P10 Roni’s biggest drawback which is its small magazine capacity is kind of negated
  • The flash hider on the barrel of Mozzie’s P10 Roni submachine gun will greatly decrease the weapon’s overall vertical recoil, allowing Mozzie to handle its weapon kick a lot better which will be a big up to his accuracy
  • The laser attachment on Mozzie’s P10 Roni submachine gun will add a +10% aim-down-sight speed boost which will allow Mozzie to aim at enemies faster, which is a great perk to have especially when he’s switching to operator mode from his observation tool
  • The suppressor on the barrel of Mozzie’s SDP 9mm handgun will allow him to shoot attacker gadgets silently, and that will decrease the chances of him being discovered when he’s trying to be stealthy
  • The two barbed wires as Mozzie’s generic gadget will make it harder for enemies to catch him and other defenders off guard from the flanks, as they’ll be slowed down when they walk over the barbed wires, and they’ll usually make a lot of noise when they’re being destroyed

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - P10 Roni with Holo A, Flash Hider, Angled Grip, and Laser
  • Secondary weapon - SDP 9mm with Suppressor and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Barbed Wire

Recoil pattern test on the P10 Roni in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Recoil test image on the P10 Roni with a flash hider and angled grip
Be wary of the horizontal recoil on this one


1. Commando 9 with Holo A, Extended Barrel, Angled Grip, and Laser + SDP 9mm with Suppressor and Laser + Nitro Cell

The extended barrel will increase the damage from the commando 9 while the angled grip provides Mozzie with a faster reload speed
Mozzie will be an offensive menace with this setup

One of the biggest reasons why many, if not most, Mozzie players prefer the Commando 9 over the P10 Roni is that its recoil is a lot more manageable. That’s why, as you can see from the recoil test image below, its weapon kick can be easy to hold down even without the presence of a recoil control providing attachment. And yes, with this loadout setup, the priority will be offense, because that’s what makes much more sense in correlation to Mozzie’s role and gameplay.

With Mozzie, a big part of your gameplay is going to be shooting opponents after detecting them through one of the drones you’ve hacked from the attackers. That means most enemy engagements will be sudden, and the window of opportunity to frag will be short. The angled grip and the extended barrel will greatly help Mozzie capitalize on that small window of opportunity. That’s because the extended barrel will maximize the damage that the Commando 9 can inflict, and the angled grip will provide Mozzie with a +20% reload speed boost.

Excels in:

  • The extended barrel will increase the Commando 9’s base damage from 36 to 40, and that’s a big increase considering that it’s a fully automatic weapon and has a pretty fast rate of fire
  • The angled grip attached to the Commando 9 assault rifle will give Mozzie a +20% reload speed bonus which will be of great help to him, especially when he’s dealing with multiple enemies at the same time
  • The laser attachment on Mozzie’s Commando 9 assault rifle will give him a +10% ADS speed boost which will increase his chances in winning gunfights, since the faster you can aim, the faster you can take down your opponent
  • The suppressor on Mozzie’s SDP 9mm handgun will greatly muffle its gunshot sounds, allowing him to disable enemy gadgets like claymores and drones with much less chance of alerting enemies to his presence
  • The nitro cell when used in conjunction with the intel Mozzie has gathered with the drones that he’s hacked from the attackers will be a very deadly utility and can take out multiple opponents easily

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - Commando 9 with Holo A, Extended Barrel, Angled Grip, and Laser
  • Secondary weapon - SDP 9mm with Suppressor and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Nitro Cell

Recoil pattern test on the Commando 9 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Recoil test image on the commando 9 with an extended barrel and angled grip
Even without recoil control providing attachments, this setup's recoil will be very manageable.


Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:

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