One of the biggest changes to the game that came with the Year 9 update is the rework on shields, and Blitz being one of the few shield operators in the game is therefore one of the most affected. That is why it is important to take another look at his weapons and utilities and formulate the best loadout setups for him in the current meta.
Shield operators are a lot more tactical now and unlike before, they won’t be able to hip fire from behind a shield. That’s one of the most important factors to consider when selecting the best loadout setups for Blitz, and in this article, we’re going more in depth when it comes to that area.
5. G52-Tactical Shield + P12 with Suppressor + Smoke Grenade

Starting from Siege’s Year 9, shield operators like Blitz will now be able to sprint while keeping their shield in front, thereby protecting them from instant fatal shots like headshots. While this may sound scary for the defenders, the devs have balanced it out by allowing shield operators to be “suppressed” when shot with more than ten bullets on their shield in quick succession. And when they’re suppressed, they won't be able to sprint, and their visibility can be reduced by a lot.
Which is why one of the biggest parts of this loadout setup is the smoke grenade. With the two smoke grenades covering Blitz’ and the other attackers’ push, it can be much harder for the defenders to put Blitz into a suppressed state where he won’t be able to sprint and his vision will be obstructed. This is one of the reasons why the smoke grenade remains a very valuable utility for Blitz, especially to players and teams who value a more aggressive approach to the match.
Excels in:
- The G52-Tactical Shield protecting most of Blitz from enemy bullets, and now with the Year 9 update, it will still be protecting him from fatal shots even while he’s sprinting
- The suppressor on Blitz’s P12 handgun will hide its muzzle flash and directional threat indicator, making it harder for enemies to ascertain where his shots are coming from especially through the smoke
- The suppressor on Blitz’s P12 handgun will also make it harder for enemies to hear where his shots are coming from, as suppressors specialize in silencing the gunshot sounds of weapons
- Blitz being able to lead the push with two smoke grenades will make him and his enemies harder to hit, and it will provide a lot of cover for their defuser plant attempt on the bomb site
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - G52-Tactical Shield
- Secondary weapon - P12 with Suppressor
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
4. G52-Tactical Shield + P12 with Muzzle Brake + Breach Charge

This loadout setup will prioritize accuracy and shooting stability, and that’s mainly due to the muzzle brake on the barrel of Blitz’s P12 handgun. The muzzle brake specializes in lowering the recoil of single shot weapons like handguns and designated marksman rifles, so with it on the barrel of the P12, Blitz players will have no problem controlling its gunshots even when they’re firing it in rapid succession, and that’s great for Blitz players who like playing him aggressively.
Speaking of aggressive plays, the three breach charges in this loadout setup are perfect for that. With it, Blitz can initiate the rush by creating an entry point on an unreinforced wall near the objective spot. Of course, it can also be used for destroying an unreinforced hatch for a similar purpose. It can also be used for a hot window breach wherein Blitz starts the rush by rappelling through a window after destroying it with a breach charge. So this loadout setup is really viable for players who like playing fast and aggressive.
Excels in:
- The muzzle brake on the barrel of Blitz’s P12 handgun will greatly lower its recoil, allowing the user to be extremely accurate when aiming-down-sight on gun, and that plays really well with Siege’s role
- The three breach charges in Blitz’s arsenal will be great for initiating rushes through unreinforced walls, hatches, or windows near the objective spot
- The P12 handgun without a laser could make it a bit harder for enemies to counter Blitz when he’s aiming at them as they won’t have a red dot to target which could lead them to headshot Blitz
- The G52-Tactical shield will protect most of Blitz’s body especially from headshots, even while he’s sprinting towards enemies, as well as gathering intel on an area, especially now that there’s a free look mode
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - G52-Tactical Shield
- Secondary weapon - P12 with Muzzle Brake
- Generic gadget - Breach Charge
3. G52-Tactical Shield + P12 with Suppressor and Laser + Breach Charge

While the laser attachment might make it easier for opponents to counter Blitz as it will give them a literal red light to target while Blitz is aiming his P12 handgun at them, all in all, the laser gives more advantages to him than drawbacks. That’s because the laser will provide him with a +10% aim-down-sight speed boost which will be of great help for him when he’s trying to frag opponents who are running away from his flash shield trying not to be blinded by it.
With the laser on the barrel of the P12 handgun, Blitz will be able to aim faster, and the faster he’s able to aim, the faster he’ll be able to take down an enemy. It is also important to note that it’s emphasized in the Year 9 patch notes that shield operators like Blitz won’t be able to fire their weapon until it’s pointing forward. That’s why it’s really important for Blitz to be able to go into an aim-down-sight stance as fast as he could, and the laser will be of great help with that.
Excels in:
- The G52-Tactical Shield not only protecting most of Blitz’s body from gunshots but also having the capability to blind enemies with surprising range, making them vulnerable to Blitz’s own shots and melee attacks
- The laser on Blitz’s P12 handgun will allow him to go into aim-down-sights 10% faster than normal which plays a huge role in his gameplay as it will allow him to aim faster at enemies running away from him
- The suppressor on Blitz’s P12 handgun will greatly silence the weapon’s gunshots as well as remove its muzzle flash and directional threat indicator, making it harder for enemies to know where Blitz is shooting from
- The three breach charges in Blitz’s arsenal will allow him to create entry points on unreinforced walls and hatches which is great when he’s leading a push or a rush towards the objective spot
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - G52-Tactical Shield
- Secondary weapon - P12 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Breach Charge
2. G52-Tactical Shield + P12 with Muzzle Brake + Smoke Grenade

This is the loadout setup for Blitz players who prefer using the muzzle brake on the P12’s barrel without a laser. Understandably, despite its new benefits, many are still apprehensive about using the laser attachment. With other operators, the laser can basically give away their location while they’re aiming. With Blitz, the enemies will see the red light from the laser emanating from the P12 handgun. So when he’s aiming, all they have to do is target that red light from the laser and they will be hitting Blitz’s exposed hand or head.
As for the two smoke grenades in Blitz’s arsenal, they will be instrumental in the attacking team’s push. That’s because they can create a lot of smoke that will obstruct the defending team’s view. Not only will that be good at covering the attacking team member that will plant the defuser, it will also cause a lot of confusion and possibly hide Blitz’s advance. Allowing him to get closer to enemies before sprinting towards them and blinding them with his G52-Tactical Shield.
Excels in:
- The muzzle brake on the P12’s barrel will allow Blitz to have excellent recoil control on the weapon, and the better his recoil control is, the more accurate he’ll be, which will be really helpful when he’s trying to frag enemies running away from him
- The P12 not having a laser attachment could make it harder for enemies to shoot Blitz’s exposed hand and head when he’s aiming as there won’t be a red light that they could easily aim for
- Blitz’s G52-Tactical Shield is the symbol of horror for many players in Siege because it can activate a flash charge that would blind enemies looking straight at it, and its range is surprisingly far
- The two smoke grenades in Blitz’s arsenal can provide a lot of cover and confusion which will be of great help for the attacking team’s push and rush. The smoke cover can also help Blitz get closer to enemies and be more effective at blinding them with his shield.
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - G52-Tactical Shield
- Secondary weapon - P12 with Muzzle Brake
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
1. G52-Tactical Shield + P12 with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Smoke Grenade

This is the best loadout setup for Blitz because ultimately, it will give him more advantages than the ones above. The muzzle brake on the P12 handgun will make the weapon’s recoil exceptionally easy to handle, and anyone who’s played Blitz knows that when opponents start running away from being blinded by the G52-Tactical Shield, it’s best to be able to shoot them as fast and accurately as possible, because the window of opportunity could be lost any time. That’s just the nature of Siege. It’s tactical but also fast paced.
With the muzzle brake greatly lowering the recoil of the P12 handgun, Blitz will be able to shoot with great accuracy. The laser on the other hand will allow Blitz to aim at the opponents faster than normal. Like discussed above, the drawback to using the laser is that it can give enemies a target. But enemies who are running away from Blitz are doing their best to get away from him. They’re not trying to counter. So this loadout setup specializes in hunting down those enemies who are trying to get away and escape from being blinded by Blitz’s shield.
Excels in:
- Blitz’s G52-Tactical Shield having a function that allows him to blind enemies from a surprisingly far distance as long as they’re directly looking at the shield
- The muzzle brake on Blitz’s P12 handgun will make its recoil so low that it’ll feel like it has no recoil at all, and that’s really great for accuracy, which Blitz will need when trying to frag enemies trying to run away from him
- The laser on Blitz’s P12 handgun will provide him with a +10% aim-down-sight speed boost which will be of great help when trying to frag enemies who are trying to escape from him and his shield
- The two smoke grenades in Blitz’s arsenal providing him and the attackers a lot of cover for their push and defuser plant attempt. Blitz himself could also use the cover from the smoke grenades to get closer to enemies before sprinting towards them with his shield
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - G52-Tactical Shield
- Secondary weapon - P12 with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: