The best operator duos are two operators that just perform so well when they’re together. Their special gadgets or skills don't necessarily have to work in synergy, but their roles and overall gameplay complement each other. Just like Nomad and Maverick above, she can support him with her air jabs while he’s making holes on reinforced walls with his breaching torch.
10. Ela + Alibi
When these speedsters are roaming together, guaranteed that the attackers will have a hard time. Alibi’s clones will confuse the hell out of them, and Ela will know exactly where she should throw her grzmot mines, because Alibi’s clones will keep pinging those who accidentally shoot them. And when they’re being hunted, they can escape through hatches with the use of Alibi’s bailiff 410, or through escape holes with her impact grenades. This tandem will confuse the hell out of the attacking team and will be able to harass them with a hit and run tactic.
Excels in:
Intel gathering
Enemy rhythm disruption
9. Ying + Finka
This duo can wipe out an entire room of defenders. Ying's candelas are the most effective when it comes to blinding enemies. Unfortunately, it can blind allies as well. But with Finka’s adrenaline surge, the blind effects will be reduced. That makes these two really good partners. Finka’s adrenal surge will also make the team walk faster over barbed wires, and buff them with extra health. Allowing her and Ying to rush and effectively clear the area of hostile operators.
Excels in:
8. Doc + Rook
Whenever I’m an attacker and Rook and Doc are scanned during prep phase, I let out a sigh because I know it's going to be difficult. These two tanks working side by side means that the defending team will be tough to kill. Both of them have 3 armor ratings, and Rook’s armor plates will make them even tougher. If you don’t go for the head, it’s almost a guarantee that you’ll lose a gunfight to them, because they’ll always last longer.
Excels in:
Buffing the team
Healing support
7. Wamai + Jager
In my experience, most of the time, teams just either pick Wamai or Jager. It’s rare to see them together. But players should really consider playing them more side by side, especially with all the nerf that Jager’s ADS have received throughout the years. These days, Jager’s ADS just aren’t enough to prevent enemy projectiles and grenades from coming through the defender area. The only way to make sure that no projectiles get through is if Wamai and Jager work side by side. Jager’s barbed wires can also work in synergy with Wamai’s Mag-nets, because when a Mag-net returns a frag grenade of an attacker being slowed by a barbed wire, guaranteed that it's already over for that attacker.
Excels in:
Projectile denial
Intel gathering
Enemy rhythm disruption
6. Ash + Zofia
Both of these operators excel at room clearing and roamer hunting. Just one of them is already terrifying, imagine the two, working hand in hand. Each of them is offensively superior to most defenders and can quickly open up entry holes allowing them to rush or flank and perform room clearing. Zofia can also fire up concussion grenades that can bounce on surfaces, allowing her to effectively concuss defenders hiding in corners. Zofia can start the hunt with her concussion grenade while Ash follows it up with a kill.
Excels in:
Room clearing
Crowd control
Roamer hunting
5. Frost + Goyo
Their special gadgets work so well together. When an enemy is caught on a Frost trap behind Goyo’s volcan shield, it's better to just leave him there as bait, so that when another enemy attempts to revive his teammate, that’s when you spring the trap. Detonate Goyo’s shield and earn an easy two kills. With Frost and Goyo anchoring the objective area, it’ll be really hard for the attackers to effectively push.
Excels in:
Enemy rhythm disruption
Push prevention
4. Melusi + Thorn
Their special gadgets are meant for each other. Both of their gadgets specialize in disrupting the enemy rhythm and preventing a push. But when their gadgets work in synergy, it's one of the most badass combos in the game. Thorn can just keep her razorbloom shells in reserve and wait for attackers to get slowed down by Melusi’s banshees. And once they’re caught deep within the banshee’s range, Thorn can just throw a razorbloom shell at them and it's over for the attackers.
Excels in:
Enemy rhythm disruption
Securing area
3. Dokkaebi + Amaru
An Amaru rushing alone is too risky. Most experienced players will always be wary of the sound of her gara hook. But Dokkaebi can prevent defenders from hearing the noise that the gara hook makes by hacking their phones and calling them. The noise from the logic bomb is often enough to mask the noise that the gara hook makes, so that’s why an Amaru rush, fired off by Dokkaebi’s logic bomb is so deadly.
Excels in:
Intel gathering
2. Frost + Thorn
Frost and Thorn have the easiest combo of special gadgets. Thorn can just simply leave a razorbloom shell beside each Frost trap. That way, whenever an attacker gets trapped, the razorbloom shell will automatically start its counter and detonate. Easy kill for this duo. Or, the Thorn player can also use the trapped attacker as bait to lure in another attacker, and if one attempts to revive his teammate from the Frost trap, that’ll be the perfect opportunity for the Thorn player to throw her razorbloom shell at them and score an easy two kills.
Excels in:
Enemy rhythm disruption
Securing area
1. Thatcher + Thermite
The most iconic duo in Siege. As long as Thatcher isn’t banned, you’ll always see these two together in most attack rounds, and for good reason. Hard breaching plays a vital role in winning an attacking round, and Thatcher’s EMP grenades are the best way to counter anti-hard breach gadgets that the defenders have. Even when the team is made of random players, as long as they’re experienced in ranked, whenever someone picks a Thermite, it’s already understood that someone should pick a Thatcher as well.
Excels in:
Hard breaching
Backline support
Gadget disabling
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:
A veteran of thousands of quests. Slayer of trolls. Survived the dragon attack in Loc Muinne. Kristoffer now spends his days as a scribe after receiving a permanent injury when a tavern stool gave und
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