Olivares Prieto
With a deep love for complex fantasies and challenging games from a young age, Luis shares a perspective brought about by decades of traveling the globe, heading busy restaurant kitchens in between D&D games, leading excursions into ancient ruins with a beat-up copy of The Hobbit in his backpack, and writing about all of it at home in between MMORPG raids, his passion for adventure, fantasy, games and telling stories.
Always up for any frustrating challenge and fond of all types of games, he leans towards strategy and role-playing. Amongst his favorites are Planescape: Torment, Dungeons and Dragons, Twilight Imperium, and the Fallout series. A dedicated role player since the Second Edition Box Set and the NES, he's spent years digging into tomes of source material, seen many sunrises while exploring every story branch in a game, and enjoyed countless hours reading, writing, and creating all types of tales and adventures.
Trying out every system, ruleset, and console he's been able to get his hands on, he's in a quest to look for new worlds to dive into and inhabit, to try and fail and try again, and bring back the most rewarding gems, and share his experience with those willing to listen.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
State of Survival, Dungeons and Dragons