[Top 5] State of Survival Best Heroes To Resonate With Joker

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12 May 2022

What is the best option when resonating Joker?

As far as rider heroes go, none are better than Joker. Although resonating heroes are plenty strong, all but Joker become less important as stronger generations of heroes show up. Joker remains the strongest option the whole game through though, but only when resonated with the right hero. As new rider heroes are released it’s important to pick the right one to focus on, these are the heroes you’ll want to power up to keep your Joker leading the pack.

5. Maddie

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Maddie and Frank taking a little break while the Infected get closer.

Maddie and Frank will be your first legendary hero, and as a rider, your first best option to resonate with Joker. Maddie is the quickest and easiest legendary hero to get to General: Maddie bits are the easiest to get and are a constant reward in a lot of events and activities. As your first legendary hero, her skills will be easy and quick to max out as well.

What makes Maddie Great With Joker:

Strongest starter rider hero and thus the best option to resonate with Joker early on.

Quick and easy to power up early on in the game.

See Maddie in action

4. Miho

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Miho will put those daggers right where she wants them.

Miho is a pretty good rider hero. Trish shows up before she does, but Miho might be worth the wait. She takes a fair amount of resources, but she is the better alternative to resonate with Joker. She is no slouch by herself either. She is fantastic for PvP, and even in later generations, she is a great joiner hero. She can be expensive to power up though, so waiting for Martha might be the more prudent choice.

What makes Miho Great With Joker:

The strongest option before Gen4 to resonate with Joker.

Good hero to join rallies and PvP by herself

See Miho in action

3. Martha

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Don't get her scared, she's got more than needles when she gets jumpy.

Before Joker showed up, Martha was the hero that made riders a force to contend with, rather than the least attended to troop type they are considered to be. And although she is weaker than Joker, she works excellently with him. Her abilities are a bit better than other heroes of her generation, which make Joker a stronger hero for that stage in the game as well.

What makes Martha Great With Joker:

Powerful rider hero by herself, with a good set of skills.

Best pairing with Joker when released, with stronger abilities than other Gen6 heroes.

See Martha in action

2. Cardini

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Bet on the man holding all the cards.

One a clown the other a magician, it makes that Cardini and Joker would work so well together. While previous heroes on this list resonate very well with Joker, it makes sense; each one is from a later generation and therefore stronger. Cardini is a unique exception though. He remains the best option to resonate with Joker through most of the generations that follow, only losing out to Gen9 heroes and only when those are at the highest ranks. He makes for a fine rider hero by himself and is available through Ray’s Place, so he’s not all that hard to power up.

What makes Cardini Great With Joker:

Best hero to resonate with Joker beyond his generation of heroes.

Easier to get than Martha.

Most enduring rider to resonate with Joker.

See Cardini in action

1. Essie

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Essie will make Joker the deadliest there is, but he'll never be as beautiful.

Essie is not a very good hero and has unimpressive skills, but she is very valuable for only one thing. She is so far the best hero to resonate with Joker. It takes a lot of effort to get her to that point though. Cardini remains the strongest choice until she gets to colonel, but at least she’s available through Ray’s Place, so the process shouldn’t be that painful. Gen10 brings a new hero though, Strings, and going by first impressions he is clearly stronger than Essie, so it’s still unclear whether she outlives her usefulness past Gen9.

What makes Essie Great With Joker:

Best Hero to resonate with Joker in all generations.

Stronger than Cardini, but only at the colonel rank.

See Essie in action

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