
Accomplishing achievements while riding Mammoths in the stone age to running alongside the colossal machines in the 31st Century, he initially has been a gamer since 2007. Having played everything from the classic 'CS 1.6' to the modern-day Triple AAA titles such as 'Red Dead Redemption 2'. He has beyond doubt devoted big time to this culture. While in the past years, he was significantly pleased with games such as 'God Of War' & 'LOU 2,' yet he was greatly disappointed with the much-hyped titles such as 'Cyberpunk 2077' & 'Fallout 76'. Being a past 'School Editor,' he has never disappointed anyone with his words. He would best be called an outlander to his crowd. Rather than playing some sports such as cricket, he was a very passionate yet patient reader of English literature from a young age. Winning several writing competitions to reaching the diamond rank in 'Rainbow Six Siege.' He certainly has accomplished a lot in the field of writing and gaming over the past decade. One could expect nothing less from an experienced gamer for fourteen straight years.
AceOfSpades_'s Rank: Total Noob
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Apex Legends
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