
Hi! This is Ali Ahmed who's a professional writer with decades of experience in gaming. Ali is an expert in creative as well as article writing with more than 370 articles written solely related to the topic "gaming". Securing straight A*'s in his GCSE's, and claiming 86th position in his country; Ali won many local linguistic competitions and had several of his articles published in various newspapers and websites, thus creating a name for himself. He specifically loves writing about the working mechanics of games as that's his favourite part of any game. Ali is an absolute geek when it comes to PVP shooter games be it first or third person, the adrenaline rush in versing other players is what drives him to play these games. What Ali really discovered through years of writing was his love for describing the uniqueness of different games and everything they had to offer, hence he continues to master his craft and bring more to the table for the readers to enjoy.
Ali Ahmed's Rank: Total Noob
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