These are the people you need to watch.
Fortnite is loved by people of all ages due to its cartoonish graphics and active gameplay. These reasons make the game a great choice to stream for streamers and YouTubers.
Fortnite has been streamed a lot this year as it has been for the past 5 years. These numbers are formed by various streamers who have been coming and going for the past few years. Every year we see an uprising streamer and the streamers on top sometimes go away.
In this article, I will tell you the best Fortnite streamers to watch in 2023 based on their gameplay, ideas, interaction with chat, and overall vibe around the stream. Let’s jump in.
10. Aussie Antics
Streamer display
Shaun Cochrane goes by the name Aussie Antics. Aussie belongs to Australia and has been streaming since 2018. He started his streaming career by streaming and hosting matches consisting of his community.
After some time, Antics started reviewing the matches of pro players. He got loads of credibility in the community thanks to his exceptional speaking skills and analyzing capabilities.
Later on, Fortnite added Antics to their commentator squad and he became a lot more known ever since. He has recently started competing in Fortnite tournaments too.
I usually watch him when I want to learn about the new meta or get some insight on upcoming pro players. Antics is great to watch if you want to learn about little tips and tricks related to the game.
Channel link: https://www.twitch.tv/aussieantics
9. Sommerset
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Kayle is known as Sommerset in the streaming community. Sommerset is a Twitch partner belonging to the United States. Kayla started streaming in 2019 against her parents’ wishes, although they’ve come around to accept her decision.
She is a popular Fortnite streamer with some hours logged into valorant. Sommerset used to make casual Fortnite-related content back in the day but recently hopped on the competitive scene and competes regularly.
Sommerset is more so known for her happy vibes and impressive gameplay. She is one of the few females in the competitive scene that compete and her skills really make her stand out all around.
Her interaction with the chat and her entertaining personality is what attract the crowd, at least it’s what entices me to watch her.
Channel link: https://www.twitch.tv/sommerset
8. Replays
Streamer display
Replays’ real name is Franco and he is a native Canadian. Replays started uploading COD content way back in 2012. He trickshotted and uploaded its clips on Youtube and continued doing so till late 2017 when he switched to Fortnite. These days Replays is a very well-known Fortnite content creator and has been in the scene for a long time.
He got most of his fame from COD and FaZe Clan so he already had high viewership when he started streaming Fortnite. His aim was way too good for him to not try this game competitively. He then started to compete in the Fortnite cups and has been flourishing ever since.
I love watching him since he brings in sheer entertainment.
Channel link: https://www.twitch.tv/replays
7. Thiefs
Streamer display
The real name of Thiefs is Nicholas Smorto and he also goes by the name nick among his friends. Nick is a native American and has been a part of many orgs.
Thiefs is a competitive Fortnite player who joined the famous battle royale in 2018. Thiefs joined faze clan as a content creator in the July of 2018 thus allowing him to reach more viewership.
Thiefs has since then been competing and has found a great amount of success. He did end his contract with faze in 2022 but has still been thriving in tournaments.
I tend to check him out during cash cups and it’s usually a fun time, except when he’s raging.
Channel link: https://www.twitch.tv/thiefs
6. Bugha
Streamer display
We all know who bugha is, right? C’mon, you can’t tell me you don’t know the famous Fortnite World cup winner.
Kyle Giersdorf, known as Bugha to us, belongs to the United States. He is probably one of the most mechanical players you’ll ever watch.
Bugha joined Fortnite competitive scene very early on and worked on his game to compete in the best of the tournaments. He won the world cup and kept on streaming to go win many more cash cups and FNCS tourneys.
I love watching just how quick he is with edits and builds; it’s such a delight to watch.
Channel link: https://www.twitch.tv/bugha
5. Nick Eh 30
Streamer display
Nicholas Amyoony goes by the name Nick Eh 30. Nick is from Canada and it’s easy to tell by how wholesome the guy is. He started by making content on “The Last of Us” and uploading it on Youtube, back in 2014. Nick had nearly 50k subs on Youtube before he switched to Fortnite and immediately blew up.
Over the years Nick Eh 30 has built a big, loving community associated with his streams. He makes loads of community-based videos trying different ideas with his viewers making him an interactive streamer.
If you want to watch someone with your family and don’t want someone who cusses, Nick is your guy. I can easily play him on TV even with family around.
Channel link: https://www.twitch.tv/nickeh30
4. Loserfruit
Streamer display
Loserfruit, known as Kathleen Belsten in the real world, is one of my favorite streamers in Fortnite. Kath is an Aussie and streamed League of Legends back in 2013 to start her career. She jumped on overwatch when it was released and finally landed on Fortnite.
She joined Fortnite very early on as a content creator and got loads of traction with her creative stream and video ideas.
Lufu, as her stream calls her, has made a name in Fortnite over the years. She has shown up in the creative mode of the world cup as a competitor and has a big community supporting her. Lufu was also one of the leading streamers in the first Summer fest tourney held by Fortnite in Australia.
These days she usually competes in no-build tourneys and has tried her luck in the FNCS too. She is very fun to watch and I keep tuning into her streams to chill as she’s one of my comfort streamers.
Channel link: https://www.twitch.tv/Loserfruit
3. Loeya
Streamer display
Liah, who is known as Loeya in the streaming industry, is a Swedish streamer. Loeya started her streaming career in 2017 by streaming CSGO. She switched to Fortnite some months later and got loads of traction in a relatively short time.
Liah went on to build a community to her name and joined a famous org “Fnatic” in 2021. Nowadays, Loeya plays casually and competitively. She usually plays no build mode on the daily but also competes in cash cups whenever given the chance.
If you want to chill on an afternoon and want to have some giggles and laughs, Loeya will ensure that. I usually go in her streams when no-build tourneys are live, her gameplay and lively personality make the stay worth the while.
Channel link: https://www.twitch.tv/Loeya
2. Ninja
Streamer display
Richard Tyler Blevins is one of the most famous streamers on this planet and he goes by the name Ninja in the online world. Ninja is a native American who started streaming in 2010. The first game he streamed was Halo: Reach but most of his popularity came through when he started playing battle royales. H1Z1 got him lots of traction and streaming Fortnite boosted Ninja’s growth exponentially.
Ninja can be said to contribute a lot to Fortnite’s early success. In the initial days of Fortnite, Ninja was considered the best Fortnite player. He broke the streaming record by holding 628k concurrent viewers while he played Fortnite with Drake.
Ninja came back to this game some time back and still streams Fortnite these days. He competes in cash cups and also plays casually, but mostly Ninja still sticks to the competitive side more.
No words need to be said about ninja. He is a great, entertaining streamer who you need to watch if you haven’t yet. I definitely have been following him since before Fortnite and his energy is always fun to watch.
Channel link: https://www.twitch.tv/ninja
1. Clix
Streamer display
Cody Conrod, goes by the name Clix, and hails from the United States. Clix started streaming in the June of 2018 when his father got him a gaming PC. Clix immediately started grinding Fortnite and streaming it while he was at it. He blew up very quickly thanks to his immaculate gameplay and has been streaming the game ever since.
Clix earned himself a spot in the World cup thanks to his mechanical skills, as he was the first player to qualify in both solos and duos world cup.
Clix is probably the most famous, active Fortnite competitive player among the OG’s. He still streams regularly grinding out Fortnite and takes the game very seriously. This guy is amazing at the game, to say the least, and deserves all the success he got in the competitive Fortnite scene.
I switch between him and bugha to enjoy the mechanical prowess of these young lads and to learn a thing or two from their gameplay. I find Clix funny too, especially when he rages or wins a wager. The little arguments are just too hilarious.
Channel link: https://www.twitch.tv/clix