As the Fortnite Halloween event progresses at a creepy pace, Fortnite has announced the arrival of 2 brand new characters on Fortnite’s island.

The 2 characters in question are legendary zombie fighters and a force. Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield are both arriving in the Fortnite Item Shop today, 24 October 2021. Chris Redfield comes with his standard outfit, and then an alternative outfit that has a Hound Wolf Squad style.
Jill Valentine has a S.T.A.R.S uniform as her default outfit, but comes with an alt outfit styled after the outfit she wore during her desperate escape from the monster ‘Nemesis’.
There are a variety of other new items also available in the Fortnite Item Shop. Among these is the Green Herb back bling, which comes with 2 alt styles: Red Herb and Blue Herb. There is also a Saving Keystrokes back bling, which is pretty much just a typewriter.

There are also 2 new pickaxes. The HOT DOGGERS pickaxe and the Stun Rod pickaxe, with the HOT DOGGERS originally being intended to fight zombies. The Stun Rod, on the other hand, belonged to evil itself… take your pick!
Last, but not least comes the ‘Brolly Stroll’ emote… Take a little stroll with a brolly. The iconic Umbrella Corporation brolly no less! Players will be able to purchase all these items individually in the Fortnite Item Store. Alternatively, players can choose to buy the S.T.A.R.S Team gear bundle, which includes a bonus loading screen.