
Allan was born and raised in the wilds of “Downunder” having lived in rural, city and coastal locations around Australia. From 2000 through to 2016 Allan trained in computers which took him from being a computer repairman to being a computer salesman and then eventually to becoming a computer programmer before finally delving into game development. 2017 saw a new direction for Allan as he took his skills and entered the world of Games Journalism and hasn’t looked back since. Allan started off playing Dos games as a child and then stuck with gaming through the years to become a dedicated pc gamer now. Some of the notable titles that have influenced Allan’s gaming life include the Far Cry series, the Fallout series, the Deus Ex series and also the YuGiOh card battle series, to name a few. Allan’s favorite genre is Post-Apocalyptic games. Allan loves writing about games because it enables him to share the latest news and details about games on, or about to hit, the market. It also allows him to be a part of the industry that he loves so much.
AlStreet's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Far Cry 3 - Just Cause 2 - Mass Effect 3
Top 3 Favorite Games