
I've been a gamer ever since I could hold a controller, favoring unusual platforms and unique games from a young age– I started off with Nights and Radiant Silvergun on my imported Japanese Sega Saturn, Marathon and Prince of Persia on my old Apple. My favorites became the thinking man's first person shooters– Deus Ex, System Shock II, and Bioshock, but I'll mix it up with popular titles like the Metal Gear series, GTA, Zelda and Starcraft. Anything with a good story and real characters. I'm a full on PC gamer now and you can find me grinding in Mortal Kombat X or CS GO every night. By day I produce virtual reality experiences (Samsung gave me a shiny award) and write for TV and film (with a fantasy show dropping this year!). Games and movies have always been my escape, I love technology and telling stories based around it. Spike Spiegel is my hero and cyberpunk is my jam.
Artax87's Rank: Total Noob
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Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Mortal Kombat X
Top 3 Favorite Games