
Camden has hundreds of hours of experience playing PC, Xbox, and Catan. He's been playing video and board games for years, and has only become more creative about how to make already entertaining games more fun as time has gone on. Some favorites of his are the Halo games up to Reach, Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, Mount and Blade Bannerlord, and Killing Floor 2. He has been writing for a number of years as well, having completed NaNoWriMo once and written more than a dozen short stories and dozens of poems. He loves writing about games because he sees it as an opportunity to make games more enjoyable for those who play them and more accessible for those who don't. He is an expert on writing creative strategies tailored to the games he plays.
Camden0226's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord
Top 3 Favorite Games