Kaitlyn Dunbar is an expert gamer with 180+ games in her arsenal. She's been playing video games since her first gamecube where she played Paper Mario; The Thousand Year Door to playing DOOM Eternal on her PS4. Her favorite gaming genres are action-adventure, turn-based strategy, and psychological horror. Her favorite games are Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, and Oxenfree. She has expertise in writing gaming articles having written reviews on games such as Oxenfree and The Walking Dead series. Therefore having expertise in writing about story-driven games where your choices affect the ending. Her background includes having taken college level english classes to improve her writing and writing short stories and poems on websites similar to wattpad. What she loves the most about writing about video games is being able to get other gamers interested in a game they may have never considered beforehand.
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