Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Bosses [Fight Guide]

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice boss guide
14 Apr 2020

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Bosses [Fight Guide]


1. Surt 

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Hellblade is a game that can have some pretty challenging boss fights, but this guide will give you the winning edge you want. Surt is a slow somewhat tanky boss that can be taken out easily with patience and quick reflexes on dodging. He is the fire giant from Muspellheim with a fiery sword to match and here’s how to keep him from stopping your playthrough in its tracks.

Surt Strategy:

  • Don’t block attacks just dodge as almost any attack he throws at you will damage or stun Senua.
  • When you do dodge his sword swings or grab attacks go in for 3 to 4 fast strikes or even 1 to 2 heavy strikes.
  • When he jams his sword into the ground, run up to him right away and hit him with several fast strikes to knock him out of this move.
  • When he has his fire armor don’t bother attacking just dodge until your focus meter is full then focus and hit him with several heavy strikes.

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - Surt boss guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IOKRSuzNzQ


2. Valravn

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Valravn is revealed to be what trapped Senua when she went into the woods to purge her curse. In this game he is the god of illusion and that is incorporated even into his boss fight. He’s fast and can trap you in a chain of combos if you aren’t prepared to face this raven god.

Valravn Strategy:

  • Maintain a medium range as he has several ranged attacks but getting too close could mean getting stuck in a combo attack.
  • Parry all of his sword attacks except the one where he jumps up and swings both of his swords down in a heavy hitting attack, you’ll want to dodge that one.
  • When he jumps back to the other side of the ring and flies towards you just wait until the last second to dodge to the left or right. 
  • When he gets damaged enough he’ll send out regular enemies, dispatch them how you normally would to continue the fight.
  • When he throws a sword at you, parry at just the right moment to send it back towards him as it will stun him, then you can run at him and hit him with some fast strikes.
  • When he enters the shadow mode you’ll want to use your focus meter to make him hittable and go in for a couple heavy strikes.

3. Fenrir

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Fenrir in Hellblade takes on a more boar-like appearance despite being a wolf in the mythos. He stalks Senua throughout the Helheim sequence and is the cause for the distorted flashes of red whenever she is in the dark. An agile boss but a heavy hitter with darkness damage to boot so get ready for the black out screen from this rotting monster.

Fenrir Strategy:

  • Stick to dodging and don’t bother to parry his attacks.
  • When you want to attack Fenrir you’ll want to use focus and then attack as normal attacks have no affect on him.
  • When either of his claws slam down towards you just dodge to either the left or right then attack him with 1-2 heavy strikes.
  • His forward bite is another heavy attack that you’ll want to dodge and then go in for some heavy strikes
  • He will retreat into the darkness and do a charge attack which you can dodge by listening to the sounds of his growls to know which direction he’ll charge from
  • He will also do a leaping slam attack which you’ll want to dodge and not attack right after as he does a stun move right after the leap.
  • His final move is when he spills darkness out of his mouth which will cause the screen to turn black. This can only be removed by using your focus ability and then taking advantage of that to go in with several charged heavy strikes 

4. Hela

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Hela is the end goal for Senua in her quest to bring back Dillion. As goddess of the underworld and the only one who could give her back her beloved Dillion. This fight is fought in three stages each wildly different from each other and here’s how to go through this fight effortlessly.

Hela Strategy:

  • The first section to the fight is fighting several waves of regular enemies. 
  • Use your focus ability often as it’ll allow you to go through enemies quickly 
  • While using your focus ability you have a new move that will take most enemies out quickly, run at the enemies and do L1 and the square button combined. Chain this several enemies to take them out quickly.
  • Dodge the tankier slower enemies and then counter attack. 
  • The second section you’ll face all the three former bosses with the exact move sets as before. 
  • With all three bosses in this section you’ll want to use your focus ability again as it’s the only way you’ll do any damage to them
  • The third and final section in this boss battle is really easy, just let Senua die and you’ll trigger the final cutscene and win the game.
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