
Courtney Fair has spent 17 years of her life playing video games, starting on a Gameboy Advance when she was younger to now playing on a Playstation 4 and Xbox One. She has written many psychology research articles and did several creative writing projects as an undergraduate in college. She also actively participates in fictional online writing to further her skills in both fantasy and creative writing. In doing so, she has become very skilled with her writing over the years. When it comes to writing about video games, she excels at creating a scene for the readers before diving into the finer details. She has always been a geek at heart and has often dedicated herself to reading all of the lore in a video game. Life is Strange and its counterparts will always have a special place in her heart, as she cherishes slowing down while playing them to really enjoy the atmosphere. After playing Life is Strange for the first time several years ago, she learned how important it was to not rush through a video game's main story and to enjoy all the little tidbits that are interspersed throughout a video game's world. In learning this, she has become more keen on RPG games as of late.
cfair075's Rank: Total Noob
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Currently Playing
Ulala: Idle Adventure
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