
Sam graduated from Rutgers, the state university of New Jersey with a B.A. in journalism and media studies. His first video game was the original Starcraft and its expansion Brood War before he picked up 'vanilla' World of Warcraft. He has stayed in touch with MMORPGs and MOBAs ever since. He wanted Diablo originally, but his mom forbid games Rated M: for mature. Still, think Runescape, League of Legends before it was an eSport, Guild Wars (1 & 2), and Warhammer: Age of Reckoning (a cult favorite). His new obsession is Clash Royale, although he is always on the lookout for a new MMORPG addiction. Just stick the needle in. Sam has a soft spot for RPGs and dungeon crawlers, and he aspires to write his own fantasy novel. Hopefully it isn't terrible.
Coldflame's Rank: Total Noob
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Clash Royale
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