
With her background in creative prose, poetry, and research, Lindsay thrives in using her writing to spark creativity and inspiration in many topics; especially within the industry of gaming and nerd culture. Her short narratives and conversational-style articles have been published since her days in university, both in print and on the web for all to enjoy. When not writing, you will find Lindsay still immersed in the community through RPGs, MMOs, and Tabletops as her primary love. However she loves variety and is always up for new games and genres to play. Except horror, because she gets scared easily. Nevertheless Lindsay loves the geek community as her family and home, as she enjoys connecting with others, sharing tips and tricks, and encouraging all to join in on the fun.
CreativeLii's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth