Many adventurers long for power in physical items, such as weapons and armor, in order to be the greatest hero in the world. After all, it is very common to undergo a dungeon crawl and expect a magical item as a reward that improves their attacks and skills. However, there are adventurers who prefer the power that knowledge and spellcasting can bring; and that’s where epic spells come in.
For anyone not familiar with epic spells, these spells are considered 10th level and require a development process that can be both time-consuming and expensive. They take up epic spell slots instead of normal spell slots, and their DCs for both spellcrafting and saving throws are nice and high. While Epic Spells can be difficult to manage and succeed with, the outcome of using one is one of the best rewards out there in Dungeons & Dragons.
Out of the dozens of spells out there, here are the top 15 (not ranked)!
1. Epic Counterspell

A spell with a whole lotta "Nope!"
Counterspell can already make or break a situation during an encounter, but it gets very frustrating if it doesn’t work when you absolutely need it to. So why not an epic version of it, that can be casted at a huge range, and not allow the enemy to make a contested roll? Yes please! I will happily take a strong Counterspell that will put the fight and dice rolls in my favor instead of my enemy’s.
What is awesome about Epic Counterspell
- Range of 300ft.
- Negates the foe’s spell regardless of level
- Only requires an action to ready
Epic Counterspell Details
- Type: Abjuration
- Spell DC: 69
- To Develop: 621,000 gp; 13 days; 24,840 XP. Seed: dispel (DC 19). Factors: +30 to dispel check (+30 DC), 1-action casting time (+20 DC)
- Full Description
2. Contingent Resurrection
Keep on Living!
This is for any healer who has panicked about someone in their party getting killed to the point where the body is unusable for a resurrection. Disintegrate is one of the biggest examples of this scenario. Even if someone is turned to ash, all that’s needed for Contingent Resurrection is a little bit of dust; and that person will be back to life as if nothing happened! Just ready the spell on someone you think will drop dead in an upcoming fight, and then it will trigger when death comes knocking.
What is awesome about Contingent Resurrection
- Only requires a tiny bit of dust to resurrect someone
- Triggers when the targeted creature is killed
- Creature returns with full hit points and without loss of prepared spells
Contingent Resurrection Details
- Type: Conjuration (Healing)
- Spell DC: 52
- To Develop: 468,000 gp; 10 days; 18,720 XP. Seed: life (DC 27). Factor: activates when subject is slain (+25 DC)
- Full Description
3. Superb Dispelling
Work smart, not hard.
I can’t rave enough about how important it is to prepare utility spells for encounters. Sure, ultra powerful spells are great to have and deal damage, but you still need to play smart if you want to control an encounter and prevent it from getting more difficult for you and your party. Just like Epic Counterspell and Contingent Resurrection (and their versions at regular level), Superb Dispelling is another one to have on hand for a special occasion. It acts just like a Greater Dispel, but with a higher bonus to work with.
What is awesome about Superb Dispelling
- Range of 300ft.
- Bonus on the check of up to +40
- Acts as a greater dispel magic spell
Superb Dispelling Details
- Type: Abjuration
- Spell DC: 59
- To Develop: 531,000 gp; 11 days; 21,240 XP. Seed: dispel (DC 19). Factors: additional +30 to dispel check (+30 DC), 1-action casting time (+20 DC). Mitigating factor: 10d6 backlash (-10 DC)
- Full Description
4. Demise Unseen
"Okay we're donehere, you can go away now."
How cool would it be to slay an enemy and have it turn into a ghoul under your control in the blink of an eye? Well guess what, there’s a spell for that (there’s practically a spell for anything). Granted, the spell can only target creatures that are 80 hit points or under. That just means that you can likely control a glass cannon spellcaster to do your bidding, or weaken a different creature to have it take your side and attack the rest of your enemies. The best part of that is if there are other enemies or allies around, they won’t even notice what happened to the targeted creature. Take about a surprise attack!
What is awesome about Demise Unseen
- Targeted creature is instantly slain
- Slain target becomes a ghoul under character’s control indefinitely
- The target’s companions do not realize what happened, as the target is slain and animated at the same moment, so it appears as if nothing happened
Demise Unseen Details
- Type: Necromancy (Death, Evil), Illusion (figment)
- Spell DC: 80
- To Develop: 738,000 gp; 15 days; 29,520 XP. Seeds: slay (DC 25), animate dead (DC 23), delude (DC 14). Factors: change undead type to ghoul (-10 DC), apply to all five senses (+8 DC), 1-action casting time (+20 DC)
- Full Description
5. Greater Ruin
Resistance if futile.
I’m honestly not exactly sure which is more terrifying with a spell: that it can have a range of 12,000ft. or a whopping 35d6 points of damage on a target (and yet, wait until you see the other spells on this list). Greater Ruin has both of these features. This would be the spell to use in order to give the message of “there’s no escape” across to any enemy, especially when there is a chance of utterly destroying that creature’s body in a manner of being disintegrated. So unless someone happens to have Contingent Resurrection prepared, your enemy is likely never coming back after messing with you.
What is awesome about Greater Ruin
- 35d6 points of damage on a single target
- If target is reduced to -10 hit points or less, it’s destroyed as if disintegrated
- Range of 12,000ft.
Greater Ruin Details
- Type: Transmutation
- Spell DC: 59
- To Develop: 531,000 gp; 11 days; 21,240 XP. Seed: destroy (DC 29). Factors: increase damage to 35d6 (+30 DC), 1- action casting time (+20 DC).Mitigating factor: burn 2,000 XP (-20 DC)
- Full Description
6. Crown of Vermin
"Bugs? I hate bugs!"
Imagining being in the area of effect of this spell makes my skin crawl, or even just casting it on a character of mine. The description is that 1,000 venomous, biting and stinging scorpions, beetles, and centipedes erupt from the very air around the caster, and create a living aura of 10 ft. Yikes. The good news at least is that the aura doesn’t affect the caster whatsoever. Your victims on the other hand get to suffer damaging bites from the vermin until they die, starting with the creature with the fewest hit points. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a terrible way to go. Don’t you think?
What is awesome about Crown of Vermin
- Lasts 20 rounds
- Victims suffer 1 point of damage until they are killed, destroying the same number of vermin in the process, if they make a successful saving throw they still receive 10d10 damage
- Aura has a radius of 10ft. From the caster
Crown of Vermin Details
- Type: Conjuration (Summoning)
- Spell DC: 56
- To Develop: 504,000 gp; 11 days; 20,160 XP. Seeds: summon (DC 14), fortify (DC 17). Factors: summon vermin mass instead of one creature (ad hoc +8 DC), grant damage reduction 1/epic (+15 DC), allow mass to move at your speed (ad hoc +2 DC), perfect control of vermin (ad hoc +2 DC). Mitigating factor: change range to personal (-2 DC)
- Full Description
7. Animus Blizzard
Things are about to get real cold.
This is one of my favorite spells. It has a good range and area of effect like the others on this list. However, what differentiates this spell from the others is what happens when enemies die in the blast. Up to five enemies that die are reanimated as wights under the caster’s control (indefinitely); so think Lich King with the Scourge in World of Warcraft. Pretty cool to me! Five is the limit for controlling undead with this spell, but there are certainly means of exceeding it, like you would normally exceed the limit for controlled undead, if you’d prefer more underlings at your disposal.
What is awesome about Animus Blizzard
- Range of 300ft. And a hemisphere burst radius of 20ft.
- Enemies in range take 30d6 points of cold damage
- Up to five enemies that die in the blast are reanimated as wights under the character’s control indefinitely
Animus Blizzard Details
- Type: Evocation (Cold)
- Spell DC: 78
- To Develop: 702,000 gp; 15 days; 28,080 XP. Seeds: energy (DC 19), animate dead (DC 23). Factors: increase damage to 30d6 (+40 DC), set undead type to wight (-4 DC)
- Full Description
8. Nailed to the Sky
Ready for a lift?
You know how I said that dying by the Crown of Vermin would be an awful way to go? Same thing with Nailed to the Sky. The targeted creature, as described in the spell description, is placed so far from the surface of the world, and at such a speed that it keeps missing the surface as it falls back; thus entering eternal orbit. While going through that orbit, the creature is immediately suffocating and suffering damage each round unless it can magically fly, or has another form of non-physical propulsion. Even if the creature can fly though, the math in the description explains that it may not survive long enough to fly a maximum of four hours back to the surface. In my mind, this would be a difficult, if not impossible bind to get out of, unless allies of the stuck creature have a plan to rescue it.
What is awesome about Nailed to the Sky
- Target immediately begins to suffocate and take 2d6 heat or cold damage and 1d4 damage from the vacuum each round
- Target is stuck in eternal orbit
- Range of 300ft.
Nailed to the Sky Details
- Type: Conjuration (Teleportation)
- Spell DC: 62
- To Develop: 558,000 gp; 12 days; 22,320 XP. Seeds: foresee (to preview endpoint of teleportation) (DC 17), transport (DC 27). Factors: unwilling target (+4 DC), increase range from touch (+4 DC), 1-action casting time (+20 DC). Mitigating factor: burn 1,000 XP (-10 DC)
- Full Description
9. Peripety
Nope. Deflected.
Hey look! It’s an epic spell with a lower DC than others (you know, if you first burn 10,000 XP), and it also lasts a nice 12 hours! Five attacks during the duration of Peripety are reflected back to the attack with full force, and depending on which attacks are being reflected, that can be quite a serious hit on the enemy. This spell is a nice mix of offensive and defensive measures that would be necessary during higher level encounters, and therefore would be a good tool for any spellcaster to whip out.
What is awesome about Peripety
- Five attacks are reflected back to attacker
- Character can decide which attacks to reflect before damage is rolled
- The reflected attack rebounds use the same attack roll of the attacker
Peripety Details
- Type: Abjuration
- Spell DC: 27
- To Develop: 243,000 gp; 5 days; 9,720 XP. Seed: reflect (DC 27)
- Full Description
10. Epic Mage Armor
Can't touch me now!
Here is a spell for all of the squishy caster types out there: Epic Mage Armor. It lasts 24 hours, which is longer than the eight hour duration for regular Mage Armor, and has the massive bonus of +20 for armor class. If you’re a spellcaster at a whopping 16 for armor class, that +20 is extremely beneficial. It will definitely make it harder for a dragon to bite you, that’s for sure!
What is awesome about Epic Mage Armor
- +20 bonus to armor class
- Last 24 hours
- No penalty with checks while wearing it and incorporeal creatures can’t bypass it like normal armor
Epic Mage Armor Details
- Type: Conjuration (Creation, Force)
- Spell DC: 46
- To Develop: 414,000 gp; 9 days; 16,560 XP. Seed: armor (DC 14). Factor: +16 additional armor bonus (+32 DC)
- Full Description
11. Momento Mori
"What I want? What I want is for you to perish."
This is a spell that takes effect for just willing a target to die, without any components needed to cast. It is only a matter of the caster thinking about wanting a creature to die, and the thoughts take action by instantly killing that creature at hit points of 160 or lower. That can certainly be a nice and sneaky move for a spellcaster. As an example, if you or a party is in a situation where they are trying to keep their presence hidden, but the main target is within sight and needs to be taken care of, Momento Mori should do the trick. Just be prepared for more stealth checks when trying to escape after that!
What is awesome about Momento Mori
- Range 300ft.
- Kills a living creature instantly with the hit points of 160 or lower
- Cast as a quickened spell (bonus action)
Momento Mori Details
- Type: Necromancy (Death)
- Spell DC: 86
- To Develop: 774,000 gp; 16 days; 30,960 XP. Seed: slay (DC 25). Factor: increase to 160 HD (+8 DC), quickened (+28 DC), no verbal or somatic components (+4 DC), +10 to DC of subject’s save (+20 DC)
- Full Description
12. Hellball
Time to unleash some fury!
Hellball is like a level up of Fireball. The range of firing it is greater, the area of effect is a lot bigger, and the damage that can be done is something to be concerned about for those getting hit. The only caveat is that the caster would take 10d6 as backlash for casting the spell. But hey, why not do it anyway? Tear those enemies asunder with the mix of acid, fire, electric and sonic damage. That’s one way to avoid the problem of a damage type resistance: doing more types of damage!
What is awesome about Hellball
- Range of 300ft. And 40ft radius of effect
- 10d6 acid, 10d6 fire, 10d6 electricity, and 10d6 sonic damage to all creatures in the area
- Unattended objects also take damage
Hellball Details
- Type: Evocation (Acid, Fire, Electricity, Sonic)
- Spell DC: 90
- To Develop: 810,000 gp; 17 days; 32,400 XP. Seed: energy (deals 10d6 each of acid, fire, electricity, sonic) (DC 76). Factors: double base area (+6 DC), 1-action casting time (+20 DC). Mitigating factors: 10d6 backlash (-10 DC), burn 200 XP (-2 DC)
- Full Description
13. Enslave
Your will is my command.
If you want to be a master of controlling the mind and having creatures do your bidding, this would be the spell for you. Once a creature fails a saving throw against Enslave (which the DC for epic spells is 20 plus the key ability modifier, unless stated otherwise), it is permanently under the caster’s control via a telepathic link in the mind. Emphasis on “permanently.” Seriously. There are times where the creature can make a saving throw to reject a command if it is forced to do an action against its nature, but just chalk that up as a minor mutiny and carry on. There is nothing else that can be done once Enslave takes place, other than perhaps a spell like Wish. So any powerful creature could quite literally be at your command without resistance.
What is awesome about Enslave
- Permanent duration
- Enslave any living creature
- Range of 75ft.
Enslave Details
- Type: Enchantment (Compulsion, Mind-affecting), ritual
- Spell DC: 80
- To Develop: 720,000 gp; 15 days; 28,800 XP. Seed: compel (DC 19). Factors: stricter compulsion of any creature (ad hoc +11 DC), 1-action casting time (+20 DC), permanent (x5 DC). Mitigating factors: 2d6 backlash (-2 DC), four additional casters contributing one 9th-level spell slot (-68 DC), burn 2,000 XP per caster (-100 DC)
- Full Description
14. Vengeful Gaze of God
Making a god made is a terrible idea...
The name of this spell is intimidating in itself. It is also by far the most powerful spell there is, and that’s why it has such an insane DC of 419 to beat while casting it. This DC is even after the mitigating factor of taking 200d6 damage to yourself as backlash. With that, It’s hard to imagine anyone actually being able to use this spell, with the requirements and consequences that come into effect. Therefore, my guess is that a deity would be the only kind of creature who could cast this and remain standing to continue fighting. Granted, this is Dungeons & Dragons, where a lot of things are possible. Plus, if you have enough spellcasters assisting the character that’s casting this spell, and the character spends more time preparing for it, it is possible to dwindle the DC down little by little. Good luck!
What is awesome about Vengeful Gaze of God
- Range of 12,000ft.
- 305d6 damage to target
- If target is reduced to -10 hit points or less, it’s destroyed as if disintegrated
Vengeful Gaze of God Details
- Type: Transmutation
- Spell DC: 419
- To Develop: 3,771,000 gp; 76 days; 150,840 XP. Seed: destroy (DC 29). Factor: increase damage to 305d6 (+570 DC), 1-action casting time (+20 DC). Mitigating factor: 200d6 backlash (-200 DC)
- Full Description
15. Dragon Strike
One does not simply battle a dragon, let alone a group of them.
Imagine being able to summon an adult red dragon to attack your enemies. Now imagine being able to do that, but ten adult red dragons instead of one; all who can incinerate an enemy together with their multiple breath attacks happening at once. That’s Dragon Strike. This spell requires more than one spellcaster to cast it as a ritual, and some backlash damage may occur. This spell would be so well worth it though in my opinion. If the party runs into a tarrasque that’s about to level a city, I would absolutely attempt this spell. Ten dragons vs. Tarrasque. That would make an interesting Godzilla-esque movie plot that I would stay 5,000 ft. from and watch.
What is awesome about Dragon Strike
- Lasts 20 rounds
- Summon 10 adult red dragons
- Dragons will attack opponents or perform other actions
Dragon Strike Details
- Type: Conjuration (Summoning, Fire), Ritual
- Spell DC: 50
- To Develop: 450,000 gp; 9 days; 18,000 XP. Seed: summon (DC 14). Factors: summon creature other than outsider (+10 DC), summon CR 14 creature (+24 DC), summon ten creatures (x10 DC), 1-action casting time (+20 DC). Mitigating factors: eleven additional casters contributing 9th-level spell slots (-187 DC), burn 2,000 XP per caster (-240 DC), 3d6 backlash (-3 DC)
- Full Description
Great power comes at a great price in this case with epic spells, but as mentioned, the reward of using them can turn the tide in any kind of battle. If you are a spellcaster that’s looking for some more “oomph” during a battle (as if spells didn’t have enough “oomph” to them already), take a shot at these. They will definitely make things interesting at the very least!
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