What are the best adventuring gear in Dungeons and Dragons?
The Player’s Handbook contains dozens of different items for adventuring items. As a result, it can be quite the task to figure out what you should and shouldn’t take with you on a quest. In this list, we will be taking a look at the top 10 essential items!
10. Climber's Kit
A highly functional climber's kit [Photo Credit: Stock Vector]
When your party inevitably has to cross a bottomless pit or climb the side of a mountain, you’ll want to have a climber’s kit on hand. This pouch contains everything you need to anchor yourself, including pitons, special boot tips, climbing gloves, and most importantly of all, a harness.
It is impossible for you to fall further than a short distance while using the kit, so you don’t have to worry about plunging into eternal darkness. The Carrion Crawler on the wall though? Yeah, you still have to worry about that.
What makes this item highly useful:
- Reusability
- Will likely be used dozens, if not hundreds of times, in a campaign
- Protects against potentially deadly fall damage
- Allows the party to take alternative paths
Item details:
- You can use the kit as an action. Once anchored to a surface, you cannot fall more than 25 feet away from that spot. In order to continue forward beyond that distance, you will need to climb and re-anchor.
- The climber’s kit can be obtained at any merchant store and costs 25gp.
9. Ball Bearings
A set of ball bearings prepared and ready to go [Photo Credit: Ali Express]
While the previous item helped prevent you from falling into perilous depths, ball bearings are intended to do the exact opposite—for your enemies. You simply open the pouch, toss them out onto the floor, and done! Any unsuspecting creature that happens upon them will likely take a tumble.These give you the benefit of surprising your opponent, and while the DC10 Dexterity saving throw isn’t the best, it is still sure to take down most weaker creatures, allowing you to pick them off before moving on to the real threat.
What makes this item highly useful:
- Can cover up to a 10-foot area
- Only takes an action to set up
- Chance of knocking multiple enemies prone
- Highly useful in pre-combat or escape plans
Item details:
- Simply roll the bearings out into an area. Once a creature enters the space at full speed, they must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity save or fall prone. Technically reusable, but it might prove time-consuming to pick up all 1000 bearings.
- A set of ball bearings costs a mere 1gp and can be purchased in any merchant store.
8. Holy Water
A flask of Holy Water glows after creation [Photo Credit: Momentous Maps RPG]
Trying to figure out whether or not you have a vampire in your midst? Unsure whether or not you are dealing with a normal merchant or a succubus? Holy Water is your best friend in these situations.
If you don’t have a Paladin in your party to use Divine Sense, and you need a more subtle way to determine if you are facing an undead or demonic threat, simply sprinkle a drop of Holy Water on your hand before you go to shake your host’s hand. If you hear a wince, be extra careful.
Holy Water can also be used against such creatures in combat. Throw a vial at the creature, and upon impact, they take 2d6 radiant damage. If you are in a low-level party, that damage isn’t too shabby.
What makes this item highly useful:
- Good for subtly weeding out demons, devils, and undead
- Can work as a ranged or close-range weapon
- Can be created by your party’s cleric or paladin
- Looks just like regular water
Item details:
- A flask of Holy Water can either be splashed on a creature within 5 feet or thrown up to 20 feet. This requires a ranged weapon attack. On a hit, if that creature is an undead or fiend, they take 2d6 radiant damage. Cleric’s and Paladin’s can perform a special ritual to create Holy Water.
- Holy Water can be purchased at most merchant stores for 25gp, or made by a Paladin or Cleric in a 1-hour ritual that requires a 1st level spell slot and 25gp of powdered silver.
7. Hunting Trap
A trap sits ready to spring at the nearest sign of danger [Photo Credit: Masks of Monsters]
Ball Bearings proved useful for temporarily knocking a creature down, but what about when you need to stop them in their tracks completely? A Hunting Trap is the perfect solution.
Simply take out the trap, set it, and you are ready to go. It might be helpful to try to camouflage it, especially if you are outdoors. If a creature fails the DC 13 saving throw, it must use an action to try to break free again, costing it nearly its entire turn.
What makes this item highly useful:
- Easily Reusable
- Can hold a creature of any size for multiple rounds
- Higher DC than Ball Bearings
Item details:
- The trap must be attached to a secure object, such as a tree or wall. Once this is done, any creature that steps on the pressure plate must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity Saving throw or take 1d4 piercing damage and stop moving. Its movement afterward is limited to the chain’s length, which is normally 3 feet. A creature can use an action to make a DC 13 Strength check against the trap. On a success, it escapes. On a failure, it takes 1 piercing damage.
- A hunting trap can be purchased in most merchant shops for 5gp. Alternatively, try asking your party’s Ranger if they have one.
6. Crowbar
A metal crowbar stands at the ready [Photo Credit: Carwad]
Have you made it all the way through the grueling dungeon, only to come to a locked door with no handle? Have you been captured by the town watch and locked in a room with only one exit? It is in these moments that you’ll be thankful you packed a crowbar.
This versatile tool grants you incredible leverage, meaning that even the weakest member of your party has a chance of moving the trapdoor that seems impossible to open.
What makes this item highly useful:
- Versatility
- Reusability
- Grants advantage, which is rare for a non-magical item
- Easy to carry
Item details:
- In any situation where the crowbar’s leverage can be applied, it grants you advantage on Strength checks.
- A crowbar can be obtained at any merchant store for a mere 2gp.
5. Oil (Flask)
A freshly filled flask of oil [Photo Credit: Moringa Products]
An oil flask is lightweight, inexpensive, and incredibly useful. Need to delay enemy guards from following you? Pour some on the floor and light it ablaze. The flames will keep them back long enough for you to make your escape.
In a combat situation, you can use oil much in the same way as Holy Water. Simply splash or throw it, and then just get your wizard to cast a firebolt. Once ignited, the enemy must use an action to extinguish the fire or take damage every single round.
What makes this item highly useful:
- Perfect for making a daring escape
- Use multiple flasks at once to set a trap
- Can be used in short and long-range encounters
- Lasts multiple rounds
Item details:
- You can use an action to attack with the flask, splashing within 5 feet or throwing up to 20 feet. Anytime the target takes fire damage for the next minute, they take an additional 5 fire damage from the oil. You can also spread the oil over a 5-foot area. If lit, it burns for two rounds, dealing 5 fire damage to any creature within its space.
- Oil flasks can be purchased at any merchant store for a negligible 1sp.
4. Caltrops
A caltrop sits at the ready [Photo Credit: Cisco Gallery]
Caltrops are the perfect hybrid between a hunting trap and a set of ball bearings. Easily reusable, they are also small and portable.
Caltrops can be spread over an area, much in the same way as ball bearings, but if a creature fails the DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, they not only take 1 point of piercing damage but must also stop moving.
In addition, the creature’s total movement speed is reduced by 10 feet until they regain at least 1 hit point. This is the perfect way to prevent the creature you are fighting from escaping, or alternatively, from catching you at all!
What makes this item highly useful:
- Reusable
- Long term debuff off your enemy
- Higher DC than either a Hunting Trap or Ball Bearings
- Easily deployed
Item Details:
- Caltrops can be purchased at any merchant store for 1gp.
3. Healer's Kit
A Healer's Kit sits open and laid out [Photo Credit: Versalla]
Your Cleric is out of healing spells, and your party’s Fighter just went down again. You have no healing potions left, but you can’t let your friend die. What do you do? That’s right! You pull out your handy dandy Healer’s Kit!
While this kit can’t restore hit points, it does work to stabilize an ally in a pinch. No need for a Medicine check, as you simply expend one of ten uses of the kit to stabilize someone. This is a lifesaver, literally.
What makes this item highly useful:
- Reusable (to an extent)
- Could be the reason your party member lives
- Easy to have on hand
- Easy stabilization for low-level parties
Item details:
- Use an action to use this leather pouch, with its gauze, splints, and bandages. Upon doing so, one of its ten uses is expended and a creature at 0 hit points is stabilized.
- A Healer’s kit can be purchased in any merchant store for 5gp.
2. Rope
A neatly coiled length of hempen rope [Photo Credit: Vignette1]
Trying to cross a ravine? Use rope! Need to tie up an enemy guard while you escape? Rope! Trying to create a fuse for the oil trap you created? Rope! Rope is your best friend, and it is arguably the most versatile item on this entire list.
Hempen rope is cheaper than silk, but that’s about the only difference. Rope can be used for everything from climbing out of a pit to fixing a town’s water well to tying up bad guys. The list is nearly endless!
What makes this item highly useful:
- Reusable
- Extremely versatile
- Easy to carry
- You can never have too much rope
Item details:
- Rope, regardless of material, has 2 HP and requires a DC 17 Strength check to break.
- Hempen Rope can be purchased nearly anywhere for 1gp, while silk will cost 10gp.
1. Potion of Healing
A potion of healing glows and bubbles in the light [Photo Credit: Momentous Maps RPG]
The most useful item on this list is the one that keeps you alive. Whether you just fell down a mineshaft because you forgot to pack your climber’s kit or you took a lot of damage from an encounter with an Umber Hulk, you will be incredibly thankful that you packed a Potion of Healing.
These vials are portable, take an action to use, and restore a substantial amount of health. While a Healer’s kit is useful, a Potion of Healing is the only item guaranteed to keep you on your feet after the dragon uses their breath weapon. It is the most expensive item on this list by far, but it more than makes up for its cost.
What makes this item highly useful:
- Easy access healing for parties of all levels
- Can carry a bunch of them
- Guaranteed to save your life on nearly every adventure you go on
- Useful for literally every class and character type—even commoners
Item details:
- Use an action to either drink or administer this potion. Doing so causes a creature to regain 2d4+2 hit points, as the red liquid glows.
- A Potion of Healing can be purchased in most merchant stores for 50gp.
Well, that’s all of them! Hopefully, you know what to take on your next adventure, so good luck out there!