
Desiree has two Bachelor's degrees, a BA in English and a BS in Education. She graduated summa cum laude, and is continuing her education to get a Master's Degree in Special Education. During the day Desiree teaches teenagers how to write well, and at night she plays games on the rig she built on the table in her living room. She aspires to have a full water-cooled computer built into a table, but for now she makes do with what she has. Desiree has been writing online since 2008, and is an expert in First Person Shooters, modding Skyrim, and all things Call of dDuty. There is no prestige she can't manage, and no article she won't write. An accomplished Ghostwriter, Desiree has finally decided it's time to own her articles.
DezRoberts's Rank: Total Noob
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Currently Playing
The Elder Scrolls Online
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