
Erin is a web copywriter, a geek blogger, young-at-heart, and a late bloomer in everything about gaming, geekery, and cosplay. She worked in the media field as a researcher, but eventually realized that writing is her first love and she is now writing for a creative company. Erin loves to talk about her adventures and exploits in the world of gaming and pop culture, and blogs about it in her personal blog and in Gamersdecide. Most of the topics she writes include gaming trivia, features, reviews, and cosplays. What Erin loves about game writing is she gets to discover different games and write about her personal experience about them. It also helps that she has a gamer boyfriend who guides her in the world of gaming. Erin loves started playing games "'religiously" in college and loves RPG, shooting, and adventure games such as Left 4 Dead, Star Wars, and Starcraft.
erinyang's Rank: Total Noob
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