Overwatch is becoming one of the most popular games today, thus a lot of fans are looking for great cosplays out there. You do not have to look further because we have compiled 50 of the best and hottest Overwatch cosplays in the community. Be amazed and at awe with these great cosplays below.
50. JokerLolibel
Cosplay by JokerLolibel
Junkrat is a wild character who likes to do anything he wants. A girl Junkrat can do that too and Jokerlolibel just proved that with her genderbend Junkrat cosplay. This girl is not afraid to get dirty with her cosplays as long as she portrays the character very well. And she actually did.
49. Vera Chimera
Cosplay by Vera Chimera
Vera-Chimera is a dedicated gamer and she uses her knowledge to portray game characters very well. That is why her Tracer cosplay is amazing because she knows the hero and wants to give tribute to it through cosplay. Very amazing indeed!
48. Minty
Cosplay by Minty
We love Mei because she is sexy and hot, and Minty showed that in this cosplay of hers. It cannot be denied that both the cosplayer and character is something we can look at anytime.
47. Amberbrite
Cosplay by Amberbrite
Amberbrite shows that despite being cute and adorable, there is a lot of attitude in D.VA. This is an awesome cosplay and she is as sexy as hell. We love the poses and the whole outfit.
46. JusticaSirena
Cosplay by JusticaSirena
There are a lot of Tracer cosplayers out there and this one from JusticaSirena is just perfect. Her expressions are perfect for the character and the details of her costume are great.
45. Sick Horse Costumery
Cosplay by Sick Horse Costumery
As we said above, we love women who are willing to be gruesome and dirty just to have the perfect cosplay. Sick Horse Costumery is one perfect example for that. No words can express how awesome this cosplay is.
44. Genji – Tasha
Cosplay by Tasha
Tasha never ceases to amaze us in all of her cosplays and she did it again with a Genji Overwatch cosplay. Beautiful lighting and detailed costume are just some of the things that makes these cosplay and photos great!
43. Vicky Lau
Cosplay by Vicky Lau
Sexy and bewitching, this Witch Mercy by Vicky Lau is surreal. Despite the hotness, we know Mercy is one heck of a character and Vicky showed that here.
42. Zephon
Cosplay by Zephon
It’s very rare to find the perfect McCree cosplay and Zephon just did that. Macho and muscular, Zephon just personified McCree well and girls would be swooning over him.
41. Stella Chu
Cosplay by Stella Chu
Stella Chuu is one of the best cosplayers who adds personal touches to her cosplays. This is what makes her cosplays awesome and the Imp Mercy is one of them. We love her smug expression here, which shows she is one powerful hero.
40. KassandraLeigh
Cosplay by KassandraLeigh
Hot and awesome, this Mercy cosplay by KassandraLeigh is something great to look at. She has the sultry look but carries at badass staff, which shows that she is a character that everyone needs.
39. Alanna Mode
Cosplay by Alanna Mode
Lucio is one heck of a character and Alanna Mode the hero well. We love the details of her lower armor. The weapon is also great and show what Lucio is about.
38. 蔡锦
Cosplay by 蔡锦
Armored Overwatch cosplayers are great to look at and Genji is no exception. Just by looking at the details is enough to overwhelm. Too bad there aren’t enough photos of this.
37. Mogu Cosplay
Cosplay by Mogu Cosplay
Another cute Tracer cosplay in the form of Mogu! I love how, like the others, portray her cute yet show that she is not just about the looks and happy attitude. Armed with a gun, she is the one you need in beating the bad guys.
36. Sunny Side Cosplay
Cosplay by Sunny Side Cosplay
We love that Sunny Side’s features match that of the genderbent Hanzo here. That piercing look matches her skill of being a true marksman and we would love to see this cosplay in real life.
35. Jynx Art Cosplay
Cosplay by Jynx Art Cosplay
Even if Jynx didn’t show her face here, we don’t care. This whole Reaper cosplay is legendary in its own right. Love the details, props, and even the effects on the photo!
34. Wonyumi
Cosplay by Wonyumi
Just look at that armor---all those details and colors are just awesome! We don’t know how Wonyumi did it, but her Pharah cosplay is just amazing!
33. Momokun
Cosplay by Momokun
Just look at that face, isn’t she cute and hot. We love this cosplay because Momokun just showed everyone who Mei is all about---someone who is cute but should be messed around with. Don’t let that cuteness fool you.
32. Shellshocked Cosplay
Cosplay by Shellshocked Cosplay
Zenyatta has a complicated detailed costume, but that didn’t stop Shellshocked from forming this cosplay. Everything is awesome and the crafting is superb! Simple but wonderful.
31. Hendo Art
Cosplay by Hendo Art
This soldier is not something you should be messing with and Hendo Art shows that in these photos. That gun and costume is so badass and we love that she created a battle/weathered look to it. That’s what real soldiers look like.
30. Rian Synnth
Cosplay by Rian Synnth
A genderbend Hanzo is something great to look at. Love the sexiness and fierceness of this Hanzo cosplay by RianSynnth. She just shows how much of a badass the character is, especially in female form.
29. Pion Kim
Cosplay by Pion Kim
Pion Kim portrayal of Sombra is so cool and freaking amazing! The expressions are spot-on and the costume is very detailed, you know this is not a simple cosplay.
28. Cleigh-Cosplay
Cosplay by Cleigh-Cosplay
Mercy has a lot of skins and we like it when cosplayers cosplay those skins to give the character a fresh style. There is not much Valkyrie Mercy cosplays, but this one takes the cake. The details of the costume is beautiful and Cleigh’s portrayal is just perfect.
27. CharmandaPlays
Cosplay by CharmandaPlays
Cosplaying Pharah is not easy but CharmandaPlays did it so well. We are amazed by the props and costume that we know a lot of dedication has been given to this cosplay.
26. Arlene Fae
Cosplay Arlene Fae
What we love about D. VA cosplays is the cosplayers really match the character. Another cut and hot D. VA here by Arelena Fae and we can’t help but just look at the photos.
25. Cutiepiesensei
Cosplay by Cutiepiesensei
We don’t care about the color---this Widowmake by Cutiepiesensei is just superb! Love the smoke effect and the fierceness of her face here and we would love to see more photos of this cosplay.
24. XwinterXsilenceX
Cosplay by XwinterXsilenceX
What we like about XwinterXsilenceX is she makes her own costumes, so you know that her cosplays are exactly like the character---and more. Her Tracer is no exception as it is one of the best that we have seen! Plus, her portrayal is so spot-on, it’s like you are seeing the real Tracer in the flesh.
23. Bakka Cosplay
Cosplay by Bakka Cosplay
We really women cosplayers who like to get dirty just so they can make their cosplays perfect. Bakka is no exception as her ruggedness in this cosplay is freaking amazing. One of the best Overwatch cosplays we have ever seen!
22. Oshley Cosplay
Cosplay by Oshley Cosplay
We really love armored cosplays, especially when they are girls. This one from Oshley is just superb and we can’t help but admire the costume, props, and the cosplayer itself. Well-crafted indeed!
21. Tomatron5
Cosplay by Tomatron5
Another one of the greatest male Overawatch cosplays! We are at awe of the costumes and the props. Just look at that bow and arrow---this is something worth taking a photo of.
20. Amaberius
Cosplay by Amaberius
D.VA is cute and awesome as a standalone character and Amaberius portrays her well. We would like to see this cosplay in conventions.
19. Hoteshi
Cosplay by Hoteshi
We love the look of Hoteshi here in this Tracer cosplay because it personifies who the character is all about. Her costume is simple but Hoteshi gave it some fierce yet cute look.
18. Lunar Crow
Cosplay by Lunar Crow
You need that sexy edge to cosplay Symmetra and Lunar Crow has that. It shows in these photos and we love that she looks exactly like Symmetra.
17. Zalaria Cosplay
Cosplay by Zalaria Cosplay
What we love about cosplayers is they recreate characters in their own way and Zalaria does that well. The Witch Mercy is one of the fans’ favorite costume and seeing it in cosplay is just surreal. Mercy is sexy, badass, and cute and Zalaria shows those qualities in these photos.
16. Jechts
Cosplay by Jechts
Another Overwatch male cosplayer makes this list and we couldn’t agree more. Not only does he have the looks and the body for portraying Zarya, Jechts also has the detailed props and costume to complete the look. The photos are enough to tell you how awesome Jechts is.
15. Squiby
Cosplay by Squiby
Men are no exception when cosplaying Overwatch characters and women love those male characters. Squiby is known for creating detailed props and he showed that in his McCree cosplay. Girls also love that scruffy and rugged look and we are sure they are swooning over this.
14. Nichameleon
Cosplay by Nichameleon
Another Reaper cosplay that is as sexy and as awesome as hell! Even if this is genderbend, it’s not going to stop us from admiring the details and the fierceness of the whole costume. Don’t let the looks fool you because this is a character you don’t want to mess with you.
13. Shappi
Cosplay by Shappi
Don’t let her support status fool you because Mercy is your key for being alive in the game. Shappi is very talented when it comes to creating armored costumes and portraying fierce characters. Mercy is no exception and we love how her expression shows that she is a player that should not be taken granted for.
12. Reilena Cosplay/Rachel Day
Cosplay by Reilena Cosplay/Rachel Day
Widowmaker is sexy and badass at the same time and you need a cosplayer that has a lot of guts to do this character. We’re glad we found Reilana and her Widowmaker cosplay because everything about it is wonderful. The details of the costume and her expressions are just perfect and we would like to see this cosplay in person.
11. Blood Raven Cosplay
Cosplay by Blood Raven Cosplay
A hot Overwatch cosplay doesn’t require a cosplayer to show some skin. Rather, they must look awesome and fierce, and Blood Raven showed that through her Reaper cosplay. She got all the details right and her poses are spot-on for the character---kudos on this one, we love it!
10. Kamui Cosplay
Cosplay by Kamui Cosplay
Hot, sexy, and beautiful. These are the words that we can use to describe Kamui’s cosplay of Symmetra. Her beauty already accentuates the character’s best traits, so seeing these photos are already enough to leave us at awe.
9. HenchWench
Cosplay by HenchWench
Mei is a cute Overwatch character that takes a lot of dedication in portraying her. She is cute and happy-go-lucky yet can still be a fierce. Her surroundings are also perfect for her nature. She may be covered but HenchWench can make Mei look badass here.
8. Germia
Cosplay by Germia
We love girl cosplayers who do armored characters because we know they have given their sweat, blood, and tears just to bring them to life. Germia is one of those cosplayers and she just cosplayed one of the bad-ass Overwatch characters.
7. Kinpatsu Cosplay
Cosplay by Kinpatsu Cosplay
There are times when the genderbend version of a character is better than the original look---and this on from Kinpatsu is no exception. She showed Roadhog’s trademarks, the fierceness, and the aura that, even if she is a woman, you should not mess with her. We also love the details on her costume and props!
6. Soni Aralynn
Cosplay by Soni Aralynn
When looking at Overwatch cosplays, we love those that are colorful yet embodies fierceness. Sombra is that kind of character and Soni showed those qualities in these photos. We also like her fierce expression---we wouldn’t want to mess with her.
5. Fenix.Fatalist
Cosplay by Fenix.Fatalist
Cosplaying Overwatch characters are sexy and you need a cosplayer who is courageous at portraying them. Fenix Fatalist is one of them and she brought the Witch Mercy to life in a very great way!
4. Jessica Nigri
Cosplay by Jessica Nigri
A best Overwatch cosplays list is not complete without Jessica Nigri in it. We love that she portrayed Reinhardt in a different way---it’s beautiful and awesome. All the details and her expression are perfect!
3. Tasha
Cosplay by Tasha
Tasha is one of the best cosplayers in the world and her cosplays never ceases to amaze us. Portraying Tracer is just so badass and awesome, which makes the character and cosplayer even sexier.
2. Aza Miyuko
Cosplay by Aza Miyuko
If you’re looking for a cute D. VA, Aya’s cosplay of her is the one for you. She embodied the fierceness and hotness of D.VA and we love it!
1. Jannet Vinogradova
Cosplay by Jannet Vinogradova
The moment I saw this cosplay, I am at awe. Everything from the costume to the expression to the details are just breath-taking! And Jannet is also sexy cosplaying Widowmaker.
Indeed, these Overwatch cosplays are wonderful and badass. We can see how these cosplayers have dedicated their time, energy, and money just to make their Overwatch cosplays perfect. When you look them, you become more inspired to play the game and its characters.
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