
Eyad Abdulhak grew up in the middle east. Being born with a controller in one hand and a pen in the other, he spent most of his childhood exploring the fascinating world of gaming. From open-world games like dark souls and Devil may cry, to competitive PVP games like Call of duty and Tekken. These adventures are what also fueled his creative mind into creating his own into paper. These things are what guided him to create fantasy stories with hundreds of views, translate multiple E-books. Participate in multiple online & offline tournaments placing top 10 against dozens of other competitors in fighting game tournaments. And being in the top 10% ranking-wise in these games too. His love for both gaming and writing has encouraged him to help out his community, by writing about reviews, guides, and articles about his favorite genres in hopes of helping out other gamers either improve, inform, or even make them fall in love with his favorite games.
EyadX1515's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Final Fantasy 14, overwatch, league of legends, Tekken 7, Dragonball fighter Z
Top 3 Favorite Games