[Top 10] Tekken 7 Best Players In The World Right Now (2022)
Even though the pandemic made a lot of delays to some tournaments, this still didn’t stop the Tekken community from conducting and participating in tournaments this year.
So let us see who are the best right now in this TOP 10 best TEKKEN 7 players right now.
10.) Rangchu
(Rangchu holding his prize after winning the Tekken world tour)
“Golden Panda Master" Rangchu, is a 28-year-old South Korean player. Unlike most of the other top Korean players like Knee or saint, he is well known for playing low-tier characters.
But what made Rangchu very famous and well know internationally is the fact that he won Tekken World Tour Finals 2018 while playing PANDA!!! The worst character in the whole game.
Even Harda (the creator of Tekken) said this when Rangchu won “Panda… Really ?!!”. Just showing how crazy his achievement was.
Major Tournament Achievements:
- 1st Tekken World Tour Finals 2018 (7,500 $)
- 2nd Topanga League x Tekken 7 - Season 3 2021 (2,751 $)
- 4th EVO 2021 Online - Asia East (600 $)
Rangchu's Twitter: https://twitter.com/rangchu123?s=20
9.) Fergus
(Fergus giving a thumbs up to the camera)
Fergus is a 27-year-old Irish player. One of the best Irish and maybe even one of the best European players in the world, Fergus was able to go head to head against giants like cherry-berry mango and Gen.
While other European countries like the U.K and France had some strong presence in the tournament. Ireland didn’t have that much until Fergus came along.
With his Asuka. Fergus was able to giants like super Akuma and caliper. And he made the Irish scene well known after he went to so many tournaments and faced Tekken giants.
Major Tournament Achievements:
- 1st Sonic Boom V 2018 (476$)
- 3rd Tekken Extreme Tournament 2018 (750$)
- 5th WUFL Season 1 2021 (3,500 $)
Fergus Twitter: https://twitter.com/Fergus_TK?s=20
8.) Caiper
(Caiper making an epic entrance)
Caiper is a Spanish player who is one of the best players in Europe and the world.
He made people take the Spanish scene more seriously after defeating Tekken giants like JDCR and CherryBerryMango with super-strong Feng Wei. Though he did also pick up Akuma along the way.
Major Tournament Achievements:
- 1st Logitech G Cup 2020 (2,547 $)
- 3rd Ultimate Fighting Arena 2019 (768$)
- 6th WUFL Season 1 2021 (3,500$)
Caiper’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaiperMG?s=20
7.) Saint
(Saint concentrating in a match in the combo breaker tournament)
One of the older players on this list, Saint is a 31-year-old South Korean player who is also an EVO champion.
Saint is an old (age-wise and scene-wise) player who used to play in Tekken tournaments back from Tekken 6.
He also was able to defeat other Korean giants like knee, JDCR, and channel thanks to his Jack 7 and of course his Ganryu.
Major Tournament Achievements:
- 1st EVO 2016 (3,258$)
- 2nd Tekken World Tour Finals 2017 (9,000 $)
- 2nd Tekken Online Challenge 2021: Korea Online Masters (400$)
Saint’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/TK_SAINT?s=20
6.) Chanel
(Channel playing a match in the Tekken world tour finals)
Chanel, (no not the brand), is another old south Korean who used to participate in Tekken tournaments back to Tekken 6.
Being one of the best Tekken players in the world, Chanel has a very impressive career clashing with other Tekken giants like JDCR and of course Knee.
Unlike the other Korean legends like himself, Chanel decided not to main a very flashy super powerful character. Instead, he opted to play a strong but agile one, Alisa. He also picked up Eliza along the way.
Major Tournament Achievements:
- 2nd The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2016 (13,009$)
- 2nd True Gaming Invitational 2019 (25,000$)
- 5th Tekken Online Challenge 2021: Korea Online Masters (60$)
Chanel Twitter: https://twitter.com/tekkenchanel?s=20
5.) Knee

(Knee walking In while wearing the infinity gaunlet)
If this was the “Top 10 best Tekken players of All-time” list, then knee would most probably be on the top of that list.
This 36-year-old south Korean Tekken legend has won not 1 EVO tournament, but 2 !! He also defeated multiple other Tekken legends like JDCR and Saint on numerous occasions.
He gets his name “Knee” due to his character’s (Bryan and Bruce) infamous use of their knees. But he also can play most of the cast of the game usually opting to play the strongest characters.
Major Tournament Achievements:
- 1st EVO 2018 (5,520$)
- 3rd Tekken World Tour Finals 2019 (37,500$)
- 2nd Red Bull Kumite 2021 - Las Vegas (3,000)
Knee’sTwitter: https://twitter.com/holyknee?s=20
4.) JDCR
(JDCR smiles at the camera and gives a thumbs up)
The last legendary Korean on our list is JDCR. Being a Korean Tekken legend, JDCR has won against other legends like knee and Chanel.
But what makes JDCR so popular among the community is the fact that he destroys his competition while using weak but very difficult to use characters like Armor King, Dragunov, and of course his infamous Heihachi.
He also won major tournaments and is even an EVO champion.
Major Tournament Achievements:
- 1st Red Bull Kumite 2021 - Las Vegas - LCQ
- 1st Tekken Online Challenge 2021: Korea Online Masters (1,000 $)
- 1st EVO 2017 (16,716 $)
JDCR’S Twitter: https://twitter.com/TKJDCR?s=20
3.) Awais Honey

(Awais honey taking a picture after winning the ROXnRoll Dubai tournament)
While being the newest players on this list, Awais honey took the Tekken scene by storm.
This Pakistani player who has only been playing for a year defeated Tekken legends such as Knee, channel, and low high with the help of his insane Akuma.
Major Tournament Achievements:
- 1st FV Cup 2019 (500$ )
- 1st ROXnRoll Dubai 2019 (2,500 $)
- 2nd WUFL Season 1 2021 (10,000$)
Awais Honey Twitter: https://twitter.com/awaishoney94?s=20
2.) Arslan Ash

(Arslan ash smiling after winning EVO 2019
Arslan ash is arguably one of the best Tekken 7 players of all time.
Using his Kazumi and Zafina, he put Pakistan on the Tekken map by defeating legends like Knee. And is an EVO champion.
Major Tournament Achievements:
- 1st WUFL Season 12021 (15,00 $)
- 1st Kumite In Tennessee 2020 (292$)
- 1st EVO 2019 (13,894$)
Arslan ash Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArslanAsh95?s=20
1.) Gen

(Gen shaking hands with his opponent in the Tekken world tour finals 2019)
The youngest player on this list, Gen is a Japanese player who surprised the whole Tekken community.
At such a young age he was able to defeat the likes of knee and Nobi cementing his place as a Tekken pro.
Major Tournament Achievements:
- 1st Red Bull Kumite 2021 - Las Vegas (6,500 $)
- 1st Tekken Online Challenge 2021: Japan Online Masters (1,000 $)
- 1st EVO 2021 (1,600 $)
Gen’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/gen0202?s=20
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