Hannah is a professional ghostwriter by trade, working all hours to complete books and novels of all genres for her clients. Hannah loves to write books about fantasy, adventure with an element of the supernatural in them.
Having been a successful writer for several years, Hannah is looking to push her boundaries and inspire the next generation to achieve whatever it is they want to do in life - look past the humdrum life in an office and make your own adventures.
Having come from a teaching background, Hannah is a highly educated individual with two degrees in different aspects of education, and worked with children to inspire them through fun activities like gaming.
Being a millennial, Hannah has had the luck of being brought up on classic consoles as well as newer consoles and games. Her first console was the OG Gameboy with Super Mario, this evolved over time for her to collect up to 25 retro and new consoles with a plethora of games to play with from RPGs, 1st person shooters to platform puzzles.
Hannah is a professional member of The Royal Society of Literature and Association of Ghostwriters.
She specialises in fantasy RPGs, and has played pretty much all of them, back in 2010 - 2012 Hannah was one of the top 200 players for Black Ops 2 online and slayed all the wannabes, making some great friendships along the way. Her ability to be able to play pretty much any game well stems from her experience, a true gamer always catches on quickly to new gameplay styles and Hannah is no exception to that.
Now having the opportunity to actually talk about her love for gaming, Hannah brings to the table some truly inspiring stories and interesting facts about the games she loves. This writer will always endeavour to bring new perspectives into her writing and will blow you away with her knowledge and experience.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing