PewDiePie, AKA: Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg is a Swedish-born YouTuber who shot to fame for playing online horror games between 2012 - 2013 and is now living the dream that so many gamers have imagined!
PewDiePie has a wicked sense of humour, creates various types of content like daily vlogs and react videos, and streams his gaming sessions online. He is one of the few creators with the highest number of subscribers, with 111 million and counting!
So, let’s see his top 15 videos on his channel!
This video starts on a fun note with PewDiePie dancing, something he loves to do! He looks at an article on the internet that might suggest that to spot in, and you might be a toxic gamer!
Looking out for toxicity online is a vital issue. Gaming should be fun, and you should enjoy it, but plenty of people out there ruin the fun for others, bully people, send hate mail, and gatekeep certain games and the way people play them.
PewDiePie encourages gamers to relax and enjoy the gameplay rather than bully and pick on others. He gives us some tips to be chill: walk away, don’t engage with the hate and play the game however you want.
Some great wisdom to share and could help others!
14. Gamer Girl Vs Male Gamers! What Would You Do?!
PewDiePie looks at an interesting video about how to react when you see a girl gamer being bullied.
The video is a social experiment to see whether the public will stick up for the girl who plays games, and they sure do! Men and women stick up for the girl with genuine enthusiasm, which is a wholesome feeling to see that girl gamers are now starting to be treated with respect.
While PewDiePie mixes humour with this healthy topic, it’s thoroughly enjoyable to watch and makes you smile!
13. Fortnite Prop Hunt Jacksepiceye BETRAYS me, Hacked (EPIC) $10 000 CHALLENGE
PewDiePie plays Fortnite with fellow YouTuber Jacksepiceye with an awe-inspiring introduction while the guys talk about the most recent Fortnite update.
PewDiePie takes part in a ‘hide and seek’ game where they chase each other and try to destroy each other for points, and his opponent takes the shape of a ‘prop’ from the game, like a soda drink or a toy dinosaur which Pewdie takes the form of on his turn.
The tension build-up was hilarious as Pewdie hid from Jack, but he got found out, and a hilarious chase ensued!
This video will make you laugh and try out Fortnite hide and seek with your friends for yourself!
12. My 7 Billion $ Setup Tour
If you know PewDiePie, you will see that he’s a master of sarcasm and tongue-in-cheek humour and has excellent relationships with other YouTubers. Further, into the video, he talks about a fellow Tuber’s setup and pokes fun at what he has on his setup, as he has four monitors and plays in the dark and loads of trailing wires!
PewDiePie teases the YouTuber’s setup but also admires it, as it’s very functional and shows off what his setup looks like when he games.
Seeing PewDiePie’s setup is rare, so it’s time to take note! Pewd's setup is clean, with no wires, after his move to Japan. He also has a small gym in his office space. This is the perfect way to set up your gaming setup.
Halfway through the video, PewDiePie also rates others’ gaming setups, and we see many different aesthetics and styles. We see how others love to show off their personality with Pops!
So if you want to get inspired and work on your workspace, check out this video!
11. How To Get Started On YouTube
During this video, PewDiePie offers some constructive feedback to his fans on how to get started on YouTube. He begins by admitting he doesn’t have all the answers and that there’s no ‘one rule’ to do this and says this is his opinion on how it worked for him - so bear that in mind!
Pewds starts by saying that you need to build up skills in making videos rather than paying hundreds towards top-quality equipment - get the basics down and get the content out there!
The famous YouTuber admits that he only started with hundreds of subscribers, and building up as many as he has now has taken years. PewDiePie says you have to be consistent, have a great personality and commit to the algorithm of how videos get viewed on YouTube.
A good character will help you make it, and then the algorithm statistics will follow the more people watch a personality they love. He talks about how you make your hours, but it takes a lot of work, and you will need to work 24 hours. You could be operating by commenting on others’ content, and making vlogs and blogs, so creating an office area separate from your personal space is also essential.
He also says that most YouTubers have a helping hand, whether they get advertisements from a popular magazine, go viral on social media or even if another YouTuber supports them - see what you can do to get support!
This video is comprehensive and exciting. Whether you want to make it big on Twitch or another genre besides gaming, this video is one to watch!
Get your channel out there!
10. Do all GAMERS THINK the Same?
Felix brings us another social experiment where a group of male and female people talk about how they think and answer questions by ‘taking sides’. They bring together a good variety of gamers who play RPGs, platformers and virtual games to see the range of their beliefs and values.
The producers ask questions like “Do you like energy drinks” and “is gaming culture misogynistic?” The differences between the answers are interesting, where the world assumes all gamers like energy drinks, which doesn’t seem to be the case. And when talking about gaming culture, the female gamers voted that they see misogyny more than men.
PewDiePie even understands the issue of girls getting picked on online and says bullying female gamers is “...so old…” and that people need to get over it.
This video is exciting, so if you want to go forward and break the stigma around gamers and their stereotypes, watch this video and get your friends to watch it, too, you learn a thing or two!
We all know mobile gaming has improved drastically over the years, but PewDiePie showed us how awesome the new PUBG mobile game is! The graphics are outstanding, and Pewds even says it looks better than the actual PC game.
The mechanics seem easy to control, how to move the character, and PewDiePie even discovered that he could chat with other online gamers early on. Using weaponry was a little clunky in the game, but PewDiePie learned how to use them enough to make a fair number of kills.
Funnily enough, PewDiePie found that many players were terrible at the game, which is hilarious! The number of other players on the map isn’t as many as on the PC version. It almost feels like PewDiePie has been playing this for at least a week, as he makes it look so easy to play.
Many gamers don’t think that online mobile games are worth their salt, but it seems they are just as valid a platform as any other console. Gaming is great on mobiles, too, and your gaming is valid, even if you play mobile games!
8. Dreams - The most UNIQUE game I've EVER PLAYED!
Dreams is a bizarre but hilarious game on PS4 where you can create and rate games in the game! PewDiePie played one particular game: a comical cooking game where you control a hand that creates havoc and pushes all of the ingredients off the countertop, ultimately setting everything on fire.
Pewds’ showcased another game where you can play a version of Sonic in a wormhole. We aren’t sure, but it seems incredibly funny as it’s not easy not to figure out what to do. Unfortunately, PewDiePie got bored very quickly and moved on.
There is something for everyone, from a horror simulator to Legend of Zelda, but the game has a small excerpt of different games; no matter what you think of, it’s probably in Dreams!
So why not branch out and look into playing Dreams? Check out this video before committing to see if it’s the game for you! It’s hilariously surreal and bound to mess with your head.
PewDiePie talks about a game released in 2000, Oblivion from the Elder Scrolls series, and whether Oblivion is genuinely the best game of all time.
He admits that at the time, the graphics were outstanding, and the music was phenomenal, but today, it doesn’t seem to age very well. This video is all about the bad stuff from Oblivion which is a super controversial thing to do, as many RPGs and gamers love all things Elder Scrolls.
While there are many glitches, for example, where the AI doesn’t recognise dead people they killed, and the characters cannot move their mouths when talking. There’s still something that most gamers of the 90s will reminisce about when thinking about Oblivion.
Maybe it’s the fact that it was one of the first fully open-world games with tons of DLC and hundreds of quests to keep you occupied for literal months.
So is this the best game of all time? You decide; by Azura! Watch this video and tell us your opinion.
PewDiePie shows a compilation of his scariest gaming moments involving his gameplay and reaction, both hilarious and terrifying!
He plays Amnesia with the House of Creep mod, and we see Pewds freak out most wonderfully. While he tiptoes around the house, his reactions to creepy people appearing out of the darkness are too funny to where he has to look at photos of kittens and puppies to calm down! That’s a great tip!
The video is only five minutes long, but it is well worth a watch to see the famous PewDiePie freak out!
5. The Impossible Quiz
Number five on this list is a funny video that PewDiePie brings to our screens: The Impossible Quiz! This quiz must have been put together by an absolute troll, as all the answers are nonsense but hilarious.
PewDiePie doesn’t get a great score, but the game is random, with solutions that don’t make sense. Watching him get confused is entertaining, and he even tries hard to win the game!
If you want to go at this game, the link is in PewDiePie’s description of this video, but check it out first to see if this is your kind of thing - it could infuriate you to insanity!
4. Mine All Day
PewDiePie is the master of staying relevant and relatable to his fans, keeping fresh content on his channel and ensuring his fans feel entertained, which he finds out through the comments section. This video is no exception!
PewDiePie created 2019 a Minecraft-inspired music video in which he raps and sings himself, and the music video is of excellent quality. The song is super catchy and memorable and will quickly get stuck in your mind, so watch this video carefully!
The video also includes excerpts of PewDiePie himself rapping and playing games on the camera.
So whether you’re a gamer or a YouTuber of any topic, please take a look at this video; it’s funny and may inspire you in your gaming!
PewDiePie shows a new game that’s come out recently called Dumb Ways to Die and how funny it is. He plays this game for a couple of minutes before Flappy Bird which is shown 4:03 minutes into the video-in, in case you were only interested in that!
Flappy Bird is an infuriatingly simple and anger-inducing game, where if you hit the sides of the game whilst flapping your little bird wings, you will die. It’s a platform game with a similar resolution as Mario on Gameboy. It’s just in colour!
Many gamers have raged when playing this game, and PewDiePie is no exception; he may be the king of gaming YouTube, but he, too, is vulnerable to game rage.
Pewds manages to get to 13 points, and I have to say I’m impressed! Flappy Bird is so easy to play, but challenging to get a good score! Well done to those who got 100 points!
This video is perfect for those who love watching people rage because as they try to be calm to play, it causes the gamer to ‘freeze’ up with tension - which is hilarious!
With over 42 million views, PewDiePie shows us a tabletop game called Cards Against Humanity. You have several cards in your hand, and you need to answer a question card with just one of those cards in your hands.
But there’s a catch! The cards are incredibly offensive; where it might talk about obesity and dead babies, it is a game to play as a joke! If you get easily offended, this game isn’t for you! But if you love games like Unstable Unicorns or Exploding Kittens, then you will definitely like this game.
However, if you’re not sure, watch Pewds play with his wife, for example. You’ll see some super offensive and funny answers, so the video gives you a good idea of the game.
My advice: don’t play if you’re easily offended!
Number two, with 51.5 million views on YouTube, we see PewDiePie putting together a funny compilation of videos using games such as Amnesia, Doom 3, and Bloody Trapland, just a tiny sample.
Pewds gets jump-scared from the horror games at the least expected moment, and you wouldn’t have guessed that the video was published in 2012! It’s still so relevant and funny, even to this day.
So, if you’re feeling low, watch this video. It’ll raise your spirits as you watch a fully grown man break down into fits of screaming and laughter and occasionally look at kitten videos to calm down.
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