
Over the years, Howard has spent most of his life playing video games since the early days of the first PlayStation and became a solid refined gamer. He has experienced a professional level of the gaming world with a creative view on the accomplished platforms video games have evolved into. His involvement in various games, such as Fighting, FPS, Racing, Horror, and more have made him an expert at discussing the details of games people need to know. Howard relays the details of the do’s and don’ts so that the same mistakes wouldn’t be made for the next gamer. Howard self-published pieces of creating writing that express attention to detail and has a degree in English Literature. He has accomplished this by having a conversational overview of the topics he loves for geeks to understand and the quality of the games themselves. His favorite pastime is playing horror video games that give him a good jump scare that makes him think about the next actions. He loves these types of games because not only do they tell a great story, but writing about these games is a passion and an ability to express the thankfulness of why they exist.
HSmith1's Rank: Total Noob
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Killing Floor 2
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