There are many zeds that are hard to deal with and this guide is designed to help exact the right amount of damage and strategic tactics. It’s hard to know which method works the best against various zeds and bosses in this gauntlet of hell, so to clear up the confusion get ready to be introduced to a sure victory. In the following lineup, these zeds and bosses will be exposed to allow you to kill effectively and demolish them in your path.
1. Cyst
The Cyst is one of the most common enemies in Killing Floor 2. They are considered weak when alone, but when in a large group they can be overpowering. This zed is known for spawning in unexpected places, such as roofs, ventilation systems, and even manholes but here is how to handle them.
Enemy Abilities:
- Move slowly, but sprint when enraged
- *Grab Attack that immobilizes
- Melee Attack
Best way to handle them:
- Headshots
- *Gun hit or shoot zed to break a grip
- Avoid large groups
- All weapons except microwaves weapons are effective
- Significantly weak to Sub-machine guns
2. Alpha Clot
The Alpha Clot is a common specimen in Killing Floor 2’s world of carnage. The Alpha Clot is taller and better-looking zed deemed a lesser enemy but can deal some major damage in large groups of hordes. This zed differs from the Cyst ever so slightly, but here is how to handle them.
Enemy Abilities:
- Move slowly, but sprints when enraged
- Jumping
- Melee Attack
- *Grab Attack that immobilizes
- Evade certain damage sources
Best way to handle them:
- Headshots
- *Gun hit or shoot zed to break a grip
- Movements are predictable
- Avoid large groups
- Can be knocked down when jumped on
- Significantly weak to sub-machine guns
- All weapons except microwave weapons are effective
3. Slasher
The Slasher is a common zed in Killing Floor 2’s roster of murderous creatures. The Slasher is a short and stubby zed that is considered a weak enemy. Do not let the size fool you because these zeds are powerful in groups and here is how to handle them.
Enemy Abilities:
- Agile and Aggressive
- Unpredictable
- *Grab Attack that immobilizes
- Sprints when enraged
- Melee Attack
- Dodge Gunfire
Best way to handle them:
- Headshots
- Avoid large groups
- *Gun hit or shoot zed to break a grip
- Significantly weak to sub-machine guns
- All weapons except microwave weapons are effective
4. Stalker
The Stalker is a regular specimen in Killing Floor 2 and has few tricks up her sleeves. The Stalker is a female zed that is considered in the lesser category of enemies. She posses a cloaking skill that hides her from detection and here is how to handle this unique zed.
Enemy Abilities:
- *Invisibility Ability
- Agile and Aggressive
- Jumping
- Melee Attack
- Sprint when enraged
- Ambush-Based
- Dodge Gunfire
- Unpredictable
Best way to handle them:
- Headshots
- *Visible to Commando Perk
- *Can be seen as a faint, shimmering outline to other perks
- Significantly weak to assault rifles
- All weapons except microwave weapons are effective
5. Crawler
The Crawler is a common enemy in Killing Floor 2 and is smaller than most zeds. The Crawler is considered a lesser enemy among other creatures. This little fellow is a black humanoid insect-like zed that is fast that can sneak past defenses, but here is how to handle them.
Enemy Abilities:
- Sprint when enraged
- *Ambush-Based
- Jumping
- Dodge Gunfire
- Melee Attack
Best way to handle them:
- Headshots
- *Keep at a distance
- Kill quickly
- Significantly weak to sub-machine guns and Assault Rifles
- All weapons except microwave weapons are effective
6. Gorefast
The Gorefast is a common enemy in the Killing Floor 2 playground with a steel blade jammed in the right arm. The Gorefast is considered a lesser enemy but is more durable than weaker zeds. These combat ready zeds are extremely dangerous and quick to display anger, so here is how to get rid of them.
Enemy Abilities:
- Melee Attack
- Sprint when enraged or shot
- Block Gunfire
Best way to deal with them:
- Headshots
- Treat as threats of high priority
- When Gorefast blocks, adjust aim slightly upper left to hit head
- Significantly weak to shotguns
- All weapons are effective
7. Bloat
The Bloat is an uncommon zed in Killing Floor 2 that is overweight with a huge body mass while wielding 2 large cleavers. The Bloat is considered a medium enemy that acts as a meat shield and is durable. These boys are nasty in more than one way and here is how to handle them.
Enemy Abilities:
- Body Explosion
- Close-Range Melee
- Puke Mine
- Vomit
- *Vomit Poison
- Bile Blind
- Slow Movement
- Block Gunfire
Best way to deal with them:
- *Keep at a distance
- Avoid blowing up near other players or self
- Headshots
- Vulnerable to fire with the Firebug perk
- Explosive, Fire, and Microwave weapons are effective
8. Siren
The Siren is an uncommon creature in Killing Floor 2 that gives the player a real ringing of the ears. The Siren is a medium enemy that has a bulletproof vest and a sonic amplifier, which causes disorienting damage. This female zed can be one of the most annoying enemies of the game and here is how to take care of them.
Enemy Abilities:
- Melee Attack
- *Bulletproof vest
- Scream Attack
- Destroys grenades and on impact during a scream
- Sprint when enraged
- Slow movement
- Resistance to poison
Best way to handle them:
- *Headshots and Neck shots
- EMP disrupts scream
- Significantly weak to Demolitionist perk
- Keep at a distance
9. Husk
The Husk is an uncommon specimen in Killing Floor 2 with a cannon for an arm. The Husk is a medium enemy that can fire balls of fire at unsuspecting players. These zeds are very dangerous both at a distance and close-up and here is how to handle them.
Enemy Abilities:
- Ranged Attack
- Fireball
- Fireball Burn
- Flamethrower
- Melee Attack
- *Suicide Explosion
- *Sprints when attempting suicide
- Knockback power
Best way to deal with them:
- Fireballs can be dodged
- *Kill from a distance
- *Headshots and Tank on its back
- Firebug perk can withstand flame attacks
- Significantly weak against rifles, sub-machine guns, and explosives
10. E.D.A.R (Elite Defense & Assault Robot)
The E.D.A.R. is an uncommon type zed in Killing Floor 2 with an assortment of arsenals that will surprise players. The E.D.A.R. is a medium level monster that is a robotic game changer and comes in three variant models. These models can really pack a punch in player survival and here is how to make sure they are dismissed.
Enemy Abilities:
- *Blasters
- Trappers immobilize players
- Bomber Explosion
- Melee Attack
- Chest Core Explosion
- Random movement speed
- Neutral to Ballistic guns
- Evasive skill
- Dodging
Best way to deal with them:
- *Avoid being hit by blasters
- *Vulnerable chest core
- Significantly vulnerable to microwave gun and explosives
- Weak against shotguns and fire
11. Quarter Pound
The Quarter Pound is a higher-level zed that possesses more strength and speed. The Quarter Pound is half of the Fleshpound and serves as a minion to the King Fleshpound. These big guys are quick on their feet and here is how to get rid of them.
Enemy Abilities:
- Deflection
- Melee Attack
- Fast Movement
- Reduced damage than normal Fleshpound
Best way to handle them:
- Headshots
- *Glowing plate on the chest is a weak area
- Weak to explosives, microwave weapons, EMP, ice, melee attacks, and snares
- *Quarter Pound does not protect the head
12. Scrake
The Scrake is a higher-level zed with some major anger issues and a large working chainsaw in Killing Floor 2. The Scrake is extremely dangerous and should not be dealt with alone in a co-op game. To defeat this monstrosity here is how to end its terror.
Enemy Abilities:
- *Sprints when health drops below 50%
- Deflection
- Slow Movement
- Durable
- Melee Attack
Best way to handle them:
- EMP stops Scrake from sprinting for a few seconds
- *Do not stand still when Scrake is sprinting. Shoot as you are running backward.
- Perks Effective against Scrake: Gunslinger, Sharpshooter, Demolitionist, Berserker, Commando, Medic, Support, Swat, and Firebug
13. Fleshpound
The Fleshpound is a higher-level zed that is considered an extreme danger in Killing Floor 2. The Fleshpound is a powerhouse in devastating melee attacks, especially with grinders attached to their hands. These giants are a pest and here is how to mow them down.
Enemy Abilities:
- Base health scaled to the number of players
- Melee Attack
- Random Sprinting
- Deflection
- *Rage Mode
Best way to handle them:
- *Outmaneuver as best you can
- *Don’t engage alone when in a group
- Headshots and glowing chest plate
- Significantly weak against explosives
- EMP halts sprinting, enrage, and rage for a few seconds
14. Rioter
The Rioter is a lesser enemy but differs from the Alpha Clot in Killing Floor 2. The Rioter is known for its ability to rally enemies and attack unsuspecting players. The Rioter can become a big deal if not too careful and here is how to handle them.
Enemy Abilities:
- *Rally surrounding zeds
- Armor plated
- Melee Attack
- Grab Attack
- Move Slowly
Best way to handle them:
- *Kill quickly
- All weapons except poisons and fire are effective
15. Elite Crawler
The Elite Crawler is a lesser creature in Killing Floor 2. The Elite Crawler is a variant creature with a last move to pull upon death. It is important to take them out and here is how.
Enemy Abilities:
- Jumping
- Melee Attack
- Fast movement
- *Poisonous gas after death
- Agile and Aggressive
- Dodge Gunfire
Best way to handle them:
- *Shoot from a distance
- Significantly weak to sub-machine guns
- Kill quickly
16. Gorefiend
The Gorefiend is a lesser enemy but has more durability than a Gorefast in Killing Floor 2. The Gorefiend has dark skin and wields 2 large swords on both arms. These elite warriors can be annoying, so here is how to handle them.
Enemy Abilities:
- Fast movement
- Spring when enraged and shot
- *Block Gunfire
- Melee Attack
Best way to deal with them:
- Keep at a distance
- *When Gorefiend blocks, aim for the neck
- Treat as threats of high priority
- Significantly weak to shotguns, EMP, fire, poisons, stuns, snares, and microwaves
17. Dr. Hans Volter
This is Hans Volter and he is one of the four bosses of Killing Floor 2. Hans Volter is a formidable boss with assault rifles, grenades, and a protective shield. This boss can be quite annoying, but here is how to handle him.
Enemy Abilities:
- Increased health according to the number of players
- Melee Attack
- *Gas Grenades
- *Explosive Grenades
- Smoke Grenades
- Range Attack: MKb42
- *Grab attack immobilizes and Steals health
- *Shield Ability and Health regeneration
- Walks when using riles
- Random Sprinting
- Unpredictable
Best way to deal with him:
- Headshots
- *Shoot his backpack core
- *During immobilization unload gunfire on Hans to destroy shield and knock him down. Once down unload on him with gunfire.
- *Stay clear of the gas and poison grenades, which will do significant damage
- *Unload gunfire upon the shield to prevent healing regeneration
- *Do not stay still, keep moving
18. Patriarch
The Patriarch is one of the four bosses in Killing Floor 2. Patriarch is a returning boss from Killing Floor that is fully upgraded with sneaky and effective attacks that will kill all players. This boss is one out of two the hardest to defeat and here is how to handle him.
Enemy Abilities:
- Increased health according to the number of players
- Bump Attack
- Melee Attack
- Minigun
- *Missile launcher
- Mortar
- *Tentacle Arm Grab
- *Cloaked Ability
- Health regeneration when disappeared
- Sprints when cloaked
- Unpredictable
- Deflection
- Knockback ability
Best way to handle him:
- *Visible to Commando Perk
- EMP prevents charge attack and cloak ability for a few seconds
- *Shoot the spores on his right arm and chest tentacle
- Each team member should have an HMTech-101 or Katana to heal and parry during the fight.
- Stay clear of missiles as best as you can
- Do not lose sight of him
- Neutrally affected by microwave weapons and ice
19. King Fleshpound
The Fleshpound is one of the bosses of Killing Floor 2 and means trouble for all players. The Fleshpound is a boss that isn’t to be taken lightly as his attacks are devastating to an entire team. This hulking rage monster is one of two the hardest to defeat and here is how to ensure your victory.
Enemy Abilities:
- Increased health according to the number of players
- *High resistance
- Melee Attacks
- *When HP drops below 50% it uses a chest core beam as a ranged attack
- Moves slowly, but in sight of a player it sprints
- Unpredictable
- Ground Pound
- Final ground pound explosion
- Knockback ability
- Should sprint when enraged
- Deflection
Best way to deal with him:
- *Unload all weapons on him
- Headshots
- *Shoot chest core
- Do not lose sight of him
- *Keep moving
- Do not separate from the group
20. Abomination
The Abomination is of one of the four bosses of Killing Floor 2 and truly stinks, both literally and figuratively. Abomination is not an easy boss and can a player’s downfall. It is not wise to underestimate this boss and here is how to handle him.
Enemy Abilities:
- Increased health according to the number of players
- *Gorge attack immobilizes player
- Melee Attack
- Spawns poop-looking monsters that explode on players at high or medium speed and inflicts poison damage
- Fart Attack
- Puke Mine
- Vomit
- Vomit poison
- Armored
- Deflection
- Unpredictable
Best way to deal with him:
- *As Gorge attack is being performed back away to avoid being sucked in
- Avoid the puke mines
- Shoot minions on site
- *Keep moving
- Headshots
- Sprints when enraged
- Take out the armor
- Neutral to bludgeoning, cutting, and microwave weapons