
Joshua hails from a lifetime of studying tropes within the art of story. Coupled with two degrees in music, a long history in teaching theater, and coding experience that stretches all the way back to Apple IIe computers, he has turned his attentions to analyzing and critiquing the modern game experience. Having studied under Warner Bros. Script Chair, J. Gilbert, Joshua has a keen sense for effective dramatic presentation within gameplay. Game genres he specializes in include Fantasy RPGs, Survival Horror, and an extensive degree of story-driven FPSs. He is known for "jumping rope" within these genres (a local term for completing a game with a 100% rating). Joshua has been a loyal Capcom and Squaresoft fan since their inception, and is adept at the maniacal platformer Mega Man--having completed every game ever made, thus far. Joshua loves to share his excitement for the ever-changing industry through the written word, preparing players to make wise decisions when purchasing games. He currently has a high-fantasy novel scheduled for publication next year.
JerichoWall's Rank: Total Noob
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The Witcher 3
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