
Kim Lane is a freelance writer based out of the south bay in Silicon Valley, California. She's as old as a Sega Genesis and has been played just about everything from Sonic to Resident Evil VII VR. She's Ghostwritten for fortune 500 companies and non-profits and you can find many articles floating around the internet under her byline.
When she's not writing, she loves to play games like Farcry, Fatal Frame, and her all-time favorite, the Resident Evil series. She's successfully beaten Resident Evil 4 over 10 times on every system, and, even more impressively, she's beaten every level on Mrs. Pac Man for the Genesis.
When she's not writing, she loves to play games like Farcry, Fatal Frame, and her all-time favorite, the Resident Evil series. She's successfully beaten Resident Evil 4 over 10 times on every system, and, even more impressively, she's beaten every level on Mrs. Pac Man for the Genesis.
Kinla's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Farcry 5
Top 3 Favorite Games