
Amanda Wilson is a dedicated gamer and writer.With over 10 years of creative writing and 20 years of gaming experience she is proving everyone wrong.
The ones who said "you can't make money playing games!" She enjoys replaying Skyrim on every platform. Its her favorite game in the world. Its her fault Todd Howard keeps re-releasing it. She isn't sorry. When she isn't shouting at dragons she is wondering the wasteland in Fallout 3 or 76. She loves writing about the small details of a game or the corky jokes a game dev slipped in. Her expertise ranges from most zombie games like Back 4 Blood, Black Ops, 7 Days to Die, even Plants Vs Zombies. She doesn't discriminate when it comes to a zombie game. She would tell you more about herself, but she is getting back on Fallout now.
The ones who said "you can't make money playing games!" She enjoys replaying Skyrim on every platform. Its her favorite game in the world. Its her fault Todd Howard keeps re-releasing it. She isn't sorry. When she isn't shouting at dragons she is wondering the wasteland in Fallout 3 or 76. She loves writing about the small details of a game or the corky jokes a game dev slipped in. Her expertise ranges from most zombie games like Back 4 Blood, Black Ops, 7 Days to Die, even Plants Vs Zombies. She doesn't discriminate when it comes to a zombie game. She would tell you more about herself, but she is getting back on Fallout now.
Lady_Shecone's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Fallout 76