5. Grognak's Axe
A low AP two-handed weapon is hard to come by. The Hack and Slash Legendary Perk makes this a great weapon for crowd-busting damage.
Item Stats
- Weight: 10
- Damage: 65 / 75 / 85+5% × Strength
- Level: 30, 40, 50
- Speed: Slow
- AP: 20
What Grognak's Axe excels in:
- Using less AP
4. All Rise (Best for crippling enemies)
All Rise has a heck of a mod called Heavy Rocket. It's already attached to this weapon. So, if you're a fan of the Sledgehammer, you should do the quest to get this weapon.
Item Stats
- Weight: 20
- Level: 30, 40, 50
- Damage: 65 / 75 / 85 +5% × Strength
- Speed: Slow
- AP: 45
What the All Rise excels in:
- Reduced weight
- Cripple damage
- Limb Damage
- Durability
3. Oathbreaker (Best for power attacks)
The Oathbreaker is a solid weapon with epic mods. It is a three-star legendary with the effects being Suppressors, Power Attack Damage, and Cavaliers. It's a good reason to actually complete the Brotherhood quest.
Item Stats
- Weight: 9
- Level: 30, 40, 50
- Damage: 62 / 72 / 82
- +5% × Strength
- Speed: Slow
- AP: 40
What the Oathbreaker excels in:
- Power attacks
- Decreased damage output from targets
2. War Drum (Best for staggering enemies)
This is a makeshift weapon that can aid in slowing down enemies by staggering. The attack is slow so finding one that increases swing speed is recommended. The weight reduction legendary effect would also be useful. There are no mods however so
Item Stats
- Weight: 20
- Level: 15, 25, 35, 45
- Damage: 48, 58, 68, 78
- +5% × Strength
- Speed: Slow
- AP: 45
What the War Drum excels in:
- It helps during the One Violent Night event as it fills the meter when attacking ghouls.
- Stagger
1. Sheepsquatch Staff (Best for being unique)
Use your enemies heads to kill more enemies? Check. This looks like something from a heavy metal album. It's a rare plan drop and if you can manage to get your hands on it you can do considerable damage by modding it.
Item Stats
- Weight: 12
- Level: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
- Damage: 35, 45, 55, 65, 75
- +5% × Strength
- Speed: Slow
- AP: 40
What Sheepsquatch Staff excels in:
- Energy damage with (Electrified Mod)
- Poison damage (poisoned mod)