
From Arizona, part time cowboy and full time game enthusiast, Liam Kivela is a passionately creative tabletop campaign writer, fantasy author and poet. A lover of all things gaming, with a particular obsession for Grand strategy and action-adventure games, Liam Kivela can commonly be found attempting to conquer the world in Total War: Warhammer 3 or getting lost in an overly ambitious monster hunt in The Witcher 3.
Writing about games and getting the chances to share his insights and passions has always been a major passion of his, and he dreams one day of finally finishing his Steam backlog, which is an unlikely event.
Writing about games and getting the chances to share his insights and passions has always been a major passion of his, and he dreams one day of finally finishing his Steam backlog, which is an unlikely event.
Liam Kivela's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Resident Evil 4, Doom Eternal, and StoneHearth
Top 3 Favorite Games