
Ever since Marissa was old enough to hold a controller or pencil, she was hooked. She has over 10 years of writing fantasy and non fiction stories and has submitted work to numerous contests. She’s receivied recognition for her ability to concey concise knowledge on whatever topic is presented. She has submitted articles for professional cartoon and video game studios. Marissa’s an expert on gaming consoles such as the Nintendo Wii and Wii Switch. Also she has gamed on PlayStation and Xbox. For years she’s played various Mario games, the Kirby series, and Animal Crossing. She aspires to be a cartoonist and is creating her own cartoons and games. Her passion is cartoon, and game creation and loves that she gets to write about games and cartoons she loves.
MarC's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Animal crossing, Mario rabbids, Kirby and the forgotten land