
Robin Baugh: Robin is a passionate gamer, geek and major nerd. She has been writing her entire life and wrote her first mystery in the 4th grade. It was a one-page wonder and she's pretty sure it would have won a Pulitzer. She’s been fortunate enough as a professional writer to attend the prestigious Iowa Writer's Program and is currently working on a mystery. She was a geek before it was cool and still remembers passing around Star Trek fan-zines. She is proud to say she went to all the early Star Trek conventions, before ComicCon became her one true love. But her true passion lies in exploring Middle-Earth and many of the wonderful world's brought to life in gaming. She loves to play first person shooters and is a Halo aficionado. Robin is a coffee lover, an armchair sailor, an author and an iPad artist. She has released an album which is a fusion of creativity and technology and brings that same focus to her gaming and her writing about all things gaming. She loves to bring to life the stories that keep her up way past her bedtime. You know, the ones that require coffee in the morning.
Mato's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
The Division 2