
His names Matt and he's a professional Halo geek who has an affinity for writing articles about gaming. He started getting into journalism in his sophomore year of high school and realized he had quite the knack for it. He took multiple speech and English courses to help him improve his skills and believe him when he says once you take you speech class, you throw away any experience you thought you had. He grew up in Sterling Heights, Michigan from a family of 7 people. His parents immigrated here from the Middle East and encouraged him to take his education seriously. He grew up on the Halo franchise and has played and beaten all of the games LASO (Legendary All Skulls On) and even read all the novels. He loves FPS games in general but he's hooked on Halo, Crysis, and Destiny. He loves to write articles about gaming because it gives him the opportunity to have a voice and make some real change in the industry. He feels that if you talk loud enough, someone will eventually hear you
MattHirmiz's Rank: Total Noob
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Currently Playing
Crysis 3
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