Halo hasn’t had a new installment into the series since Halo Wars 2 launched in early 2017. We also haven’t seen an installment into the main Halo storyline since Halo 5: Guardians launched in late 2015, leaving fans aching for a new release.
While Halo: Infinites’ release date is far from confirmed, based on previous Halo installments fans expect it to release late in 2020 - Halo 5, for example, debuted in 2013, yet it wasn’t released until late 2015. Despite the long wait many fans are expecting before their next adventure as the Master Chief, we can all salivate on some of the confirmed features in the upcoming game. Without further delay, here are the ten most exciting things coming into Halo: Infinite!
10. More Expansive Level Designs
One of the most hated things in Halo 5 was the lack of depth in all the maps and campaign missions.
Halo has always been known for its iconic missions and the ability to escape to the outskirts of the maps and explore. Unfortunately, in the installments after Halo: Reach players were limited by either death barriers or invisible walls into the confines of the intended maps.
These were likely added to help the game run better and prevent players from crashing their games. However, isn’t that one of the most fun things to do on games?
In one of their social streams, even 343 Developers were trying to crash the Halo 2 E3 Demo just for kicks. This is not a new feature to the Halo series by any means but were all excited to be able to explore parts of maps that were not originally intended to be found.
Halo Youtuber “GeneralKidd” finds a secret banshee hidden outside the mission “Nightfall” in Halo: Reach
A death barrier on the map “Coliseum” in Halo 5: Guardians. Also known as “The Frosty Jump.”
9. Classic Style Development Vidocs Are Making a Return
Something Halo has done for all of its major installments is to create vidocs describing the development process. These aren’t new, however, they’re always exciting to watch because it helps the fans develop a connection with the developers. It also reminds fans how much the developers care about the game and just how much work goes into development.
Halo 3 classic style vidoc
8. The Debut of 343’s New Slipspace Engine
One of the drawbacks developers were having is that they were using the original Bungie engine created way back in Halo: Combat Evolved. While this engine gives Halo that iconic Halo feel, it limits how far they can push graphical capabilities and slows down the development process. The devs at 343 also mentioned that with this new engine, the old engine will not be completely scrapped. This is not a complete overhaul, it simply makes some changes to the original engine allowing the developers to create better quality content, faster.
The debut of 343 Industries “Slipspace” engine at E3 2018
7. Halo: Infinite Will Include Graphics Adjustments
Any major PC title includes the ability to adjust the graphics settings for the game to improve performance. These are extremely important, so our computers don’t melt while trying to run a game like Crysis on full spec.
With Infinite expecting a release on PC, these must be implemented. I know my most recent builds have been unable run Halo 5: Forge on full spec without some lag, it looks that freaking good. With these adjustable settings, the game can run butter smooth on any system.
Graphics adjusment settings from Halo 5: Forge
6. We Will be Rewarded For Reaching Max Rank 152 in Halo 5
If you guys are like me and played the hell out of all the Halo games, you were probably very disappointed to realize that Halo 5 didn’t include a reward for reaching Max Rank. Whether it be the Haunted helmet from Halo: Reach or the flaming helmet from Halo 3, this is a staple in the community and simply shouldn’t have been removed.
Flaming Helmet from Halo 3
The iconic Haunted Helmet from Halo: Reach
5. Playable Elites May Make a Return
In a recent 343 social stream, a fan asked if playable elites would be making a return in Halo: Infinite. Chris Lee, head of development for Halo: Infinite, read the question and simply dodged the question, replying with: “That’s outside the scope of what’s being discussed to today but we appreciate the fans perseverance.”
Let’s be honest, this isn’t a definitive yes or no answer, but its important to remember how vocal fans have been for playable elites to return. All the other things mentioned in this list were fan requested and it looks as though 343 is listening to our cries more than ever. In my mind this is as close to a confirmation as we’ll get, short of a verbal confirmation. Based on all this, it’s a pretty good bet to see this feature make its long-awaited return in Halo: Infinite.
Halo: Reach gave us the ability not only to play as elites, but to choose which elite class to play as.
4. Halo: Infinite Will Be Released on PC
I can’t even begin to describe how excited I am for this. Halo hasn’t had a major PC release since Halo 2 for Vista and this is long overdue. We don’t have much information in terms of specifics, all we know as of now is that there will definitely be a PC release for Infinite and it will likely be through the Microsoft store.
Halo 2 for Windows Vista was the last PC release from the Master Chief story arc. It was available on Games for Windows Live.
3. Halo: Reach Style Armor Customization Will Return
Halo: Reach is the gold standard of player expression in the Halo Franchise. It allowed us as players to customize each individual piece of armor, creating hundreds of different possibilities and combinations. This customization allowed players to remain as unique as possible, all while looking badass no matter what armor pieces you have on. Even something as simple as the emblem or what elite class you wanted gave us the ability to be ourselves and be unique in doing so. This one is a huge favorite of mine because it gives you absolute control of how you want to look.
Halo 5 and Halo: The Master Chief Collection simply gives you preset armors, and while there are hundreds to choose from, its not uncommon to have the exact same armor set as someone who just bought the game. This not only takes away the ability to stand out, but it discounts your hard work by making all armors available in the REQ system. This is an awesome step in the right direction.
343 dev “sketch” showing off his armor in the Halo: Reach armory
2. The Classic Art Style is Making a Return (Sort of)
Ever since 2012 when 343 Industries took over Halos’ development, they’ve put their stamp on Halo by upgrading the art style to a more modern look. Many fans took issues with this, myself included, stating that rather than completely changing the art style, 343 should simply upgrade the quality of the original art style.
Let me just say, from the small tidbits released so far, you will not be disappointed. I remember seeing the E3 presentation and jumped out of my seat when I saw the helmet Master Chief held.
Master Chief holding his new, classic-looking helmet during Halo: Infinites’ E3 presentation
This is what Halo fans are the most excited about in the upcoming Halo games. If you’re a die-hard like me, you likely remember all the parties you’d had split screening Halo games with your friends while binge-eating on pizza.
Or if you had siblings like I did, kicking your siblings butt in custom games or playing through the legendary Halo campaigns (we don’t discuss Halo 5 here). This is an amazing move by 343, and its even more impressive they didn’t just throw in 2-player split screen and went above and beyond by going right back to 4-player.
4 players enjoying split screen in a custom game on Halo: Reach
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