Chelsea has been in love with video games her whole life, she grew up around them and has played them since She was young. They have always been a way to enjoy life outside of the mundane, everyday lives that we all lead. The same can be said for fantasy books and movies as well. She is a complete Bioware Geek and is absolutely obsessed with Dragon Age and Mass Effect, especially the earlier games. They had such an impact on her that she went to college to learn how they were made, 4 years later she graduated with honors and received her BA for Web Game Development.

Chelsea loves trying out any and all RPG's, especially if the story is good and the character development is deep. She has also played a lot of Farming Sims, like Stardew Valley or the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons games, but again her love for these games is because there is a feeling of roleplaying allotted to her, if she so chooses it. She has played and experienced a lot of different genres of games but RPG's have a special place in her heart.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
FFXIV, Baldur's Gate 3, Stardew Valley, Don't Starve, Overwatch 2