There are some games out there that no matter how much time passes they are still worth playing. Dragon Age: Origins is one of those games. This game had it all when it first came out, the story, the character development, even the graphics at the time were beautiful.
To be fair, the graphics have fallen a bit short over the years but time has done nothing to take away from the story and the characters. If you find yourself still playing this game, like I do, then finding the best equipment for your party is a must. The next time you decide to head out for an adventure in Ferelden and battle the Darkspawn you should keep an eye out for these armor sets.
Before deciding which armor is the best one for you and which is best for other party members (Like Sten, let’s be honest, he’s the hardest to shop for with his size), there are a few things to keep in mind.
What class are you playing? Armor that is good for a rogue won’t be good for a fighter or a mage.
How much strength can your character carry? If you don’t have the strength then you can’t wear the armor
Is fatigue from the armor going to be an issue? A character who gets fatigued will have to spend more stamina/mana on their talents/spells.
Lastly, do you want to add a bit of story/roleplay into your armor set? I will explain this one more later on.
A beautiful armor set that looks like it came out of a fairytale.
5. Juggernaut Armor Set
Let’s start off talking about the Juggernaut Armor Set, this is a good set for resistances and you have to admit it looks great. In order to complete this set you need to get the boots, armor, gloves and helm. Now we need to look at the fatigue and strength, to get an idea of what classes can wear this armor. The required strength that your character must have in order to wear this armor is 38, that’s not too terrible. The fatigue percentage is 37.50%, again not terrible. You could wear this armor with a rogue if you had the strength or you could give this to a warrior, which is what I would normally recommend. Once you complete this set you will gain a +3 to your strength and constitution while you are wearing the complete armor. It’s important to note that if you are missing even one piece you will lose the set bonus. This is something to keep in mind with any armor set bonus as well.
The other bonuses you get with this armor set are: 20% resistance to fire, electric, spirit, cold, and nature, +1 armor and +10 mental resistance. This is a good armor set overall, and isn’t too difficult to find. You will have the ability to acquire this armor once you make it to the Brecilian Forest and pick up the side quest ‘The Mage's Treasure’. This Armor set is great for:
Juggernaut Armor Set Stats
Material: Silverite - Tier 6
Armor: 27.31
Fatigue: 37.50%
+20% spirit resistance
+20% nature resistance
+20% electricity resistance
+20% cold resistance
+20% fire resistance
+1 armor
+10 mental resistance
Set Buff: +3 strength
Set Buff: +3 constitution
A decent armor set and it looks great as well.
4. Diligence Armor Set
Now we come to the Diligence armor set, this is a great set of armor for a tank looking to increase his willpower and not wanting to slow themselves down with the fatigue that other heavy armors tend to have. I would recommend this armor set for a warrior class, especially one that uses a lot of stamina, personally I like to use it with my Templar subclass since it really helps with willpower. The required strength for this armor is 34 and the fatigue it gives is 22.5%. These aren’t bad at all for what is considered still a heavy armor, plus once the entire set is complete you get some nice stat bonuses. You end up picking up pieces for this set throughout the game, so it’s hard to narrow it down exactly where to find it. In order to complete the set you need the boots, armor and gloves.
This Armor set is great for:
Diligence Armor Set Stats
Material: Silverite - Tier 6
Armor: 18.03
Fatigue: 22.5%
+0.5/+1 health regeneration in combat
+8 armor
+6 defense
Set Buff: +5 willpower
If you want to look like the baddest person on the battlefield, then this armor is for you.
3. Legion of the Dead Armor Set
The next armor set I want to talk about is the Legion of the Dead, this is honestly one of my favorite looking sets, along with the Juggernaut. But whereas the Juggernaut has a knight in shining armor look to it, this has a darker, more brutish look that I also love. For roleplay purposes I do usually put Oghren in this armor set. You don’t have to do that by any means, you can wear it for yourself or give it to another warrior. You will need to have at least 42 strength to wear this armor, most warriors will be able to wear this easily but you’re not likely to give this to a rogue. The fatigue on this particular set is 35.10%, which is less than what I would expect for an armor that requires such high strength. The set bonus you get from Legion of the Dead is +3 Damage and +3 Constitution. In order to complete this set you will need to acquire the boots, armor and gloves. All of these pieces are found in the Dark Trenches, there is also a helm that can be found in the Dark Trenches, but you don’t need this for the armor set statuses (although you will need the entire set, including the helm if you are trying to do the quest ‘The Gangue Shade’). Another quick note, if you spare Ruck while you’re in Ortan Thaig there will be the option of buying the Shield of the Legion from him.
This Armor set is great for:
Legion of the Dead Armor Set Stats
Material: Dragonbone - Tier 7
Armor: 28.76
Fatigue: 35.10%
+3 willpower
+4 attack
Set Buff: +3 damage
Set Buff: +3 constitution
One of the best sets in the game.
2. Warden Commander Armor Set
Number two on our list is the Warden Commander armor set, this is a huge set. It’s also one of the best sets in the game, it looks really nice and sleek but it also gives great stats. The interesting thing about this set is that it adapts to your Grey Warden’s level. It starts off as a Tier 4 - Veridium and goes all the way up to its final level of Tier 7 - Dragonbone. Another really great thing about this set is that it can be used late game for your warrior, your rogue or even a mage who specializes in Arcane Warrior. Due to the bonuses the armor gives, you get extra stamina and stamina regeneration which is great for any class that uses their abilities like crazy. This armor has a minimum strength of 42, with a fatigue percentage of 28.35%. However, don’t let that deter you, with the full set on you end up getting a couple of nice bonuses, one of them being -12% fatigue, so really the fatigue will end up being only 16.35%. The full set of the Warden Commander armor consists of boots, gloves and chestpiece. The only downside about this armor is that you can only get it from the DLC Warden’s Keep. You will acquire it from Sophia Dryden in the quest Soldier’s Peak.
This Armor set is great for:
Warden Commander Armor Set Stats Material:
Varies - Tier 2-7
Armor: 13.80
Fatigue: 28.35% (16.35% with full set on)
+1 armor
+0.5/+1 stamina regeneration in combat
+15% critical/backstab damage
+10 physical resistance
+50 stamina
+10% fire resistance
Set Buff: -12% fatigu
Set Buff: +2 constitution
The best set in game, both state wise and appearance.
1. Cailan’s Armor Set
Now we get to our number one armor pick of the game, Cailan’s armor is by far my favorite armor in the game. Not just because it is absolutely gorgeous (I mentioned I liked the Juggernaut armor and this is similar appearance wise but it’s gold instead of silver) but because it is an absolute beast of an armor set. Now, I mentioned earlier in this article that roleplay may come into choosing who wears what armor. I kind of touched on that a little when I mentioned that the Legion of the Dead armor I put on Oghren but I will definitely recommend that you give Alistair this armor set. Afterall, Cailan’s armor is kind of meant for him, and everyone knows if you don’t give it to Alistair you are obviously an Orlesian lover and just hate Ferelden. I’m just kidding, but in all honesty this armor set is amazing on Alistair or any tank for that matter. You will need a minimum of 36 strength for this armor set, and the fatigue percentage is 39.00%. The strength isn’t too bad, and the fatigue seems high but is lowered with the set bonus, so it’s well worth it. Similar to the Warden Commander armor, the lower level pieces of this armor can be upgraded by selling them to a merchant and then reloading before purchasing them back. However, the armor may not upgrade if you haven’t hit the appropriate level needed.
This armor is only available through the DLC Return to Ostagar, and you will find all the pieces on Darkspawn. The entire set consists of greaves, gloves, breastplate and helmet, and you must wear all of the pieces to get the armor set bonuses of -25% fatigue and +5 health regen in combat.
This Armor set is great for:
Cailan’s Armor Set Stats
Material: Varies - Tier 5-7
Armor: 23.40
Fatigue: 39.00% (14.00% with full set on)
+4 armor
+10 mental resistance
+15% critical/backstab damage
+15 physical resistance
20% chance to dodge attacks
Set Buff: -25% fatigue
Set Buff: +5 health regeneration in combat
Each of these armor sets has its own unique bonus stat, and each one is useful in different situations and certain classes (most of the ones I mentioned here are best with warriors). However, the beauty of Dragon Age: Origins is the freedom you get as the player, and how you can choose what you or your party can equip. I hope this list of armor sets will help you in your quests in Ferelden, as well as helping to keep yourself and your companions well prepared.
Secretly a white mage at heart, Chelsea keeps her skill set under lock and key. With such a gift for the arcane, is it any wonder she has an affinity for video games, especially RPG's?
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