
Layla is a university student furthering her studies abroad. She enjoys clouds and learning about different countries and their cultures. Her expertise in creative writing focused on short stories comes from her love of reading books and watching movies as a child. She often referenced her dreams as her source of inspiration for her stories. Winning a short story competition in 2016 lead her to consider writing as a profession. She wrote for a blog for over a year, writing about her ventures into learning about different forms of handicrafts. Having a gamer for a dad she was introduced to the gaming world at a young age by watching him play Halo and Call of Duty on his console. Starting out by playing PC and console games aimed at children, she gradually moved to play what would become one of her favorite game genres, FPS. Playing the Call of Duty series campaign and multiplayer modes was the highlight of her playtime. Growing up as the only girl in a family of boys while living in a foreign country, she looked to games for a representation of girls that looked like her but didn’t find many sources within the gaming community. She looked into finding groups specifically for girls and women, discovering that even among professional gamers, they were a niche group. She is an expert in writing about the costume design process of games as it is a major topic of interest. Ever a creative and savvy thinker, she makes sure to be factual while keeping her writing engaging.
PrncsJungle's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
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Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Stardew Valley