Call of Duty

Call of Duty
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Call of Duty (2005)

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In the bloodiest conflict known to man, three soldiers fight for their countries against the Nazi War Machine. Private Joe Martin, an American paratrooper, drops in on D-Day to secure the Allied beachfront. Sergeant Jack Evans, part of a British Airborne division goes behind enemy lines, and finally, Corporal Alexei Voronin fights of the Battle of Stalingrad to drive out the Nazi invaders.

With stunning graphics and realistic sound effects, Call of Duty throws users into the very midst of the second World War, from the snow-covered killing fields of the Soviet Union to the bloodied waters of France.

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50beowolf's picture

50beowolf 4 years 5 months ago

This is where it started for me. Activision did a great job!

DatBoiCellist's picture

DatBoiCellist 5 years 10 months ago

The game that started it all. If you want a proper introduction into the series you better start off at the first. Playing them in order will show you how slowly the series started to go down hill.

erekerendo's picture

erekerendo 7 years 10 months ago

If you want a mindless Rambo like shooter giving little incentive for team-play or strategy, then this is the game for you.

nikawalter's picture

nikawalter 9 years 1 month ago

The first of the war saga that I've played years ago.My generation is happy to live without war, but Call of Duty is showing the price that was paid by someone like Joe Martin for our peace. The realistic graphic recalls the atmosphere of 1941-1945 years, so Call of Duty is not the game for fun, but a game to remember...

Neo1988's picture

Neo1988 9 years 2 months ago

WW2 and Call of Duty. Ah... great memories. Call of Duty was ( along with Medal of Honor ) one of the first good games that brought WW2 to our PC monitors. I remember playing it- the tension while crawling through the bushes, while being careful not to get shot by German MG42, phrases like ''squad, base of fire, disposition'' and the fact that you play from France to Berlin with three different men ( US, Soviet and British ) gives this game it's deserved place among the legends of WW2 gaming.

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