
Vlad is a dedicated gamer, young, yet experienced both in gaming and in writing. After all, he has been going to writing contests ever since he has learned how to write. He discovered League of Legends when he was in his first year of high school, at first just so he can have one more common thing to discuss with his friends, but shortly after Vlad fell totally in love with the game. He tries to play every day, striving to become better and better. Season 10 is looking promising.
Being a writer for this site proved to be the ideal opportunity for him to publish expert, yet creative articles on his favorite topics.
Being a writer for this site proved to be the ideal opportunity for him to publish expert, yet creative articles on his favorite topics.
RasAlGhul28's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
League of Legends
Top 3 Favorite Games