Top 5 LoL Best Senna Builds

Top 5 Senna Builds
20 Jan 2020

Top 5 Builds for Senna

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Senna, the Redeemer is one of the strongest champions in League of Legends. Originally a support champion, she can be also played on top, mid and as an ADC. She has everything: lots of damage from passive, heal on Q, root on W, camouflage for all teammates nearby on E and a global ult which has huge damage, travels very fast and grants allies a shield. Even as a support champion, you can easily carry with Senna. She is one of my favorite champs at the moment, and for good reason.

Build 1-The classic support build

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Very good for healing and shielding allies, disabling wards and traps and also gives senna some additional damage and lethality. This build is good for a more passive Senna player.

Item build (cost-10 800 gold)

Starting items:

  • Spectral Sickle
  • x2 Health Potion

Early build:

  • Serrated Dirk→ Boots of Speed→ Duskblade of Draktharr
  • Boots of Swiftness.

Core build:

  • Black Mist Scythe
  • Athene's Unholy Grail
  • Umbral Glaive (passive reveals wards and traps and grants 1-shot on them)
  • Redemption

Alternative items:

  • Ardent Censer 
  • Mikael's Crucible

Ability order:

early: Q-W-E-Q

late: max Q

        max W

        max R

        max E


SORCERY - Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, Gathering Storm

RESOLVE - Bone Plating, Revitalize


+1-10% CDR 

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+15-90 HP 

Build 2-Another support build: freeze them all

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It heavily relies on Glacial Augment rune and on the active ability of the items. The big slows compensate for Senna’s immobility and can turn the tide of a team fight on your team’s favor. However, you sacrifice damage on auto-attacks.

Item build (cost-11 400 gold)

Starting items:

  • Spectral Sickle
  • x2 Health Potion

Early build:

  • Chalice of Harmony→ Fiendish Codex→ Athene's Unholy Grail
  • Boots of speed→ Berserker's Greaves

Core build:

  • Black Mist Scythe
  • Twin Shadows
  • Hextech GLP-800
  • Runaan's Hurricane

Alternative items:

  • Ardent Censer 
  • Mikael's Crucible
  • Runaan's Hurricane
  • Mortal Reminder
  • Guardian Angel

Ability order:

early: Q-W-E-Q

late: max Q

        max W

        max R

        max E


INSPIRATION - Glacial Augment, Magical Footwear, Biscuit Delivery, Approach Velocity

RESOLVE - Font of Life, Revitalize


+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+6 Armor

Build 3-ADC 

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A lot of damage and lethality make an ADC Senna an unstoppable force. 1-shotting squishy champions, as well as melting tanks

Item build (cost-16 600 gold)

Starting items:

  • Doran’s Blade
  • x1 Health Potion

Early build:

  • Serrated Dirk→ Boots of Speed→ Youmuu's Ghostblade (active grants movement speed increase)
  • Boots of speed→ Berserker's Greaves

Core build:

  • Duskblade of Draktharr (bonus damage after being unseen-works well with her E)
  • Infinity Edge
  • Bloodthirster
  • Lord Dominik's Regards

Alternative items:

  • Rapid Firecannon
  • Sanguine Blade
  • Umbral Glaive

Ability order:

early: Q-W-E-Q

late: max Q

        max W

        max R

        max E


PRECISION - Fleet Footwork, Overheal, Legend: Bloodline, Coup de Grace

DOMINATION - Eyeball Collection, Ultimate Hunter


+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+6 Armor

Build 4-Senna as a midlaner

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Manamune is the key item here. It allows Senna to have a huge lane sustain: large mana pool and heal from Q. It is important to rush Tear of the Goddess since Senna has a small initial mana pool and big mana costs on abilities. 

Item build (cost-15 700 gold)

Starting items:

  • Doran’s Blade
  • x1 Health Potion

Early build:

  • Tear of the Goddess→ Pickaxe→ Manamune
  • Boots of Speed→ Berserker's Greaves

Core build:

  • Rapid Firecannon
  • Infinity Edge
  • Blade of the Ruined King
  • Duskblade of Draktharr

Alternative items:

  • Youmuu's Ghostblade
  • Sanguine Blade
  • Bloodthirster

Ability order:

early: Q-W-E-Q

late: max Q

        max W

        max R

        max E


DOMINATION - Dark Harvest, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection, Ravenous Hunter

SORCERY - Celerity, Gathering Storm


+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+6 Armor

Build 5-Top Senna+Dark Harvest

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Lethality and armor penetration against top laners is the safest option. Additionally, the Dark harvest rune goes well with Senna’s ult by making sure that she finishes off her enemy.

Item build (cost-15 700 gold)

Starting items:

  • Doran’s Blade
  • x1 Health Potion

Early build:

  • Tear of the Goddess→ Pickaxe→ Manamune
  • Boots of Speed→ Berserker's Greaves

Core build:

  • Duskblade of Draktharr
  • Sanguine Blade
  • Lord Dominik's Regards
  • Infinity Edge

Alternative items:

  • Bloodthirster
  • Umbral Glaive
  • Youmuu's Ghostblade

Ability order:

early: Q-W-E-Q

late: max Q

        max W

        max R

        max E


DOMINATION - Dark Harvest, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection, Ravenous Hunter

PRECISION- Triumph, Coup de Grace


+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+6 Armor

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