
Shawn grew up on his neighbor's Nintendo, tabletop role playing games, and music. Ever since then, he knew that the art of creation had him hooked (an added bonus was escaping from a boring suburban life). From RPG, he progressed to a myriad of interests, from computer gaming (and after Trent Reznor did the Quake soundtrack, to electronic music composition), to story writing, historical studies, comics, and whatever outlet was quick at hand. Shawn's written one science fiction novel, a short story collection, and a travel guide on Prague, and is currently finishing up a magical realism historical fiction on the Caucasus during World War II. He currently prefers city-building games, any simulation, and turn-based and RTS games, especially when there's a historical/fantasy element to them. Fun fact: having lived in Prague for a while, he knows half the actors for Kingdom Come.
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